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Everything posted by landtracdeerhunter

  1. Far better to loose a little deer hunting season than to live by a very limited diet and suffer through tons of agony . Just keep an eye for the nearest bathroom for a while till you find out what you can and can't eat. Fatty foods will be your worst enemy your future. Ex lax will never be needed again, LOL.
  2. We continued our tracking efforts several farms over. By the look of the blood where the deer first stopped, one would have thought that animal laid not far from the stop area. We had to do many half circles just to regain the dry blood on leaves and brush. We would find good blood, then down to barely a drop or two. I began to think a stomach or liver hit, but no evidence of bedding. We worked right up till dark, using blood tracking flashlights. We backed out just after dark, marking the spot well. My cousin, that shot the deer is about sick over the whole thing. I continue to regain his composure, and show him that when a deer is shot, give it all you got till every last ditch effort is exhausted. Will go back in the morning and hope that not to mach rainfall over night falls.
  3. In blood tracking mode since 7:40 am. this morning. In about a mile and a half. I got a couple good lucks from two hunters, so far that offered to lend a hand if needed.
  4. I see where Warren Buffett is selling Walmart Stores due to falling prices; stock prices that is. spelling error edit.
  5. One of our family members got a nice 30 yard shot Sunday afternoon at what was believed to be a 4 point buck. Upon field dressing, he discovered it was actually an antlered doe. Spike on one side and three points on the other. As we we loading it, it shed the spike. Knowing very little on the subject, I did some digging and came up with some interesting facts. It caused by Endocrine Imbalance which can be caused by to much body fat, chemical fert. and or bisphenol -A (bpa) a chemical found in plastic. One in 4500 doe are antlered. Most never loose the velvet on the antlers. This one is hard horned. Nothing was mentioned about shedding as this one already did. Some questions I have: 1. Do these doe have reproductive organs and are able to have fawns. 2: Do they act like other normal doe or bucks? In only seeing them online, it is really great seeing one in person. I will post some picks when feeling come back into my hands, LOL.
  6. I counted 30 some ever since last week of October. They flew in from Canada showing me their passports as they flew by. I was stepping on small grasshoppers jumping around on Friday with temps in the low 70"s.
  7. Another great morning to be out deer hunting. Very little snow on the ground with a lighter 30 some m.p.h. wind. I settled right in as a few local legal shots rang out after 8. No chasing today.
  8. My condolences go out to the victims families.
  9. Stalking is great in this windy weather but, does wear a person out. I removed my legs and let them stand in the corner along side of the long gun. Sure glad I pick up an extra pair at Red Head when they ran the sale, LOL.
  10. Congrats to your son in law and thank you for posting. Do you have any measurements on those G 2"s and G3's?
  11. If the meat sticks to the knife during processing, I wet the meat lightly, to make release of the knife scraps easier. I wet my hand in warm water, so cut offs release easier off your hands, That is the extent of my water usage on venison.
  12. Hunted in that wind and falling grapple for 7 hours today. What a great day for a deer harvest. One buck doe is hanging tonight.
  13. My son's BIL harvested what he thought was a 4 point ( spike on one side, 3 point on the other) buck today. Upon further investigation, turned out to be an antlered doe. Placement onto the hay wagon; sheded the spike. Some fine hunting in the 50 mph wind gust and falling grapple.
  14. I cannot even take an educated guess. All I know is I counted 60 shots before our 7:18 am. sunrise before losing count. The first series of 5 rounds were at 6:34 am.,way to early to shot a firearm safely. With no DEC. officer enforcement what so ever in this area, this problem continues to grow.
  15. My fun gun, the old Remington 12 gauge sighted in with Brenneke 3" KO shells at 100 yards. It fits me like a glove and is a perfectly tuned shooting machine. Some things just feel right on this earth, and I can't argue with success.
  16. I'm torn between 3 different hunting areas miles apart. Deer have pretty much gone nocturnal in all three and it will be hit or miss in any one area. First time in all the firearms start, haven't laid down a fixed area. Got my eyes on a couple fair bucks, one of which I have a five year history with, so maybe that could be my first choice this weekend.
  17. The 640 had an original vane style hydraulic pump that failed due to people not removing the 3 point housing to clean the bottom of the hydraulic housing, as they had no hydraulic filter. Some have been converted over to the later 641 piston pump. This pump is a better choice. Live power take off was available on later models but had to be ordered by the dealer. Most farmers wouldn't pay the extra $300 or so at the time so most don't have it. The 640 had a 134 cubic inch motor that needed all the radiator space for cooler and will not withstand much plugging.
  18. That last years arrow visited " No Man's Land."
  19. The OP handled the situation really well. I'd give you a thumbs up emoticon if I could find one.
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