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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Elmo

  1. Too bad about your dog, papabear. Hope he recovers well. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free
  2. I've only seen 2 on video. Both were 75 yards and under. Never been a fan of them as the rate of injuring a deer is too high for my taste.
  3. Stop lying. That's not a yurt. That's a fancy resort.
  4. I love when scientist and experts say its one thing (in this case a canine with mange) the hunter is always like " nah, this is definitely a chupacabra" because you know...these hunters have seen a lot of chupacabras so they should know more than the scientists.
  5. I already have the 12 gauge Mossberg 500 with a cheap red dot sight on it. Shooting rifled slugs out of the personal defense barrel (18.5 inch smooth bore open choke) send the slug flying every where but straight. Not sure if it's the barrel or if it knocks my sight out of whack. I've been tinkering with the idea of buying a rifled barrel for it with a dedicated sight/scope or a 20 gauge barrel for my Harrington & Richardson Handi-Rifle. I will admit that shooting 12 gauge slugs kicks the snot out of me and rattles my brains. What do you guys think?
  6. My opinion, generally: >$75 go with Simmons >$150 go with Bushnell >$250 go with Nikon or Redfield over $250 go with Leopold
  7. Got 2 for 3N. Just for show since I'll probably skip regular season this year but just in case...
  8. I'd go with the 2 year old Rott simply because he's younger. If that's what you got, then that's what you got. Work with it. The Rott might not be the ideal hunting dog but I'm sure his nose is still better than a humans. I've used shawnhu as a flusher and got 2 pheasants out of it. Shawnhu has the worst nose of any hunting dog and very disobedient.
  9. You're giving me too much credit. My groups are not that great. I was just stating that that when I aim at the target at 30 yards, my groupings tend to be a inch or so more towards one side but when I aim at 40 yards, my groups are and inch or so towards the other side.
  10. I believe you can hunt and camp in state forest that allow rustic camping. Been thinking of doing something like that for years.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s3y7WJmMJOw I think we've seen this footage before. I won't make accusations about the shot. Did the shooter stalk the hog for some time and the hog never present a broad side shot? Did the shooter try for a quartering away shot but accidentally hit the bung hole or did he purpose try to hit the bung hole to see if he could do it? What I do see was no follow up shot was taken during the short length of the footage. Dog got in the way, no attempt to call the dog back was made during the short length of the footage. Shoot claims it was a texas heart shot. It could be. Slow motion shot ended at the 19 second mark but the hog was still thrashing and squealing at the 44 second mark when the footage ended (25 seconds) and the shooter thought it was funny enough to laugh through out the event. There's a lot of things we don't know about what really happened here to question the ethics of what really happened here but I'm just curious as to what people's reactions would be if that was a trophy deer instead of a hog?
  12. You stretched my comments a bit too far. I never said anything against shooting them from a helicopter. As I was referencing the article, eradication is necessary by any means necessary but we should also not let it cloud our ethics. I lay out glue traps which are torture for mice. I still do it. But when I see the mouse stuck on the trap I end it's life quickly. The main problem is that people start to disassociate varmint from other animals entirely and will start to "play" with the mouse in the glue trap.
  13. Ohhh....how can I forget...El Presidente.
  14. Xbox takes skill but I'm more of a Playstation kind of guy. It takes serious accuracy and arm strength to throw a Xbox at a running hog.
  15. Even varmint and invasive species deserves respect. They were taken from their homes, bought over to game preserves to be hunted. They wanted to live instead so they escaped just like anyone else would.
  16. Read this, Apoallo, http://www.darkrye.com/content/wild-things-life-and-times-sus-scrofa An article by Steve Rinella about the ethics here and makes a point of how the "eradication of varmints by any means necessary" is necessary but can become a gateway to poor hunting ethics if we're not careful.
  17. Hmmm...interesting. I heard archery. I was just visualizing the motion of pulling back a bow and the act of throwing a javelin with exposed breasts. Wait...that didn't come out right...
  18. I think there's also a difference between deep wood deer and suburban deer which is accustomed to car door slamming, lawn mowers, and Harley Davidson's roaring.
  19. Deer only needs to smell you and its gone. If smell is not available (due to wind, etc) they need to both, hear and see, to flee. When the deer hears a break of a twig, it'll pop its head up to look in the direction of the sound to confirm. It doesn't run right away. Same with seeing something move. When it sees something out of place, it turns both ears towards the object to confirm as well. As far as hearing, they do hear better than human but I don't think they can hear a larger range of frequency like a dog can but they can pick up fainter sounds since they shape of their ear acts like a funnel and channels sound waves into their ear better than humans. As others already said, the fact that the ears can turn independently means the can pin point direction much better. As far as vision goes, deer vision is geared differently than humans so it's not a matter of better or worst, its different. Deer's eyes are spaced out apart on each side of the head so it has almost a 270 degree range of vision. In doing so, it sacrificed their depth of view. It sacrificed one of its color rods for better night vision. It also sacrificed detailed focus to better pick up movement. Since we see so much detail, the slightest movements are harder to pick up because we're focusing so much on each detail. Deer main focus is clear (and main focus area is small) but the peripheral vision will see everything hazy and foggy but once the slight movement occurs, it's like a black spot all of a suddenly appears in a white background. You can run this test on yourself actually. If you hold your arms straight out in from of you, palms together, and thumbs sticking up and look straight ahead. Then spread your arms apart slowly while still looking straight ahead till you arms are spread out like a wing and your thumbs are just at the edge of your peripheral view (half your thumb is still visible and half out of your visual range). If done correctly, after like 10 seconds, your thumbs will completely disappear. The moment you wiggle your thumbs again, they magically reappear. This is the same with the deer except their focus area is (area where the visual range of both eyes overlap) is only right in front of the deer. Everything else is peripheral so if you can stand like a statue and your silhouette is broken up...you will literally be completely invisible to the deer.
  20. The true myth was female archers had the left breast removed. It had nothing to do with spear throwing as the breast didn't interfere with the throwing motion of a javelin. Also keep in mind that they shot with a long bow which meant they held the bow at a 45 degree angle and leaned forward. Without the aid of a sports bra, the breast got in the way of the string.
  21. My groups are a inch to the right at 30 yards but an inch left at 40 yards while my 20 yards are dead center. And yes, the pins are all lined up on each other.
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