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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. We use to go down years ago but, never took the plunge. People are braver than me to go in that water with swimsuits, ice chunks floating. All for a good cause though. Coming March 3, 2019; 50 years.
  2. Couldn't see it. We were having whiteouts and a power failure.
  3. About 12,000 customers lost power about 10:20 pm. last evening. National grid got things restored within a few hours.Thank you! Now it's -5, snow, blowing snow, and still really nasty out. Full face gear out and about today.
  4. Conditions are worse now than same time last night, here. It's dam right nasty out folks.
  5. It's 5 degrees here .Fine snow since yesterday am.. Maybe 5" of snow overnight. Storm total so far, 10". Really was expecting worse. Just a typical winter day.
  6. The Weather Channel names snow and ice events during the winter. Fuels the economy.
  7. Gov. Cuomo has closed many interstates across the state, as well as the 90 to truck and bus traffic at 3 pm. today.
  8. I gotta agree on this one. Where is Biz on this?
  9. A Lucknow like I had. Sold it when the snowy winters went away. Yours does look like a Ford. You may have a chance to see how that puppy works, LOL.
  10. I sold quite a few single augers 2 stage in the day.
  11. Lucknow snow blowers are blue with a white auger and chute. Pretty common in New York Think they painted all blue in 2000's. They change the paint schemes every so often.
  12. I read this morning that two, that's right, two Woodstock celebrations going on the same weekend. One in Bethel Woods, the other in Watkins Glen.
  13. So it looks like a new form of elk hunting has stated in New York. Next get togethers at WNY's place, LOL.
  14. I always look for venison cookbooks on flea markets. Some vendors want a pretty good buck for'em.
  15. Most likely, but can't be sure until view of the blade ends at the break. Could be a carbon fracture.
  16. Ya, one photo; good luck with that one, LOL. The plaque will also be included since it's dated 2018.

  17. You know you have fertile ground when the golden rod as high as the deer. Honey bees like to work the blossoms too. Sweet yellow golden rod honey
  18. This makes number three. The balloon kinda cool.
  19. We like to go to the Gerry New York rodeo every year. Always enjoy. We picked up a jump off horse from the rodeo in Arizona years back. Now they know how to rodeo down there.
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