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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Great tip, TF ! The little buggers seem to get worse each year here. Rare is the time when you spend the day afield, and don't find one of the crawlies on ya. Sawyers, seems to work pretty good! But nothing is 100%. Always do a check and a shower after getting home.
  2. They're doing a fine job of screwing things up on their own.
  3. I can definitely see this side too, and it makes perfect sense to me. As you and I have common hunting goals. I can honestly say, that I've jumped on and off the fence a time or two during this discussion too. Mixed in with the absurd, there have been some very good points made, from totally different perspectives.
  4. Yes sir Belo, I agree with you. No one should be ostracized for legally shooting any deer of their "choosing". And it should not matter if the choice is a three inch spike or a one fifty inch ten point. The real point is that everyone should have that choice. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. And if for any reason someone is not happy about what they have shot, perhaps they need to step up their game. But it should never be forced on anyone to do so.
  5. I think some turkey's in your area, should be putting their affairs in order!
  6. I got it too. Along with a big chuckle! Go Luna! Tom, hoping you and Luna have another safe and spectacular tracking season! You two are an awesome team!
  7. In the early 70's when some older farmers, took me under their wing and got me started in hunting. One of the older guy's had a sister that hunted. They all said she was the luckiest person in the woods, because she always shot a deer! Of course all those old guy's would never admit she was a better hunter. But I think she was! And a crack shot too! Every season, I pass by one of her favorite spots on the corner of a field stone fence. Take my hat off and send her a little "hello'. And ask for a little bit of her "luck".
  8. Weather man saying mid 70s by this time next week. We'll see!
  9. We got two of them. One over looks an overgrown buckthorn field, the other over looks the high grassy, tail end of a swamp. Like the others said, you want some back cover and blind material to break up your outline. But very comfortable to sit and shoot out of. You got a great deal on that 15 footer by the way! One other thing. We always pound in anchor stakes, just to be safe!
  10. Just like last year. With all the political posturing going on, right now. It most likely will not even be brought up on the floor for a vote. Bunch of worthless bastids in Albany!
  11. Right On! Why is this so hard to understand? Plenty of older bucks out there now. You don't need more legislation to hunt em! Just do it!!!.............................If that is what you want. No one ever said killing mature bucks was supposed to be easy!!
  12. grampy


    For trout, I always try to use the smallest hook and lure I can get away with. For the small stream trout fishing I like to do. I'll use a Panther Martin in size, #00, #0 and #1. Usually in one eighth ounce. For bigger water and trout increase the size and weight.
  13. I guess that would make my wife a poacher too. And she has never hunted a day in her life. And I myself have been a poacher four different times. Twice with the same truck! In the spirit of give and take, the OBR does make the most sense to me. As you still have a choice, to shoot whatever buck you want. I'd support the OBR before AR. If anything, 34 pages has brought up some good points to ponder.
  14. LMAO! Nice shootin Bud! I've always tried to make up games to keep it fun shooting alone. Now, since I've been out of action for awhile, I've been giving my grandson little incentives, while I watch him shoot. He's taken more than a few dollar bills from me lately! .........smile.........
  15. That's really cool! With every new post it just keeps getting better! Really neat hobby that takes much more skill and talent than I possess. Cavemen did better drawings than I do.
  16. It will have no bearing, either way, on how I hunt now. As I "CHOOSE" to not kill small bucks. But I do agree with you. As I only see this being driven, by the need of some hunters to hold a larger set of antlers in their hands. With no consideration whatsoever, of the hunter, who just wants to hunt a deer. What comes next? Pass a law that every hunter MUST hunt with a 30-06, because it's the BEST all around deer cartridge? Sounds crazy right? Well so does this legislation thats trying to be cramed down our throats. We all buy our tags. Let us all have a choice of what we want to shoot, based on experience, time available to hunt, access to private or state land. Or the hunter who just wants some meat for the freezer. There are plenty of two year old, and older deer out there, in just about every corner of this state. Go hunt them!!! You don't need new legislation to do so!
  17. Congratulations! Nice birds and hogs! Looks like you had a great trip!!!
  18. With all the things I pull around, I got balls too! But you my friend, have balls to the wall!
  19. Congratulations on the new guy to the family! Gotta love those smiles! You're a very lucky man.
  20. Paparazzi is gonna be pissed now! And so much for my JVG autograph! ..........'smile'..........
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