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I have been thinking.......its not the news media, the guns, the pscyhotropic meds, the divorce rate, or even a new phenomenon in our society.

Both males and females take these medications but mostly males commit the crimes.

School massacres have been happening since 1700's. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/School_shootings_in_the_United_States

And when they dont have guns, they use bombs (which are deadlier) or knives. If you review the long list of school killings and the deadliest really belongs to Bath, MI

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster (most deadliest bombing definitely with intent 38 elementary students died, 7 adults and 58 injured).

These are just School Shootings (not included are the bombings or knife attacks) and only schools not malls, churches, McDonalds, etc:

1700 - First documented School shooting

1800 - 1900 = 10 school shootings

1900 - 1930 = 21 school shootings

1940 - 1950 = 12 school shootings

1950 - 1960 = 19 school shootings

1960 - 1970 = 12 school shootings

1970 - 1980 = 6 school shootings

1980 - 1990 = 18 school shootings

1990 - 2000 = 17 school shootings

2000 - 2010 = 13 school shootings

2010 - 2020 = 6 school shootings to date

See anything out of the ordinary or unusual? Seems we are averaging every decade the approximate same except in 1970 to 1980. So what was better then? I grew up exactly in this decade (1971 to 1989) and I do not believe it was any different except that all the troubled kids in my school who were bullied, rejected and reprimanded smoked alot of pot or weed. In the bathrooms, behind bleachers, it was everywhere...thanks to the 60's ...or was it the era all kids and people pushed PEACE and our nation focused on war and not home. Not sure but we have not found the answer and it will not be as simple as one thing.

But our documented studies show they all have something in common:

A) Revenge for self or family member being reprimanded or abused in some fashion B) Rejection (romantic or not) C) Bullied

The answer does not end in weapon control - when an individual has a motive it will be carried out with whatever means possible and that means any weapon they can devise or find - but in human behavior and cognitive thought processes.

Seems we are finding ways to detect abnormal patterns - thus the prescribing of medication - but the medication is not the reason these individuals one day wake up and carry out these actions. There is no way to tell if the meds are even working on them...and in the last 200 years these meds were not even around.

I think the answer lies in our ability to discover how to one prevent A, B or C and then detect A, B, or C when it does happen and figure out how to correct the human response to either. Not an easy task since we are very complex and one can not see the inside of a humans cognitive functioning, and one of concern if we claim we can and start prosecuting those who we deem as mentally ill in error (refer to the witch trials for this one).

We are not even including the mall shootings, the resturants (i.e. McDonalds), movie theaters or all the others. These are just schools and shootings and missing the bombings and other attacks. Heck I would be here ALL day if I added all the attacks on humans by humans.

That is where the focus should be.......what makes a human attack another human(s). The answer may not ever be found...so in the meantime I guess we should focus on PREVENTION of self (arm and education), smoking more POT while promoting more PEACE. PPP

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Media has alot to do with. It's a spoon fed messgae that gets wired into some brains upon review.

Question, a school shooting can be a one on one attack or gang related. Mass shooting in my eyes is different. These "shootings" now a days involve killing a number of innocent people for no reason. The statistics you gave us based on shootings I would have to assume could be any type of shooting? Now a days it seems to be a mass shooting. I bet the combined 6 shooting took more lives in that bandwidth then the whole list combined.

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Good info Geno, I like your way of thinking. There are a ton of factors involved in the problem. The politicaians and the media blaming it all on the gun is about as insane an argument I could ever imagine. There are no easy answers, ppl are upset, but placing all blame on the device used is mind numbing ignorance. "The gun is the villan" and it will be fed daily on the news for months. I refuse to watch. I can't.

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Did any of these prior school shootings have 20 six and seven year olds shot dead and filled up with several bullet holes each?? Didn't go thru your list, but I highly doubt it.

bath bombing had more kids from ages7-14 killed (dead is dead). not to mention 500 more pounds of tnt found un exploded under school.
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I just love how you fellas point to other devices that can kill, yet can never blame a gun which is used most often.

Here's another one for you. It happened in England and pretty much led to the ban of private ownership of handguns there. So buckle up boys, because you are going to be in for a ride this time!


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Geno, wish that was true read the links, been happining for a long time, maybe your to young to remember the kent state shootings, or the amish shooting just a few years ago. the media has just jumped on this like a crow on roadkill... lobbing for its own agenda against guns... and everyone hate lobbiests... what ever happend to fair and unbiased news reporting?

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I just love how you fellas point to other devices that can kill, yet can never blame a gun which is used most often.

Here's another one for you. It happened in England and pretty much led to the ban of private ownership of handguns there. So buckle up boys, because you are going to be in for a ride this time!


Gotta say Steve, that it sounded like you had a little too much excitement in this last post, kinda reminded me of something Doc said in another thread.

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Did any of these prior school shootings have 20 six and seven year olds shot dead and filled up with several bullet holes each?? Didn't go thru your list, but I highly doubt it.

