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"Waiting periods are only a step.

Registration is only a step.

The prohibition of private firearms is the goal."

Janet Reno

The tank, the B-52, the fighter-bomber, the state controlled police and the military are the weapons of dictatorship. The rifle is the weapon of democracy... If guns are outlawed, only the government will have guns. Only the police, the secret police, the military, the hired servants of our rulers. Only the government—and a few outlaws. I intend to be among the outlaws.

more Edward Abbey quotes

Edited by erussell
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You are perfectly right, I'm sure there are tens of thousands that agree, in a field of millions.

If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

more Samuel Adams quotes

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Now you guys that see no problem with this legislation tell me how much sense this makes and how many lives are going to be spared by my weapon of mass destruction. I am an independent registered voter, I will never vote for a Democrat again as long as I live.This was forced legislation.It is oppressive and will do nothing to prevent crime,stop defending the anti-gun Democrats.

Wrong question. The real question is "How many lives will be lost in home invasions and such because the homeowner was mandated by law to be out-gunned by the criminals?"

Also, understand that there were some Republicans that voted for this bill as well. Look up the voting results and use this vote as a litmus test to determine your vote in the next elections ..... not party lines. In close elections, this single issue (the vote on this bill) may just start sending a few messages when these creeps start going down for their vote. If gun owners are ever to have any credibility and control, we have to do this ...... all of us.

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If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

more Samuel Adams quotes

Except Samuel Adams was talking about independence from England and was trying to rally people to back the revolution in that speech he gave in 1776.

I guess context should never get in the way of a good sound bite.

Unlike the colonists, you have representation. You just don't like how they voted.

Edited by Sogaard
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Why does there need to be a separate background check done each time you make a purchase? Once you own a gun and have been checked it should be a no brainer after that... we all know that the information is on record once you have been checked once... so why not give out a card that says you are on the "good guy" list and all you have to do after that is show your card? If you commit a crime after being checked they will check if you are a gun owner anyway so they can revoke your card and you will be on the "bad guy" list... If they're going to start keeping track anyway, why not give the law abiding citizen a break so at least he doesn't have to go through all the BS for each purchase? The answer is because they care just as much about keeping track of the good guys as the bad guys.

How do you know if someone is still a "law abiding citizen" if you don't check every time they purchase a gun?

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Nothing will prevent gun violence other than removing all guns everywhere (which is impossible, and before I get a thousand people wanting to hang me, it is not something I am advocating).

I don't agree with some parts of this new law. I think it is completely over reactive to classify something as (buzzword) an "assault weapon" just for having a pistol grip. I completely agree with the mental health check. The ammo check is annoying, but hey, if down the line in flags a couple of nut jobs, I'm OK with browsing the store for an extra 15 minutes while my background check goes through. The magazine downsize from 10 to 7 was just trivial and just a ploy for Cuomo to say we have the most restrictive law in the country.

As for what will happen in the future, that all depends on who is in power. If enough people care about this issue and pressure their politicians, the law can be changed or repealed. We will see next year how the state really feels on this issue when the Governor is up for reelection.

Personally, I'm hoping someone will challenge parts of the law in court.

Agree or disagree, this is what our elected officials voted for. I am all for discussions on how to change the law legally.

Edited by Sogaard
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The magazine downsize from 10 to 7 was just trivial and just a ploy for Cuomo to say we have the most restrictive law in the country.

I don't believe it is as random as might be thought. I believe it was by design. There are 7 shot revolvers so that was the low end threshold. I believe (put on tin foil hat) it is an attempt to curtail new pistol sales in NY. I believe it was Sig that didn't sell in NY for years becasue they didn't want to retool to sell here. How many other Manufactures won't mad a special run semi auto pistol that only accepts a new 7 round mag? If the national ban goes back in force at 10 I think us NY pistol permit holders just had our possible new purchases curtailed.

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I don't believe it is as random as might be thought. I believe it was by design. There are 7 shot revolvers so that was the low end threshold. I believe (put on tin foil hat) it is an attempt to curtail new pistol sales in NY. I believe it was Sig that didn't sell in NY for years becasue they didn't want to retool to sell here. How many other Manufactures won't mad a special run semi auto pistol that only accepts a new 7 round mag? If the national ban goes back in force at 10 I think us NY pistol permit holders just had our possible new purchases curtailed.

Right ....and even if the manufacturers retool or redesign higher cap. mags down to 7 rounds the price will go through the roof. pistol mags are already around 30-50 bucks. From what I understand you have one year to comply with the 7 round mag restriction. You can carry you higher cap. mags now but only load them with 7. (Brilliant!!) but after a year they will be illegal .If you cant find or cant afford the new mags you are screwed. You can either get rid of your old mags, which will pretty much make your pistol useless or keep them and be a criminal.

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I don't believe it is as random as might be thought. I believe it was by design. There are 7 shot revolvers so that was the low end threshold. I believe (put on tin foil hat) it is an attempt to curtail new pistol sales in NY. I believe it was Sig that didn't sell in NY for years becasue they didn't want to retool to sell here. How many other Manufactures won't mad a special run semi auto pistol that only accepts a new 7 round mag? If the national ban goes back in force at 10 I think us NY pistol permit holders just had our possible new purchases curtailed.

Sadly you may be right, I have a 9 round 9MM on order since June.... Even if it comes in within the 60 days (im now #7 on the list down from 70) would I be able to ever get 7 round mags. ?

