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AR question

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i live and hunt in 3J and we were the first to have AR in NY state, started about 6 or so years ago. i have never shot a buck to small, i just sit and wait till i can count the antlers, then make the shot. its not really as tough as some hunters might think it is, i might add that AR has most of us hunting bigger bucks now anyway, not uncomman to see nicely racked 8 and even 10 pointers in my area now when 10 years ago we were dubbed the land of the spiked buck.

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i live and hunt in 3J and we were the first to have AR in NY state, started about 6 or so years ago. i have never shot a buck to small, i just sit and wait till i can count the antlers, then make the shot. its not really as tough as some hunters might think it is, i might add that AR has most of us hunting bigger bucks now anyway, not uncomman to see nicely racked 8 and even 10 pointers in my area now when 10 years ago we were dubbed the land of the spiked buck.

I have hunted the Catskill region for a LONG time, and have yet to meet the honest hunter who sees numerous bucks while out hunting during a season year after year. Typically if you let one pass and it don't matter how big or small he is, it may be the last one you will see in the season. This still holds for even the regions that have had the AR's for a few years now. If this wasn't the case we'd be seeing way more of the AR supporters here posting pictures of some of these nice bucks they claim are walking around. All I see is a few game cam photos and hardly any photos with hunters posing behind these big dead bucks. LOL In my opinion a lot of hot air is being blown around on how much AR's have improved things.

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name='Marti375' timestamp='1347462039' post='143778']

If your not in a AR zone there still are restrictions. A legaly antlered deer has to have atleast 3" spikes. If you shoot one with less than 3" it's considerd a doe and you will be fined for taking a doe without a tag. I would guess it would be the same in a AR zone.


A deer with less that a 3" spike is considered an antlerless deer. the deer with the 3-1/2" is a buck but not a buck of legal size. (I know Joe NYAntler is going to comment about not shooting at the minimum). so a guy goes to fill his doe tag and it ends up being a buck...small but over 3" spike. What is the penalty? How about the guy that sees the point but it doensn't make the 1" off the top ofthe beam for the required 3rd point. they didn't shoot and antlerless deer. anyone ever heard how much$$$

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A deer with less that a 3" spike is considered an antlerless deer. the deer with the 3-1/2" is a buck but not a buck of legal size. (I know Joe NYAntler is going to comment about not shooting at the minimum). so a guy goes to fill his doe tag and it ends up being a buck...small but over 3" spike. What is the penalty? How about the guy that sees the point but it doensn't make the 1" off the top ofthe beam for the required 3rd point. they didn't shoot and antlerless deer. anyone ever heard how much$$$

If your not in a AR zone, a legaly antlered deer must have at least one antler 3" or longer. So if you shoot one with at least one antler 3" or longer you use your antlered tag if not you use a dmp tag.
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After calling an ECO here is what I found out:

If you shoot a deer (doe or buck) that is legally antlered (3 inches plus) and you don't have a tag for it (antlered buck): You have just shot an illegal deer that is a misdemeanor and $2500 fine. However the ECO has discretion in the matter and they suggest you report it. If you shoot it and let it lie, the fines are thousands of dollars and loss of licence.

If you shoot a deer (doe or buck) in an area with AR that is smaller than required, it is only a $250 fine.

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If your not in a AR zone, a legaly antlered deer must have at least one antler 3" or longer. So if you shoot one with at least one antler 3" or longer you use your antlered tag if not you use a dmp tag.

Fully aware fo the regulations Marti. Was curious if anyone knew of any fines int eh AR areas that had been given out.

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After calling an ECO here is what I found out:

If you shoot a deer (doe or buck) that is legally antlered (3 inches plus) and you don't have a tag for it (antlered buck): You have just shot an illegal deer that is a misdemeanor and $2500 fine. However the ECO has discretion in the matter and they suggest you report it. If you shoot it and let it lie, the fines are thousands of dollars and loss of licence.

If you shoot a deer (doe or buck) in an area with AR that is smaller than required, it is only a $250 fine.

That is what I was interesed in.

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Sorry, I guess it was the way you worded it. Like I said I belive in a AR zone anything less than legal antlered would be handeled like a less than 3" in any other zone. 250.00 fine sound about right and they also confiscate the deer. I know of one person that had a doe that was not tagged in his garage along with a couple deer that were tagged. They got a 175.00 fine and all the deer were confiscted, that was about 15 yrs ago. His neighbor turned him in.

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I'll be more clear. If you are in an AR zone, and accidentally take a buck that is too small. What happens ????? There certainly will be a penalty, but what is it?? is it documented any where ?

How do you accidentally take a buck that is too small? 3-points on one side of a deers antlers is pretty easy to count... if you aren't sure you shouldn't be shooting. Like any other game law you would be ticketed and fined.

Plus, if you're having trouble counting the points because you can't see them well.. he's probably too small!

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How do you accidentally take a buck that is too small? 3-points on one side of a deers antlers is pretty easy to count... if you aren't sure you shouldn't be shooting. Like any other game law you would be ticketed and fined. Plus, if you're having trouble counting the points because you can't see them well.. he's probably too small!

you should walk public land sometime, and see what goes on. They'll take anything that moves. Cut the back straps out, and leave the rest in the woods. I wore a full orange jump suit. last year I seen 3 guys take a mama, and 2 little fawns. wiped out the entire family, and probably future generations. whatever.....

you know there will be AR "mistakes", and now we know the fines.

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you should walk public land sometime, and see what goes on. They'll take anything that moves. Cut the back straps out, and leave the rest in the woods. I wore a full orange jump suit. last year I seen 3 guys take a mama, and 2 little fawns. wiped out the entire family, and probably future generations. whatever.....

you know there will be AR "mistakes", and now we know the fines.

I understand that.. I walk public land ALL the time.. but none of what you discribe is by accident... an accident is something that can't be helped... what you're talking about is not an accident... it's being irresponsible... they know what they're doing is wrong, yet still do it... someone paying attention and doing the right thing will NOT mistake a legal AR buck with at least 3 points on one side for a doe and 2 fawns, spike, or crotch horn... because he has taken the time to identify his target before pulling the trigger... not paying attention and doing the wrong thing is not an accident.

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OK, so now we know. $250, and they take the deer. Do they take your license? Thanks for whomever made the phone call. Time to buy a serious pair of binoculars, with a built in tape measure.

Im not positive but I do belive they have the power to revoke your hunting license and take your guns. I guess it's all up to the situation. I remember a day when DEC use to set up road blocks to search vehicles, no warrent needed.
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