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where did my post go?


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Its in the political section.

This is bullsh*t to move this post to the political section. It was in the chit chat section for over 3 days. Funny how now you feel it necessary to move it.

It was a post asking people to discuss how we can get illegal guns off the street... a post asking for some solutions. It was not a gun control post.

Put the post back where it belongs buckhunter/moderator.

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Ha-ha-ha .... you will find that Bubba can go on and on with this kind of nonsense. In fact it will eventually get to the point where he starts to stalk your every post.... a lot like his comment on this thread. Just out of the blue he comes up with these crazy zingers, for no apparent sane reason. I've said it before and it's still true today..... There is something wrong with that boy .... lol.

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Imoved it yesterday I believe. Thats the section it belongs in.

If my post belongs there so does wackos and dumbfounded... Oh and you weren't sharp enough to see that sooner I guess, you control freak. It was a post asking for ideas and solutions.

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WOW some of the folks are a little moody WNY good job at keeping the B#$%S#$% from blowing up and keeping some one from going off the deep end every one is all messed up over the sadness in CT and yes some thing needs to be done but ( THE COWARDS THAT HAVE DONE MOST OF THE SHOOTINGS HAD GUNS THAT WERE LEGAL TO HAVE )

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If my post belongs there so does wackos and dumbfounded... Oh and you weren't sharp enough to see that sooner I guess, you control freak. It was a post asking for ideas and solutions.

Control freak? Because o organize the threads into the proper forum? Please. The others will get moved as well if need be. I havent had the chance to do it yet.

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Making this clear. The mod's move posts and help with spam and whatnot on the site. They are free to post / comment / and say whatever they wish. Them being a mod had no effect on what they can say or what their opinion on a subject is.

Every single action that happens on this site is logged, there has never once been an incident where a moderator abused their power so please take off your tin foil hats.

- your thread is here.

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Every single action that happens on this site is logged, there has never once been an incident where a moderator abused their power so please take off your tin foil hats.


Not so fast, I have three dozen made up ready for shipping at $1.75 a pop, even some with red and green on them for the season. Maybe we can get one with a Hunting NY logo on it?

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Not so fast, I have three dozen made up ready for shipping at $1.75 a pop, even some with red and green on them for the season. Maybe we can get one with a Hunting NY logo on it?

Put a couple of those tin foil hats aside for me, Doe..

You can keep the tinfoil jockey shorts, though...

Poor ol' Big Bob and the Boys get cold and shriveled up just at the thought of those things.

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