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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Good luck to all your clover plantings. May they grow green and lush.
  2. No leeks or morels. I got wild onion all over the place. Really good flavor and tender right now.
  3. I also had a bad salesmen position where I sold manure spreaders, and had to stand behind them, LOL.
  4. Clover and Timothy going on this morning. Good day for it with a strong frost line.
  5. Another half hazard law to add to the books. You go New York.
  6. Been picking green grass for the chicken all week. Good source of protein. Deer are also grazing on the rye yesterday.
  7. Not enough surface area n that grill, LOL.
  8. I have a natural gas Charbroil something. It's 20+ years old. Replaced the burner 2 x now. Got sick of hauling those bottles. Propanes expensive. Flip the valve, push the button, cook away.
  9. Watch the Ash trees for stand purposes. First, Ash dye back, now Ash bore came in last a September here.
  10. Really looks good! Mounts leaping out of the wall are nice too.
  11. Had a big tom walk out in front of the car yesterday. Got a good look at him too. Had to pull over over just to gain composure. Most excitement I've had in weeks, LOL.
  12. In my prime younger days, I owned few sling shot lunched rockets from Edmund Science Company. The capsule would split open on the return down and a parachute would pop out. They were cool.
  13. My grand dad always said kinda a saying; Here's to the man, loving his wife, loving his wife alone; here's to the man, loving the other man's wife, when he should be home lov'in his own.
  14. Sold all my good decoys and made money on them.
  15. Thanks for the reply. Do you mind me asking what glue you used inside the bone? I was thinking of using the spur for the guard. Longer the better.
  16. Were you able to keep the bone inside the leg? The pummel threaded?
  17. No Red Wing Blackbirds yet, I did hear a Ruffled Grouse the other day and almost stepped on a Woodcock in the slash'ins yesterday. We got Ash Bore now, woodpeckers are working overtime on the Ash. Really a nice day yesterday after it stopped sleeting.
  18. I consider a nice size doe a trophy too. I always say what ever floats your boat.
  19. You not only described this forum, but our nation as well.
  20. It's nice t know your taxidermist. '
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