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2012 Bow Hunting Harvest Thread


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The buck I posted was actually my dads buck. After the shot he only went 20 yards. He watched him bound away about 20 yards then wobble and fall. He killed him in Livonia. Lots of rutting activity. This morning he saw six different bucks on does and last night watched two bruisers lock horns over a doe. Could see dirt flying up when they tried to get traction on each other, all of this was at 2 in the afternoon.

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Since I have been laid off for some time I have been going out a lot. I was getting very frustrated not seeing deer while in the stand but having pictures of nice deer while not there. Well that ended today. I had perfect wind today and it brought me this 4 point. I actually shot over him at 12 yards and he didn't even flinch. So I quick got another arrow and punched one threw him at 18 yards. i hit a twig or something because it hit him back in the trendier loin area. His side turned red in a second and he stumbled 10 yards and fell over. I don't know what I hit back there but I'm grateful I didn't have far to go to recover him. I use Rage broadheads. This is my second year bow hunting and my second deer/buck taken with a bow.




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The story started last December when I hit this deer high in the shoulder and never recovered him. Disappointed was an understatement. Yesterday morning I was in my perch when around 7:30 am I heard leaves rustling. I look over my shoulder and see this giant buck working his way downwind of me. He passed right through my scent cone and didnt notice a thing. Once he hit my estrous scent pod he locked up on it, stood there smelling for a while, and started to walk off. He got to around 60 yards and bedded down....for an hour! He finally got up after I did a snort wheeze at him and he walked the trail he came in on. I saw a small opening in the branches and when he walked through I hit him with a "mah." He stopped and the shot was true! He ran about 80 yards out of sight and heard him crash. After I recovered the deer i noticed the scar on his shoulder and knew this was the beast that I hit the previous year. We rough scored him around 135. Got it on video with the s4 jacknife! I love this sport!!!


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The story started last December when I hit this deer high in the shoulder and never recovered him. Disappointed was an understatement. Yesterday morning I was in my perch when around 7:30 am I heard leaves rustling. I look over my shoulder and see this giant buck working his way downwind of me. He passed right through my scent cone and didnt notice a thing. Once he hit my estrous scent pod he locked up on it, stood there smelling for a while, and started to walk off. He got to around 60 yards and bedded down....for an hour! He finally got up after I did a snort wheeze at him and he walked the trail he came in on. I saw a small opening in the branches and when he walked through I hit him with a "mah." He stopped and the shot was true! He ran about 80 yards out of sight and heard him crash. After I recovered the deer i noticed the scar on his shoulder and knew this was the beast that I hit the previous year. We rough scored him around 135. Got it on video with the s4 jacknife! I love this sport!!!

Nice buck...are you going to upload the video?

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My son shot this doe last night at 29 yd. He shot slightly quartering away. She moved at release. The arrow entered in a real bad area but took out a major artery in the hind leg. Excellent blood trail. He was extremely lucky. She went 90 yd, and down. Weighed 157 lb. gross, 123 lb net.

Guy i knew had a leg shot like that once. Trailed the deer about 90 yards after finishing the morning sit. Blood trail like someone was painting the lines on the road. Get to the end of the trail right next to his neighbors driveway and there is a big pool of blood and no deer. He looks and looks and cant find squat. Finally walks over to his neighbors house and asks him if he has seen anything and is told go look in the bucket of the tractor. Neighbor drove by and saw it laying there came back with the tractor and picked it up.


Edited by 5.9cummins
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My son shot this doe last night at 29 yd. He shot slightly quartering away. She moved at release. The arrow entered in a real bad area but took out a major artery in the hind leg. Excellent blood trail. He was extremely lucky. She went 90 yd, and down. Weighed 157 lb. gross, 123 lb net.

Congrats, I guy I hunt with just got a nice 8 that the arrow hit a branch and stuck in the deers hip. It didn't hit the femoral artery but killed the deer pretty quick. I guess just from all the damage in the hip itself.

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Congrats, I guy I hunt with just got a nice 8 that the arrow hit a branch and stuck in the deers hip. It didn't hit the femoral artery but killed the deer pretty quick. I guess just from all the damage in the hip itself.

The artery does in fact run down the back and fans out into that area and down the leg. Very very fast death.

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