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that the way I am also love the getting ready for the season, and just like xmas, will you get a dud when you open the xmas box and or will it be a buck of your dreams....I start really staying out most of the day in the last week of Oct and to the opening day of gun. JUst love to be in the woods when the buck are in the chase phase and the doe's are not ready...good luck to all and hope you get a buck of there dreams. Being in my 70's I no longer stay out in rain and or snow. If it just showers I am out there. I also find that I do better by just being out there about 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the pm. Must be just getting old as dirt...

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If I call in sick and my doctor says to take short walks and carry lite loads does that mean I can go hunting ? LOL

Better have some abled-bodied well friends to haul your load. Wouldn't wan to break drs orders.

I'm fired up for this year. Seen lots of activity ... Takin the day Monday ... Hope to be dining on a some fresh organic meats Monday night! Good luck to all and be safe

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Ya know Bill... I told my then 16 yo son about mid season 2010 that I have always heard that big mature bucks move in the middle of the day. So he said "oh OK I'll go too".

Sure enough 30 minutes after I was in the stand a real nice 8 walks out of the woods behind me and along the edge through some slash trees. I call my son and real quietly tell him a big 8 is coming his way. About 5 minutes later the same big 8 walks down between us and just stands in the thick snort wheezing. He never did get a shot either but it did prove the point to him that mature bucks do move mid day. It's warmer too.

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Not sure how much I like the October first opener this year. I guess its a bitter sweet feeling. Love to hunt and spend alot of time doing it, but my hunting doesnt get good until around end of October into November. Dilema being dont want to leave too much of am imprint in the woods too early. On the other hand, its hunting season and I want to hunt...

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