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Everything posted by ncountry

  1. This is my exact point. In hindsight, it was obviously a mistake to lump compounds in with "traditional" archery and modern inline ml with scopes in with a flintlock. These are now tools of our trade few people know anything about. I know personaly, that if there was a tradional archery season and then a season for compounds I would be using a recurve to start my season. ..Hey one more week or so of hunting is hunting...I know when they legalized inlines with scopes my percussion muzzleloader has not seen the light of day.
  2. While I am a supporter of crossbows,I am not during archery season. I think we need a tiered or staggered season archery ,then crossbows, then....My main concern is with keeping our hunting traditions (at least what we have left). Mark my words... if crossbows are allowed into our archery season compounds will be something we tell our kids and grandkids about not something that very many people use to hunt with anymore. For example: Look at what compounds have done to traditional archery. Look at what modern muzzleloaders have done to traditional muzzleloaders I believe we have seen an increase of hunters in both sports, but at what costs? Leave at least a week or so for a vertical bow.IMO
  3. I would rather not see the wolves reintroduced in ny. Too many horror stories of wrecked elk and deer populations esp in the north western states.Talk to some Elk guides in Idaho,montana and even colorado.
  4. Never been shot at yet ..But after hunting down there (Which I enjoy greatly). I can understand how someone learning to hunt in that environment(opening day of firearm,sounding like opening of duck )would push for Bo. Not that I would agree with them though .lol
  5. Hey guys I have for the, most part ,enjoyed following your debate. Imo it just boils down to a choice. More laws to protect us against our own stupidity or enforcement of the basic laws we have. I think that it is proven that Bo saves lives. In that case does anyone stepping off of their property and going for a walk in field or woods durring big game season needs to wear bo? While in certain areas of the state it would definitely be recomended in others it is just rediculous. A good idea... yes...a new law no. This is the direction our society is heading in. Less personal responsibility more rules/laws. Cell phones/bicicle helmets/seatbelts/roadblocks (at least up here in stlawrence county every week some where in the county set up)1 hour at customs,etc... All to make us safer. True..but at what cost. Antler restrictions and 100lb deer restrictions would make things much safer also eliminating any quick shots. Where do we stop or start? Mandatory single shots... After hunting in the southern tier for a few weeks the last 4 years many hunters(not all) might actually learn how to take aim at a deer and not just unload their shotgun every deer sighting.
  6. Welcome... I lived in Connecticut for a couple years ~20 years ago.This was before I took up deer hunting. The area I lived in(NW corner) was loaded with deer,I have though a few time about taking a trip back to hunt.
  7. I do not know about your specific properties but I am thinking that on the average there are more and bigger deer in Waddington( a lot of nice farmland and some large swamps too). But then again I love to hunt the swamps.
  8. So true.. No disrespect intended.. I have covered my share of mile looking for sheds . Sometimes it was productive, sometimes not, but always better than sitting on the couch.
  9. WOW!! Cool collection. No wonder some of you guys say the deer herd is doing well. I do not think I could find that many in my lifetime up here (esp. that big).
  10. Good luck guys...Wish I lived closer....come on sept 27th.
  11. I remember on a canoe trip through the AP seeing cherry trees 4' across. with a 4' chunk cut out to open the path back up after the micro-burst came through.It made me wanna cry there was a fortune in timber that was just going to lay there and rot.
  12. Wow ,I am in agreement. I hate it when someone writes something that makes one question his own beliefs. I dislike any new and 1/2 the existing laws that over protect us today. I wear bo when hunting in a highly hunted area, but if I want to walk out back and go hunting without bo it ought to my prerogative. At the same time I like the AR. I guess if I stick to my beliefs I would just have to hope my neighbors and family start passing up some smaller bucks on their own(like that is going to happen) oh well. Wishing every one has happy holidays!!
  13. Imo wearing blaze orange is a great idea. I do not believe there needs to be another law to protect us against ourselves though. I mean whatever happened to survival of the fittest or smartest? We have so many laws already to protect ourselves that we as humans are getting stupider and weaker every generation.No common sense or ability to think for ourselves.
  14. I live and hunt in Lisbon. I hunt in south Colton a lot as well.
  15. Special !? Just a little special? Ahhh come on ,I are awesome.. Lol... kidding.. We all have our methods and different amounts of time we can use towards hunting.For example... A guy that hunts a certain way and saw few deer this year probably has always hunted this way .. less deer is less deer.. There are many variables,the moon, the sun,the rain,the snow,standing crops,mast,hunting pressure, etc..... that affect the # of deer we see. There are too many people that have been reporting less deer sightings over the last few years. Why cannot we as hunters accept other hunters word on deer #s in THEIR area.
  16. I think the same could be argued for a gut pile too. As long as you leave it where it lays and don't drag it over to a more agreeable spot, it ought to be legal. BUT, like others have said it all depends on the disposition of the officer on site.
  17. Along the same lines.... What happens when on the way to my favorite archery stand I "accidentally"bump into the apple tree at the base of my stand and some extra apple fall, Am I baiting?
  18. Excellent article. I will have to show some of my hunting buddies. They all think I am crazy for hunting 30 feet in the air.
  19. I read an article in one of the hunting magazines not long ago. They used a police dog(I think it was a German Shepard) to find a guy hiding in a box mixed in with a bunch of other boxes ,I do not remember the #s. The 1st time he hid he paid strict attention to reduce his scent. 2nd time he just dressed in his regular clothes showered normally etc.. 3rd time he didn't shower ,basically stunk.It did not make any difference to the dog ,as a matter of fact the dog found him the quickest when the person was the most scent free. A deers sense of smell is much better than a dogs.
  20. I kinda sorta agree with you guys. If there was a mix of decent bucks around here I would prefer to leave it to the hunter to choose. The odds of a buck in my area making it to his 2nd birthday are pretty slim. Due to the # of hunters and the acceptance of tagging deer with wife's ,gf ,mothers,etc... tags. I have passed on every young buck that walks past me over the years on my property. Only to see them hanging on someones meat pole. Any of the 2 1/2 year or older bucks I have shot over the years have come from somewhere else. I am sure there are many areas just like this throughout the state. Obviously not everywhere though. I have a few friends living less than 15 miles away that talk about all the small bucks and 8's and 10's etc.. they see. The only difference in their hunting area ,is that they and their neighbors pass on smaller bucks. I believe AR would lead to a healthier deer herd and increased odds of seeing an older class of buck.
  21. I like huntin and fishin. I didn't realize how bad my speech had gotten, Until correcting my daughters speech as she is growing up.
  22. A spare decoy wouldn't hurt. Have you had any success using one? I am considering using one or a pair next year.
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