Im thinking of cancelling the order, yet thats waht they want .

strongly thinking of a 7 round 1,911 .45 and a 7 round .357

If i can only carry 7 they are going to be 7 powerful ones !!

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Nothing will prevent gun violence other than removing all guns everywhere (which is impossible, and before I get a thousand people wanting to hang me, it is not something I am advocating).

It is the first part of your comment that I feel will be the eventual outcome. The Government will eventually disarm us by piling on more restrictions as the current laws will prove to be ineffective. The backdoor method of gun control is to make it too expensive to want to own guns. This will be accomplished by annual registration fees and what Cuomo has already adopted. Many pistols are designed for more than 7 rounds. What will be the course of action to keep a 9mm pistol that can handle more than 7 rounds... pay for a new mag with lower capacity? What if there are none available?

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It is the first part of your comment that I feel will be the eventual outcome. The Government will eventually disarm us by piling on more restrictions as the current laws will prove to be ineffective. The backdoor method of gun control is to make it too expensive to want to own guns. This will be accomplished by annual registration fees and what Cuomo has already adopted. Many pistols are designed for more than 7 rounds. What will be the course of action to keep a 9mm pistol that can handle more than 7 rounds... pay for a new mag with lower capacity? What if there are none available?

Have blacksmith modify current mag? Sort of like the shotgun plug you have to get for waterfowl hunting?

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It is the first part of your comment that I feel will be the eventual outcome. The Government will eventually disarm us by piling on more restrictions as the current laws will prove to be ineffective. The backdoor method of gun control is to make it too expensive to want to own guns. This will be accomplished by annual registration fees and what Cuomo has already adopted. Many pistols are designed for more than 7 rounds. What will be the course of action to keep a 9mm pistol that can handle more than 7 rounds... pay for a new mag with lower capacity? What if there are none available?

Agreed ....The word of the day is "Progressive" In his state of the sate address Cuomo said that this whole thing was about getting rid of "assault rifles" yet he put huge restrictions on handguns and handgun ammo. This is a back door gun grab. As it is now, when you die your "assault rifle" must be surrendered to the state (confiscated) and if 7 round or less mags are not available for you pistol, you are a criminal and subject to arrest and confiscation of your hand gun. Not to mention the high registration fees that will be imposed, that some people wont be able to afford, forcing them to surrender their guns or become criminals. This is a gun grab.

He rushed this bill through so fast that he made no exemptions for police. As its written right now police are subject to the same 7 round rule.

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Right ....and even if the manufacturers retool or redesign higher cap. mags down to 7 rounds the price will go through the roof. pistol mags are already around 30-50 bucks. From what I understand you have one year to comply with the 7 round mag restriction. You can carry you higher cap. mags now but only load them with 7. (Brilliant!!) but after a year they will be illegal .If you cant find or cant afford the new mags you are screwed. You can either get rid of your old mags, which will pretty much make your pistol useless or keep them and be a criminal.

Existing 10 round Mags will never be illegal according tot he law as written. You can only load 7 in them. There is no one year tied to that part. The one year is the registration of the weapon. two totally different actions.

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Guys. Take a deep breath. currently owned 10 round mags will NOT be illegal if only loaded with 7 rounds. Any newly purchased mag fed semi's must have a 7 round mag and as I understand it can't be capable of taking a 10 round.

ie. Glock can't just make a 7 round mag for a gun they sell in PA that can take a 10 round mag.

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Agreed ....The word of the day is "Progressive" In his state of the sate address Cuomo said that this whole thing was about getting rid of "assault rifles" yet he put huge restrictions on handguns and handgun ammo. This is a back door gun grab. As it is now, when you die your "assault rifle" must be surrendered to the state (confiscated) and if 7 round or less mags are not available for you pistol, you are a criminal and subject to arrest and confiscation of your hand gun. Not to mention the high registration fees that will be imposed, that some people wont be able to afford, forcing them to surrender their guns or become criminals. This is a gun grab.

He rushed this bill through so fast that he made no exemptions for police. As its written right now police are subject to the same 7 round rule.

so if ur gonna commit a crime make sure you have at least 7 guys w you then at least one of you will get away.... lol lol

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I don't believe it is as random as might be thought. I believe it was by design. There are 7 shot revolvers so that was the low end threshold. I believe (put on tin foil hat) it is an attempt to curtail new pistol sales in NY. I believe it was Sig that didn't sell in NY for years becasue they didn't want to retool to sell here. How many other Manufactures won't mad a special run semi auto pistol that only accepts a new 7 round mag? If the national ban goes back in force at 10 I think us NY pistol permit holders just had our possible new purchases curtailed.

Correct. Heres another example. Springfield Arms came out with the XDm model handguns a couple of years ago. You cannot buy one in NY because they dont and wont make 10 (now 7) round mags for them. A few guys got them because there are a couple of shops outside of NY that will mod the mags for you and then ship the gun to your FFL. Of course, its an extra cost.

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Guys. Take a deep breath. currently owned 10 round mags will NOT be illegal if only loaded with 7 rounds. Any newly purchased mag fed semi's must have a 7 round mag and as I understand it can't be capable of taking a 10 round.

ie. Glock can't just make a 7 round mag for a gun they sell in PA that can take a 10 round mag.

Thats not what Gander told me today. They are still selling their handguns with 10 round mags.

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A few guys got them because there are a couple of shops outside of NY that will mod the mags for you and then ship the gun to your FFL. Of course, its an extra cost.

but even that won't fly unless the modification makes it so an originlal higher capacity mag won't fit it. this would mean a gun modification.

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