I have a natural gas Charbroil something. It's 20+ years old. Replaced the burner 2 x now. Got sick of hauling those bottles. Propanes expensive. Flip the valve, push the button, cook away.
Had a big tom walk out in front of the car yesterday. Got a good look at him too. Had to pull over over just to gain composure. Most excitement I've had in weeks, LOL.
In my prime younger days, I owned few sling shot lunched rockets from Edmund Science Company. The capsule would split open on the return down and a parachute would pop out. They were cool.
My grand dad always said kinda a saying;
Here's to the man, loving his wife, loving his wife alone; here's to the man, loving the other man's wife, when he should be home lov'in his own.
No Red Wing Blackbirds yet, I did hear a Ruffled Grouse the other day and almost stepped on a Woodcock in the slash'ins yesterday. We got Ash Bore now, woodpeckers are working overtime on the Ash. Really a nice day yesterday after it stopped sleeting.