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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by WNYBuckHunter

  1. I have a simple Bushnell Yardage Pro 400 (I think thats the one) with no ARC or anything like that. I do not look at deer through it except for long range shots (100+) during gun season. I use it mostly to range different trees, etc before I get settled in so I can get a good idea of how far deer are when they come in.
  2. C'mere Deer is one of the liquid/disolving powder type attractant they are talking about. It is 100% illegal in NY.
  3. I have the IR4, its a good cam. You can find a review with all the specifics on it here... http://www.chasingame.com/
  4. I like the show, but missed the last episode and forgot to DVR it. I need to find a rerun....
  5. I think we are missing the real point here guys, shooting a crossbow in a hunting situation is almost identical to a vertical bow in that both types shoot an arrow tipped with a broadhead, we all know what a gust of wind or small limb or even a stiff weed or other vegetation can do to an arrow's flight. It matters not what weapon its shot from, the effects are identical. 80 yards is not a good idea in a hunting situation most of the time with either type of weapon, both of which is fully capable of it in theory or target shooting. Ive seen competition shooters make 100+ yard shots with crossbows, compounds, recurves, etc. Doesnt make it a good idea for Joe Bowhunter to do in the field, does it?
  6. Yes, I did say that, and still stand by it, as the anti-arguments are still all the same emotionally charged, factless opinions of those that dont want more people in the woods, a higher success rate (how exactly is that a bad thing again?), or are misinformed that crossbows are somehow able to shoot an arrow accurately at double the distance of a compound in a hunting situation. I have never said I was judge or jury, just that I have an opinion on the matter, and my opinion is based on facts, not emotions. Maybe you ought to take your own advice, because like others have said, your post seems to belong in another controversial thread on the board. Oh, and there are plenty of guys I agree with.
  7. Go ahead an oppose it all you want, but your skewing of facts and outright misinformation is going to attract the attention of those of us that know its BS. Crossbows are accurate out to 80+ yards, in perfect conditions, shot by well practiced shooters. They are not good for over 40ish yards in a hunting situation 95+% of the time. The same can be said for compound and recurve bows. Whats your point?
  8. I dont see a reason for a Woodshed, the forum is already minimally moderated and things have been going pretty well. I say things should stay as is unless it starts getting out of control. Just my $.02
  9. The Hunter, first off, being an internet tough guy just makes you look like a fool. Second, you better get used to crossbows, they will be legalized very soon. Third, try and tell any of the major archery organizations and sanctioning bodies that crossbows aren't archery.
  10. Look at the Wildgame Innovations cams. They are lower cost, but they work great. I have an IR4 and its a great cam, cost me less than $75. They have a couple of new ones out this year too. You can look at great reviews on just about every cam out there at this site... http://chasingame.com/
  11. I started buying my license and tags online, no need to stand in line.
  12. Have fun Geno! If you go over toward Tampa, dont forget Busch Gardens, maybe the dog track is in their season too, thats always a good thing to spend an evening doing. We are actually headed out for a week on vaca as well. Were going camping, bus staying in NY lol.
  13. Thanks Steve! Yeah it worked out good for the timing.
  14. Wow Doc, so since you dont agree with something, it automatically makes it crazy and unworthy of discussion? You ever hear the word narcissism?
  15. Nice, mine looks pretty similar so far. Ill take a pic next time I check the trail cam.
  16. They are fun for me, cant say they help my hunting much though.
  17. Yep, web based is the way to go. The Access one I have is okay, just not the perfect thing. Im a Microsoft certified guy, so if you need any help, feel free to ask. I can get access to lots of resources.
  18. Thanks guys! WHITETAIL! YOU DA MAN!
  19. John, are you thinking of doing a SQL database? Domino? SharePoint? I think its a great idea, there are some software based hunting logs out there already that you can look at for ideas. Ill try and dig up the one I used to use, it was basically an Access database.
