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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. You young whipper snapper. Right in your prime. Have a wonderful day!
  2. August is when I pull into high gear with food source plantings for wildlife. I planting differently this season. Trying strip planting. This will be my first year. Will end up with radish, turnip, beet, wheat, oat, alfalfa, red clover, birdfoot trefoil, chickory, and finer grasses side by side. In about a 14 acre parcel. I will be adding corn next season, weather permitting. Berries, apples, pears, and mast crops are nearby. I also have a good source of other wild berry selection. The idea is to give the wildlife a food source selection, to provide a lasting habitat throughout the year. I don't know if it will work, but it sure can't hurt. I like to give back to nature, for what she has provided.
  3. We'll that didn't work. So much for video posting. Anyways, it's the bird on the far left.
  4. Elmo, it sure better to be safe, then sorry.
  5. that a jake could be accompanying a hen with poults. I filmed something last night that I have never seen before. It could be a larger bodied bearded hen too. I just don't know at this point from observations. If the larger one get to close to the poults, the mother will grab a beak full of feathers, to let it know it's to close.
  6. Radish seed spoken for. It was free, by the way.
  7. Likely to be Dicks customers, that were expecting that type of atmosphere.
  8. Thanks for the constructive criticism and for practicing being a moderator, for once!
  9. For a Monday evening, the place was packed. Had a little trouble finding a parking space. Thought it would be slow, yeah right. Ended up parking near the Cabelas tractor. Yes friends that's right, a Korean tractor made for Cabelas. They had seven of them. In green and camo, of coarse. I got a kick out of first time Cabelas customers having some issues with the mounts. A few turned around and left. They had several items that had spots, but were out of stock. The knife section looked like a ghost town. High prices on some. Several clerks told me I could order on line, and have it shipped to the store free. Just pay the sales tax.
  10. Stopped by Cabelas yesterday. Every spot in the parking lot was taken. Store was packed. Red, I looked at your flag poles, great work!
  11. Ah, another orange debate. How many is that now?
  12. I don't know if I would call it a pissing match or just plain old- new fashion constructive criticism. If someone states a commit that cannot be agreed on, you're bound to get called out on it. As for the foul language, no that cannot be tolerated as this is a family site. I just love America, know where else one come and go as they please! And edit too.
  13. Looks like another good mast crop, similar to last years here. Shag bark already dropping mature gold. Red Oaks have groups of 3 to 4 nut clusters. Whites are always less, for some reason. Apples look good also. I fumbled with stand placement, a year ago. Going to be a tough set up spot season again. A ray of light though. I picked up some nice sheds under the hickories in March. These blackberries are delicious, LOL.
  14. I'm thinking seriously about a new longbow, for use next season. I feel as though I'd like to advance to a new stage of bow hunting.
  15. Last seasons shed hunting has given me so much MVI on age structure for my areas hunted. I feel an advantage, this season knowing what potential could be out there. The million dollar question. Will some of those deer visit the area during season?
  16. Went back this afternoon and spent several hours in the store. Found out I missed Mark and Terry Drury, who were at the store this past Saturday. Kinda still bummed out on that one. Got a nice look at some of their recurve bows they have in stock. Cabelas bucks may just go on one. Snapped some pics on some beautiful mounts they have. Had some good discussions with a few employees. Muzzleloader and crossbow weekend, Saturday, August 16th. Small mouth fishing, Coleman ATV's, Sunday, August 17th.
  17. High on the roof top click, click, click, down the chimney went old Saint Nick, LOL. Congrats on a sweet sweet outfit.
  18. Been picking 5 quarts a day. Berries are nice size and very sweet this year.
  19. Nows there's something to try. Take a bath and cut up a deer at the same. Sprinkle a little salt in the water to soften the skin.
  20. Looks like a good hatching. I came up upon a hen with two poults few weeks back. Those young'in shot into the tree tops like being fired out of a cannon. I came across a nest with 9 unbroken eggs, few days back. Looked like a fresh nest, but I would assume abandoned.
  21. If their city, they may be training you! Edit: More high test, LOL.
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