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What to do about the animal loving neighbor?


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I haven't had too big a problem yet but the potential is there. I hunted this weekend and harvested a doe early and continued my sit, not 30 minutes later I hear a lawnmower start and its coming my way. About 30 yds to my right where the field end is a hedge row and the property owners back yard (his house is not close to the field). He pulls his lawnmower up to the hedge row gets out and starts messing with his posted signs, walks out into the clover field messes with some branches, basically doing nothing. I can see him eyeballing the dead deer in the field but isn't paying me any attention. After about 10 minutes I decide to climb down and he watches my Dad and I drag the deer out. Now if I hadn't already shot the deer I would have been upset he ruined my sit. The next day my brother hits the spot and has 2 dogs run off a 6pt buck runs it into this guys yard where the dogs stop and he is playing with them. I'm not positive the dogs belong to him but I have had them on trail cam and they ran the same 6pt past my dad in the adjacent hardwoods hundreds of yards away from this guys house. So between him potentially sabotaging my hunt and the dogs running off deer it makes our hunting even harder then it already is. I understand there is nothing I can do if this guy wants to come to the edge of his property and play the drums I can't do anything about it. But the dogs are killing me. I am contemplating what I can mention to the gentleman to try and get him on the same page as us? On my way out of the woods I also noticed a Salt Lick in his backyard, is that illegal? I don't want to make a big deal out of this because its really not my primary hunting spot but if I have a big buck come out while I am there and this yahoo or his dogs (if their his) scares it off I am not going to be happy. Opinions on what I should do about the situation?

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There is a law that you cannot harass a hunter that is legally hunting. I might think that playing the drums or allowing dogs to run free while you are in your stand on your property would constitute harassment. I would talk to the guy first and see if you can get him to cooperate. If not I would call an ECO and file a complaint first and then perhaps a charge later. Also ask about the salt lick.

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Talk first. Get your thoughts and points in order,write them down if need be. There are leash laws , salt licks are against the law,he can do what he wants on his land, he can not do things to mess up a legal hunt. I would record the conversation,I have a digital recorder myself for such things.Who knows he may very well admit to illegal things ,which could help later if he's a richard head.

You could call and talk to a DEC Officer and ask him the right approach.laws ect.

If you start off by sending in the cops, its even money he will too each time, you drive a little to fast down the street, build a deck with out a permit,shoot a deer 5 minutes past legal light .

Talk first, but have the facts."the dogs can't run free,town code #, the dogs can't chase deer,Econ law whatever. say you'd like to work it out as gentlemen, and keep the law out of it, but you have talked to them and this is what they said.

Good luck lets us know how it ends,if it ever does.

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I would echo the others' comments. Try talking to him and politely ask that he keep his dogs on his property. Mention that you have seen them chasing deer on your property and you have trail cam pictures of them on your property. If it continues then I would call the DEC or local police, but he then can't say that you didn't give him a chance.

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It is 100% illegal to allow dogs to run on land inhabited by deer in NY, unless the dog is a hunting dog and is under control by its owner while in the commission of hunting. This is basic 101 stuff and any and all DEC officer will know it like the back of their hand. The law goes above and beyond the basic NY leash law and the fines are pretty steep. It’s a serious offense. The salt lick is also totally illegal if it was placed out for wildlife and not livestock.

I would first make 110% I am legal, meaning 500 ft. from his closest "dwelling". I know you said it's far away...but 500 feet is pretty far. A 500' radius covers 18 acres.

A good way to check this is to use google earth. It has a ruler that can be used to measure distance in feet and yards.

Edited by Clifford
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I'd let the guy know his salt lick and dogs running loose are illegal, while wearing plain clothes, not camo. Tell him you prefer not to have problems but his dogs have been seen chasing deer and your trying to protect his dogs, and him from fines,and possible harm to the dogs by a lesser man than you, helps if you print out the laws and give him a copy. He may resent you for it but its right as a good neighbor to inform him.

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You could also try to video tape him coming out and futsing with the posted sign everytime you hunt. Most phones have cameras now or bring a digital camera. Proof so that if things go wrong after you talk you can use it in your favor.

You could also move your stand a couple trees down to fool him he might have a certain spot that he can see you and if he sees you there out he comes might be as simple as moving your stand down a few feet and he might not be able to see you.

Maybe he just want a venison steak for dinner offer some up.

