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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Grizz1219

  1. Liberalism has destroyed or civilization, they want all these rules because they don't want to admit their lifestyle is a failure to all, not just their family, but their lifestyle effects EVERYONE around them... Everyone gets a trophy, competition is bad for kids, don't spank your kids, parent your kids with a TV/computer, don't yell at your kids, reason with them... You raise kids that can't cope when you do this... and they lash out at society when things aren't like they think it should be... They don't care about laws at that point, they want others to feel their pain and don't know how to work through it because mommy and daddy did everything for them...
  2. Rustenberg, 2 hours NW of Joberg. First time I hunted was in 2012, shot impala, Gemsbok, blesbuck, springbuck and zebra.... second time was in 2014, I shot Blue & Black wildebeest, ostrich and kudu.. wife shot Red Hartebeest and impala... I have a few barrels for that rifle.. love it... 25-06, 30-06, 338 WM and 50 cal BP...
  3. Nope.. slight quartering away, took him through the lungs, took out the left shoulder... but yeah, seen video of a frontal shot... TRUE!! LOL Took the 338 barrel because I had hunted the first time with the 30-06 barrel, took the 338 to Newfie for a bull moose and figured "Where else can I use the 338 barrel"?.. LOL So it went to Africa with me..
  4. Thanks!!!! Thompson Center Pro Hunter... single shot.. Barrel on that hunt was a 338 win mag... This bull went down on his face at the shot... Stalked to 40 yards of him... PH said he never saw one go down like that... his head was under his chest if you can picture that...
  5. Never saw one with deep curls like that... Here's mine from 2014, 31.5"
  6. I can say I would hunt Africa every year if I could.. I've been twice... will go again... I did not use this outfit, but suggest guys that have thought about it to definitely go.. So worth it.. Great adventure and the cost is usually a lot more affordable than most think...
  7. I built an AR with a Stag upper, 24" heavy barrel... Still waiting to afford the glass to put on it to start shooting it...
  8. Anyone ask the NWTF biologist his thoughts on this??? Would be good to get his input on it.. Seeing they work with the state biologist and can help get things passed.. That's what we do here in Ma... it's a thought...
  9. Grizz1219


    I started the Keto diet last week... I'm down 16lbs... lost a lot of fluid that I had built up in my lower legs.. Was on prescription med to reduce that and it never really did it, this diet got rid of that quick!!! Adding in Intermittent fasting as well, not as hard as you think (16 hour fasts 2-3 days a week)... To be honest... I've always had "gut" issues.. always felt bloated... Always burping or "worse" for the wife, the other end... Now... None of that... Google it.. VERY different concept for dieting.. There is Keto bread you can make... Wife and I absolutely LOVE the Keto pizza we make.. truly is awesome... Hoping to be off my high BP meds by fall with this diet..
  10. $800.00 for a sight??? I'll just shoot my 1 pin and keep killing them cheap...
  11. I had a Marlin 450.... how does it compare ballistically to that round???
  12. Nope... If you shot it on property you had permission on and you blood trailed it to there, can prove it... I would walk to a deer I could see and drag it back un-gutted, gut it on the property I had permission on..
  13. OK... Trying to work my brain now.. LOL Squirrel Rabbit pheasant Grouse Chukar Crow Beaver Ducks (all the common ones) Geese fox (grey & Red) coyote bob cat Turkeys (all 4 sub specie commonly found) Feral hogs Black Bear Deer Newfie Bull moose Warthog springbuck Blesbok Bushbuck Red Hartabeest Ostrich Zebra Gemsbok impala Black Wildebeest Blue Wildebeest Kudu
  14. Always seem to be a new law coming down the pike we either love or hate... What's 2018's???
  15. Bought a 3/4 HP Weston grinder... Best buy yet... worth the $$$$
  16. Buck in my profile pic is Columbia county... Missed a bigger one 2 years later..... They can get that big here, if they get to the age..
  17. I love BP season.. This year though I'll be in KY for almost all of it.. but I'll be back to hunt the last day.... I'll be out for sure!!!
  18. Thinking definitely something health wise caused this... Far to early for any buck to drop his horns without being caused by his health...
  19. Like the rest said.. Owl for sure.. Cool pic..
  20. My idea on how to handle that would be called cruel and mean... If you feel your safety is in question.. Shoot them where they stand.. be done with it.. Why banter around waiting for someone else to possibly get attacked..
  21. Skip the PETA stuff.. LOL... 152" 13 pointer...
  22. I wear it.. and I wear black in a blind..
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