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Everything posted by mowin

  1. Can't figure out how to post a video.. My favorite is Bob Seger's version of the little drummer boy.
  2. Parka and bibs arrived today. Very happy with the purchase. Definitely in excellent condition.
  3. I'd like one, but not for $42+ shipping.
  4. In my area the phone co is also the internet provider. Fiber optic is only a 1/4 mile from my house, yet I'm stuck with DSL that constantly craps out.
  5. Yes, there's more deer now. Large tracks of land that were undeveloped 50 yrs ago and accessible, now are developments or anti hunters own and don't allow hunting. Combine lack of access and lower numbers of hunters and the deers ability to adapt to the changing landscape, heard numbers increased.
  6. RIP Remi. Sorry for your loss Zag.
  7. I got the call. I hung up and called SS. They told me that when someone presses 1, the call is redirected to SS who thinks YOU called them. The scumbags are listening on the other end.
  8. Hummm... Maybe redistribution of points like redistribution of wealth?
  9. Yes, I sometimes watch smaller bucks and just can't shoot. Some of it is the tranquility of the moment, some is the work ahead if I shoot so I let em walk. Sometimes I ask myself, if that was a big buck, would I let it walk? Would I feel the same way about the kill if it was a big buck? I've hunted more this year because my nephew's are both hooked, and I'm the one taking them out. I get excited hearing about their hunt when we get back to the truck. I feel their excitement and disappointment. Definitely brings the excitement of the hunt back for me.
  10. If it was opening day, I'd be filling out a tag...
  11. Mine worked well for most of the season, now nothing. I get my test pic every day, but I walk in front of it, and nothing. Update is current. There CS is horrible.
  12. Making a batch of Vestrami. Used all 6 roasts from the hinds. 14 day soak started.
  13. mowin

    Flag Poles

    Just looked. Got mine from Old Glory Flagpoles.
  14. mowin

    Flag Poles

    I bought a 30' from a veteran owned Co. It's a telescoping type. Very easy to install. Fly's two flags. However, we got some 80+ mph winds a couple months ago, and I should have lowered it. Got a slight bend now. Probably wouldn't have bent if I only had one flag.
  15. Birds are like flies on dung in my area. Had a great past couple seasons. Lots of birds and gobbling. Easy winter's helped, but the nasty springs in '17 and '18 definitely had the population down. Predators definitely don't help either.
  16. This yrs take in Columbia county was up 109. Favorable nesting weather definitely helped in 2019. Not quite to the highs of '15, '16, '17. But a jump from the past couple springs.
  17. The seat covers are made with panels that will break away if airbag goes off. Onlybrowning, I had a set that I used on two different Rams. They still looked like new when I traded. Only reason I didn't keep them, is I switched to a Ford. I haven't had any issues with them being warm or getting sweaty in the summer.
  18. mowin


    What's a Fisher worth these days?
  19. Looks like leg gave out when she hit that bank.
  20. How far was the last sign from the shot? I'm still thinking leg.
  21. Thinking leg hit with the bone fragment.
  22. Yrs ago I called in a buck and as I released, the buck spun and ducked. My arrow hit the antler. Later that rifle season a buddy of mine shot that buck. He had a gouge and a chip out of his left antler.
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