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Sounds like a old miserable POS :spiteful: ..

Really though I hate when people try and ruin a hunt..For what?

Sounds like he wanted to scare the deer away when your in the woods. And running dogs threw your land is just over doing it.

If he doesn't like what he's seeing he should turn his head.

I would try saying something to try an get on the same page. But truth is he doesn't sound like a person that wants to be on common ground.

It's a horrible place to be in when you own land that your trying to hunt it.

Good luck on a peaceful outcome.

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I think I'd just try to see if you can make friends with the guy first... nice usually works.. if not... casually mention that he should be careful about letting the deer run dogs and that salt licks are illegal during deer season and you wouldn't want him getting into any trouble..lol

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I have run into a few of these holier than thou pricks in the past and unfortunately, at least for me, there is no talking to them. But if you do talk to him just tell him that you are 100% legal and mention that it is illegal for him to harass you and that if he continues, which he probably will, you have legal options. Leave it at that and walk away. Don't mention the salt lick. Leave that ace up your sleeve. If he continues, report the salt lick to the DEC. They will investigate that, Cant stand pricks like him..... Good luck

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Tell him that trapping season is coming up and you would hate to have one of his dogs get caught in a fox or coyote trap, while they're out running loose. Make it sound like you're looking out for him and his dogs...

Or mention that GUN SEASON is coming up

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Why dont you just thank him and tell him because of him you were able to kill that deer the other night. Tell him it ran from his property to yours because he was walking his property screwing with those signs. Tell him thats why you have the deer stand where it is because his activity pushes all the deer over to end and hunting has never been better. Since he helps you out so much offer him a venison steak or two :spiteful:

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Why dont you just thank him and tell him because of him you were able to kill that deer the other night. Tell him it ran from his property to yours because he was walking his property screwing with those signs. Tell him thats why you have the deer stand where it is because his activity pushes all the deer over to end and hunting has never been better. Since he helps you out so much offer him a venison steak or two :spiteful:

You have he right Idea if he doesn't respond to being nice on the first conversation.

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As much as I hate to say it, I'd personally caution against 'expressing concern' for his dogs. It's stupid and unfair, but if you mention that they might be unsafe ("gun season is coming! I am concerned about them getting caught in a trap! Someone might mistake them for a coyote!", etc), the first person that he might blame is YOU if something were to happen to the dogs, even if you didn't do anything. That's a headache. I've seen it happen with other people before, and it makes a crummy situation into an all out neighbor-feud. Just be polite but to the point: it's illegal to let dogs run at large.

Edited by Jennifer
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I'm afraid Jennifer is probably right. Such semi-threatening statements puts you right at the top of the suspect list if one of his dogs meets a strange ending. That's not often a very comfortable place to be. Use some caution around these kinds of situations. Nasty neighbor wars can become pretty ugly and potentially costly. There are indications that some of these animal rights people are not always the most rational people that you will ever deal with....lol.

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Fortunately, I haven't yet had to deal with this in a hunting situation, but after keeping chickens and having dog problems,you would not believe how crazy people can get over their dogs, even if they are 100% in the wrong. I love dogs and have had them in my life forever, I've only ever taken issue with their owners.

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I would not mention trapping season. If he is an animal lover the thought of trappers will just get him angry and more hostile. I would talk to him about the dogs and how they run deer, mention that is is illegal and explain how it harms the deer. Keep the salt lick to yourself incase talking to him does not work out, and record any conversations with him discretely. Be friendly, it does not sound like he has done anything that bad. He may have seen you shoot the deer and gotten curious, perhaps he was not trying to protect the deer but just wanted to know what you took. The dogs seem like his only foul here. Personally, not a fan of leash laws. I can control my dogs, and it is nice for them to stretch their legs. I do however hate dogs that run deer and feel they should always be leashed or under supervision. Best of luck, stay above reproach!

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Are you certain that you are not mis-interpreting some rather innocent activity? If he's a non hunter, he may not even realize what a pain he is being. Have you had any conversations with him to ensure that his behavior is intended to be harrassment? I have a neighbor that seems to be busiest about 1 hour before sunset, and it seems that there is a whole lot of activity that kind of screws with one of my stands a bit. However, I know for a fact that he has no ill feelings toward hunters, and in fact he doesn't even know when or where I hunt.

So, I'm just asking because it would be a shame to have hard feelings with a neighbor over something that is not being done to cause a problem.

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