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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Still not seeing many here yet. Saw a few last fall so hoping to get my grandson and buddies daughter out for the youth season. I may have to call in a favor to a friend, who has better turkey numbers on their farm in Greene county.
  2. A long overdue, Welcome Home! And thank you for your service! And through these words, a hardy handshake is included.
  3. It is a Postal Money order and you would think any post office would be able to cash it for you at any time. I know in the past, I've cashed them at the bank, where I do business with no problem. The whole idea of using a Postal Money order is to make it convenient for the casher to be able to cash it in multiple places? Even big box and grocery stores should be able to cash them as they are supposed to be as good as cash. But maybe I'm mistaken? Is there an easier way to send money now days? As I'm still living in the past it seems..........lol
  4. Awesome song. It touched my heart. May God bless and hold close, all who have given the ultimate sacrifice for us. And may he watch over all in uniform, who are keeping us safe tonight.
  5. So, I will respectfully ask. Are you advocating a forced change, through legislation, that will force your neighbors to conform to "your" way of managing the deer herd, on their property? And as previously confirmed, our properties are different. So will I be forced through legislation, to change what may be working for me? So that you can have better bucks on your property? Is either one of our properties more worthy, as to have someone else force their idea, of what constitutes, a quality hunting experience, on the other?
  6. I do respect your opinion, and have listened to your side of the debate. But let me ask this. Is there any possible way, that either one of us, could scientifically give an accurate assessment on the quality of the deer herd, in the others hunting area? Of course not. But of course, we could look up harvest numbers for that WMU, county or town. But will that still be an accurate, scientific assessment of the quality of the deer herd on our respective properties? I don't think it is. No one knows it better than the ones who put their boots on the ground there. I primarily hunt two properties. One, about 500 acres, the other about 100 acres. They are about seven miles apart. After many years I can say that the deer activity and sightings are never the same on both properties. So I'd really like to know how someone sitting behind a desk, in Albany, or anywhere, can know what's best, scientifically, for the deer, here, or anywhere! We have educated ourselves, to do what we think is best for the deer in our properties. Although admittedly we are not scientists. And reassess every year. Between older and younger hunters, and guests hunting the properties, there is a balance of young and older bucks taken. With some doe. Seems the deer herd here is doing ok. Even on the heavily hunted state land that borders the larger property. There is a good mix of young and more mature deer. As hunters, are being educated, and "choose" to not shoot every small buck. So my opinion is to to continue to educate, not to legislate.
  7. And that, you are entitled to do. As hunting is many different things, to many different hunters.
  8. If a hunter has a tag in their pocket, and that's what he or she decides to do, they should have that choice. I've seen nothing written in this thread that convinced me, that saving yearling bucks improves the deer herd. I just don't buy it! Will it give the deer herd a few more racked bucks over time? Probably. But is it worth passing more legislation, so that a few can shoot a larger buck at the expense of the hunter that just wants to shoot a darned deer? I really don't think so.
  9. Just what we need, more regulations! I really don't need some politician, who has never hunted, telling me how I should hunt, and what to shoot!
  10. The Game warden's attempt at education, is like some of the posts, in the yearling buck protection thread!
  11. That looks like a Mohawk smallie to me. A nice one too! You fishing the Mohawk Masters this year? If time allows, I may fish a couple of them.
  12. Gun hunters, bow hunters, crossbow hunters, black powder hunters, handgun hunters, we're all in this together. We are all just hunters. United we stand, divided we fall.
  13. The pic's with the little guy, enjoying his time with dad, are even better than the awesome owl pic's! Being part native american, owls are my "spirit bird". And I absolutely love seeing and hearing them. Beautiful work!!
  14. If only we could see that in November!!!
  15. Whatever the costs incurred with hunting activities, it's well worth the peace of mind and enjoyment, that it brings to my soul.
  16. For replacement windows, we've always used Andersen. Never been sorry with the choice.
  17. Two pair of wool socks. And a toe warmer, seems to do the trick for me. Even in the coldest weather. Also buying boots big enough to accommodate the extra socks, without being too tight. Will have to get over to Wally World to stock up!
  18. grampy

    One down

    Truly a gift that will keep giving! Way to go dad.
  19. Some good advice right there! Thats exactly what I do with the youngsters.
  20. Since my trip to Orvis, a couple weeks ago, I've had the itch too. I like to small stream fish for natives. But with the recent snowfall, my first outing will most likely be on farm ponds. Or the north end of Thompsons lake, below, or across from the nature center, for browns or rainbows. By mid April, the conditions should improve considerably, for my small stream adventures.
  21. Happy Birthday sir! Hope your day is filled with nothing but the best! I hear the ladies at the retirement home, are planning a BIG birthday "surprise" for you.............'grin'...
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