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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. updownrubdick is actually quite entertaining! Kind of missed her/him/it, lately. Always brings a smile to my face when I see a lefty pitching a fit.
  2. The Democrats boycotting the inauguration, signs in peoples yards saying "not my president", worthless celebrities and clueless businesses turning their backs and putting their heads in the sand. All have me just shaking my head in disgust. Instead of trying to come together to better this country, they just create more division. It's this division that is putting the USA and the world on a slippery slope. In the past eight years, I have not agreed with Obama and his policies, but he was OUR president! I did not turn my back on him or my country! I did what I could, and "worked", in a small way to do something positive every day to better myself, my family and my community. The words of the late great Merle Haggert, "If You Don't Love It Leave It" ring as true now as ever before! Wake up! We are all in this together! No matter what political party you belong to. Or what color skin you have. Or what religion you may or may not adhere to. We need to all work together to, Make America Great Again!
  3. Always good to keep using what's under the top knot! What a great idea! Looks so rustic and cool! One of these would look great in my den/study with my other outdoor things. So I too, will "steal" your idea. Thanks for sharing wooly!
  4. I've been using single pin for quite a while now. HHA has been a good and durable sight for me.
  5. Looks beautiful there Biz! Cudo's for sticking out the fishing trip, bet dinner will be great. Enjoy the nice weather and vacation!
  6. Sounds cool to me! Have fun with it!
  7. Nice bow! I'm tempted to go "look" at one. My Mathews MQ-32 is 17 years old now. Is that the 5, 6, or 7 inch brace bow? Wishing you a fun and successful hunt! Look forward to hearing all about it!
  8. From everything I've read so far, he seems like a good hard working guy. And an avid hunter. Congratulations young man!
  9. Nice catch! What did you get em on?
  10. Sounds like you had a good charter captain and a great fishing trip! Once you get over the soreness in your arms, you will have a good fishing story. Just remember, the fish get bigger each time you tell it!
  11. I can honestly say, having one of these beautiful displays in my possession, that they are absolutely breath taking in workmanship! The detail, design and quality wood is outstanding. If anyone out there is looking to show off or display their hard earned turkey trophies, this is the way to do it! Once you have one of these in your hands, you will see for yourself! Believe me, you will not be disappointed!
  12. Dat a big bow'gate'a rat der!
  13. phade, do you have a cam related website? If so, could you post a link? I'd be very interested in checking it out, if you do! Thanks.
  14. That turkeyfeathers sure is a master of disguise!
  15. Happy to hear you were not hurt! Foot a little sore tonight? Any day out with the dogs is a good day! And cool finds!
  16. I wish I could help and answer this for ya. But it seems I suck at coyote hunting! Last year was our first at calling and we did ok but not great with five kills. This year we are 0 for 3 times out. Was out today and hunted six set ups on three properties. Saw a total of two but couldn't get them to come out of the thick stuff and commit, for a shot. Both were singles on different properties. And both seemed to come to a challenge bark/howl. Our best distress calls from e-calls and mouth calls have been ignored. I picked up a light, yesterday. And our next outing will be at night, hoping to change our luck. One thing for sure, if they are hunted, they are no pushover! We have yet to kill one from the same set up twice. So I too, will follow this thread for any tips and advice.
  17. Brings back memories! There was one kid down the road who had a bike like this. He was the envy of us all! Got to ride it a few times. It was hands down, the best wheelie bike I ever rode.
  18. I have a mental picture of you, being chased around the neighborhood, by a pack of crazed beaglesl
  19. C'mon man, I may be an A-hole to trespassers. But I would never insinuate SHOOTING someone!!! Let's be real here. Besides, "you" can always sic "Jesus" on em.
  20. Part of our farm property borders state land. There is no place on the property line where you can not see a posted sign. We don't have near the trespassing problems now, than we did years ago. First thing we did was to become the biggest pricks in the area!! If we heard a shot or found someone trespassing, we would harass the hell out of them in no uncertain terms. Second thing we did was to allow some law enforcement guys to hunt the property. In return for the hunting rights they were to write a citation to anyone caught trespassing! Word got out quickly. And now we have nowhere near the trespassing problem we used to have. But we are still the biggest A-holes you would ever meet up with if we catch you trespassing! And still have a couple LEO's hunting with their citation books! Most times the citations are dropped or a small fine is payed. But the harassment and or court appearance deters most from coming back. Just not worth it. I consider myself as an easy going friendly guy. Until I catch you trespassing on my land! Nothing personal, it's just the way it has to be! And it works!
  21. X-2 ! It's been on my mind since last season. Sure would be nice to have one for this season!
  22. Thanks for the 2017 trail cam preview phade! We are lucky to have you here to answer all our trail cam questions and get sound advice. And I appreciate the no BS, good and bad info on the cams as well. I know, for myself and many others here, you are "the" go to guy, for trail cam advice and purchases. Again, Thank You!
  23. Very nice choice! And the LL Bean return policy is second to none, if any issue should come up. I have never regretted a purchase from there. Quality, fit and finish has been great with all LL Bean outdoor garments I've purchased over the years.
  24. The most important thing is that everyone is going to be OK. The rest of the stuff, although a real pain in the butt, can be worked out, after you both are feeling a little better. It could have turned out much worse, and you are very fortunate. For now, count your blessings. Then, a good lawyer may be your next best option.
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