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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by grampy

  1. Bill is a pretty cool guy, isn't he? Nice crossbow ya got there! Have fun!
  2. He is certainly entitled to his own opinion, as we all are. Probably would have been much better for him here, if he had just stuck to the hunting and shooting topics. And not so much the political ones. As he did have some intelligent and resourceful posts, about hunting and shooting, along with getting youths involved. I never had a problem with SplitearLeland/Revenant. But I can overlook most things I don't agree with, as long as it's not being shoved on me. He never tried to force his political views on me, that I can recall. It's just that very few, from the majority of a hunting site. Are going to agree with any left leaning views in general. And are willing to voice their own opinions. And rightfully so. Perhaps he'll come back again? Perhaps not?
  3. I don't really need another one but.......................hmmmmmm??
  4. Probably so. I have a big reservoir just down the road a little bit. And they are likely resident geese. But have been seeing 10 to 20 at a time flying overhead recently. Perhaps getting the young ones stronger for when they do head south? I never developed a taste for goose. So never really hunted them. Hence, I don't know a lot about them.
  5. Picking Kamala Harris, was the best thing Sleepy Joe could have done for the Trump campaign! She leans WAY to the left, and is absolutely no moderate. Folks on the fence, won't want to go the Socialist route.
  6. So sad that a true monarch like that met his end by being hit by a vehicle, and not by a hunter. Hope you find more info on this. I can tell you it was NOT from our property in the hills of Albany county!! We haven't seen a buck like that ever!!
  7. Would I be allowed in with a doctors note???? And I do agree, youngsters should learn the bow first! You academy guy's got it going on! WTG!
  8. Lots and lots of geese flying over the house lately. Seems early? But probably not.
  9. I have to get one of these!! Thanks for the tip!
  10. Good luck Rattler. Take care, and all the best to ya.
  11. Hope it all holds together? We will see?
  12. After we retire, and the grandsons are off to college or working. We have been thinking of selling out, to go to western NC, up in the mountains. Spent a lot of time there in my younger days. Hunting and fishing is superb, and there is green grass in March. Along with a little snow even, during the winter. And not too hot during summer, like it is along the coast. Low taxes. No stupid gun laws in NC. Though I will miss the beauty of NY, and some great friends.
  13. Wow! I'd say that area has "good potential"................
  14. I used 100gr Thunderheads for years, and never had a problem. When I picked up a new to me bow last year, I was trying out some different heads and went with the 100gr Muzzy four blade, because they shot so well from this new bow.
  15. Takes a licking and keeps on ticking!
  16. Oh boy! Beauty of a buck! What a way to raise the anticipation factor a couple more notches!!! Hoping to see you in a few pictures with him this fall! Good luck my friend!
  17. Thanks Dan. You being the resident expert on big hairy things, that smell funny. I knew you would get to the bottom of this!
  18. Instead of sending my hard earned money to the NRA. I have been sending donations to National and Local, Republican and Conservative parties and candidates, that support my rights and beliefs. As I said in a prior post, I am a life member in the NRA and heartbroken over the way WLP and his cronies have run the organisation into the ground. Also, it is no surprise at all that the Dimocrates are stirring all this up in an election year. Standard Operating Procedure, in politics now days. I encourage everyone, to lend their support, as much as possible, to a party or candidate this year that supports what they believe. Since the NRA no longer believes in us. We are just marks to them at this point.
  19. I agree with you Larry. We do need the numbers that the NRA can generate as far as lobbying for our gun rights. And without question, people like you and I, need that representation now more than ever, in todays political quagmire. There is nothing wrong with the NRA itself. But it is now being run by crooks, and people who want us to send them more money to enrich themselves, not fight for our rights. Over just the last two years, the NRA lost sixty four million dollars. Doesn't sound like much in today's corporate atmosphere. But you can't get the mission done with no money! It's time for the NRA to stop the bleeding, and rebuild from the ground up. Get rid of all the riff raff at the top like WLP, who only look at the NRA as a self enrichment program. I would again, fully support the NRA tomorrow, if it would go back to the principles of the past, that made it so great. And I really hope it does, sooner, rather than later. We need a strong NRA now, more than ever. It just has to clean house before that can happen.
  20. The reason NRA has no teeth to bite with is because WLP, and a few of his cronies bled the NRA of it's life's blood.....$$$ While doing little to advance gun rights agendas anywhere. Including a more vigorous fight right here in NYS against the Safe Act! It is all very well documented. I too am a life member of NRA. Have been a member since 1979. But I will not contribute one more penny to WLP and his BS! Gut the upper levels of the NRA and bring it back to what it once was. The chief benefactor for upholding the 2nd amendment, gun rights and firearms education in the country. Not an exclusive sportsmans club for the rich and spoiled .
  21. They just don't make em like this anymore. Absolutely cool old stove! I remember my grampy cooking up breakfast and dinner on one of these, up at camp when I was a pup. This model even predates me by ten years....lol Hope you get many years of use, and memories out of it. Oh......nothing beats the smell of the white colman gas. I would stick to that.
  22. Yes! You certainly have!!! And they are beautifully done may I add. I'm hoping one of these years, you get a capital region buck in there..... I'll try harder! Or maybe get lucky?
  23. First shot since winter. First shot at new target. 30 yards. Group of six. Needs improvement, but I'll take it with my rickitty old shoulders and elbow. Will be good to go come October. I do love this bow. I seem to do well with moog's hand me downs......
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