  20. First of all let me tell you that I'm not paid to do your research. If you are interested, do your own work. Next, let me tell you that I am not saying what reactions are correct and what are not. I'm just telling you what those reactions would logically be. As I said above, the perception would be that this is an attack on gun hunters. No they do not use all of what's available, but they know it is available to use if and when they want ....... until somebody (from the bowhunting community...lol) starts telling them they can't have it. Let's face it, I don't use all of the gun season, you probably don't either. But it's there to use whenever I need to schedule a few days here and there. I also remember the times before retirement when I had to squeeze my hunting in where I could. I guess you would take away that flexibility. These people wouldn't try to figure out if they are using what was being taken away. They would simply view it all as paying more and getting less ....... finally time to quit. Could you convince gun hunters to cash in more than half their season and force them to use a crossbow instead of their shotgun or rifle? I think that idea is just totally nuts and most likely to have the effect of aggravating hunters right out of the sport. It doesn't fit with any logic, or the personality of any of the gun hunters that I know or ever have met. I can't even imagine any gunhunter going for such nonsense and I've got to believe that you don't believe that idea either. Furthermore, who are you ever going to get to actually push this kind of thing through into law? I mean an idea has absolutely no value if there is no way to make it reality. Not only is the idea wacked, but the likelyhood of it ever becoming anything more than a pipe-dream is absolutely nil. When I hear that someone of some influence is backing such an idea, I'll start paying attention to it and I'll admit that it has some potential. Until then it is just an idea whose time will never come. Doc Im not asking you to do any research for me, youre the one who decided you would take something and tear it down based on not one single shred of anything. That is completely typical for someone that supposedly gave up on commenting on this subject a long time ago lol. How exactly is it logical to say that a guy that hunts one weekend a year would quit hunting if 4 weeks of season turned into 2? Logically, that guy wouldnt care, he is getting no more or less for his money. Giving people a more quality experience that they dont complain about instead of 5 weeks of lead flying while everyone bitches that they dont see anything doesnt make sense? Why? In my plan, I said 2 weeks of regular gun and 2 more of muzzleloader a few weeks after regular gun ends, that comes up to 1 less week. Add into that the guys have the opportunity (not forced) to pick up a crossbow and get 3 complete months of combined seasons. I just dont see that as being bad, that is unless you have no complaints about the currently F'ed up hunting in NY that we have now. I guess if you never look outside of this state, you dont see how good things could be.
  21. That sounds good, Ill have to give that a try.
  22. From my experience it's easier to become a good shot with a modern bow than it is with a rifle at ranges that both weapons should be shot at. I find it easier shooting a bow at 25 to 30 yards than it is shooting a rifle at 100, in field shooting positions. Granted shooting at game with a bow is a whole different ballgame than shooting at styrofoam targets. Lots of bowhunters shoot darn well at targets yet don't kill any deer or screw up when the opportunity arises. I nonetheless have way MORE confidence with my rifle over any bow out there. For the life of me I can't imagine how holding a heavy, clunky, awkward crossbow would be easier to shoot than a modern compound bow? I bet if you put a few novice shooters to shoot each, they would be shooting better with the compound bow sooner than they would the crossbows. I don't think I have ever seen anyone shoot that horribly with a compound bow after only a little practice. I can't say the same about a rifle and surely can't see it happening with a crossbow which is similar in many ways to shooting a gun. The thing is though, you should be proficient with the weapon you are hunting with and be consistent. While crossbows are big and clunky, they are easier to keep steady than a compound. You only have to be consistent out to 30 or 40 yards with a crossbow, which shouldnt be that hard. Sure, its gonna take practice, but not like the practice you need with a vertical bow. The single largest advantage to a crossbow though, is the amount of movement to get ready for a shot. While not the only skill required for killing deer at archery ranges, it helps. Hell, I shot my compound for over a year before I felt comfortable enough to hunt with it.
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