Oh fo goodness sake. Are 6 and 7 year olds more precious to their families than when they hit 10 or 11...or 16 or 18. Come one.

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Gotta say Steve, that it sounded like you had a little too much excitement in this last post, kinda reminded me of something Doc said in another thread.

So what DID Doc say??LOL He's so long winded I must have missed it. As I've said before, I call things the way I see them. Don't give a damn if the rest of you can't visualize how a gun CAN make it easier for some idiot to wreck havoc in comparison to other means.

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I don't think the ride will be much worse then other times. Clinton banned some guns in "94 the makers went around it, then it went away. Hi cap mags have always been easy to get before during and after the "ban"

Black Talons became the "bad" bullet, They gave it a new name and kept on making it, I still have boxes of the old ones as well .

The Bushamaster isn't an assult rifle by the state of connecticuts own definition, then there was that pesky USSC decison of late .Oh and more gun owners then ever.

Oh they'll get some things passed if they strike while the iron is hot and we don't fall off that cliff, then lawsuits will start and the makers will build around the laws.

I got lever actions from the late1,800's that still work fine so nothings going away soon.

And lets not forget soon the NFL play offs and the new season of Survivor will start. Then Lindsey Lowen will get in trouble again and folks will will be right back to caring about those more then anything else .

Edited by Larry302
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So what DID Doc say??LOL He's so long winded I must have missed it. As I've said before, I call things the way I see them. Don't give a damn if the rest of you can't visualize how a gun CAN make it easier for some idiot to wreck havoc in comparison to other means.

"Yes, I believe that they are perfectly willing and happy to exploit this tragedy for their own agenda. And as a matter of fact they have begun already. I am sure that they feel sorry for the lives lost, but will not hesitate for even a minute to exploit the situation for their own benefit and the furtherance of their ambitions and agenda. And the proof is in their immediate enthusiastic reactions. They are not wasting a minute of this opportunity and most likely had a response already prepared and a plan in place for this event even before it happened."

He said other things to the same effect numerous times, but falls in line with your excitement at the need for us to "buckle up and enjoy the ride".

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Oh fo goodness sake. Are 6 and 7 year olds more precious to their families than when they hit 10 or 11...or 16 or 18. Come one.

Yes, EVERY life is precious. Too bad you fellas don't give a damn about life. All you guys care about is that your lives are protected with those pistols strapped to your belts, while you could care less what happens to people who don't feel we should live in a society where everyone needs to be armed at all times, including teachers and school children. Screwed up world we live in, that's for damned sure.

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Yes, EVERY life is precious. Too bad you fellas don't give a damn about life. All you guys care about is that your lives are protected with those pistols strapped to your belts, while you could care less what happens to people who don't feel we should live in a society where everyone needs to be armed at all times, including teachers and school children. Screwed up world we live in, that's for damned sure.

If we didnt give a damn about life, why would we want to carry to protect our families and others from those determined to take their and our lives away?

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So what DID Doc say??LOL He's so long winded I must have missed it. As I've said before, I call things the way I see them. Don't give a damn if the rest of you can't visualize how a gun CAN make it easier for some idiot to wreck havoc in comparison to other means.

In reality, I think the killer could have done much more damage with a sawn off pump gun than a rifle, in close quarters like hallways and classrooms....

He could also have chosen to make some incendiary devices and burn them all to death.

Or he could have made an improvised explosive device.

Or he could have exposed some wires and then set of the sprinklers electrocuting everyone.

Or he could have driven through the parking lot at high speed when they're all lined up for the bus.

Or he could have gone on a rampage with a Samurai sword, no-one was armed so no-one could stop him.

Or...Or.. Or.... The list is endless, of course guns can kill people, as can just about anything in this world, the one common factor is someone with the desire to do so.

Edit : s/a/an improvised...

Edited by irish_redneck
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Yes, EVERY life is precious. Too bad you fellas don't give a damn about life. All you guys care about is that your lives are protected with those pistols strapped to your belts, while you could care less what happens to people who don't feel we should live in a society where everyone needs to be armed at all times, including teachers and school children. Screwed up world we live in, that's for damned sure.

Honestly I care more about my family's lives than your family's lives...that is true.

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Honestly I care more about my family's lives than your family's lives...that is true.

Agreed , but if my family were safe, and I were in a position to protect his family, I would... cos he certainly isn't in a position to do anything to save them. Police investigate the scene of the carnage, they don't prevent it, where were they as this shooting happened... not there.

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Yes, EVERY life is precious. Too bad you fellas don't give a damn about life. All you guys care about is that your lives are protected with those pistols strapped to your belts, while you could care less what happens to people who don't feel we should live in a society where everyone needs to be armed at all times, including teachers and school children. Screwed up world we live in, that's for damned sure.

Hum well I do have a wall of awards and ribbons on my dress blues for saving lives of strangers,most of them from poor inner city neighborhoods if that matters.

What I care about is that I can own and carry what I want,if you chose not to I'm way cool with that.The fact that you don't feel that way towards me is troubling, but I'd still risk it all to puill your a$$ out of a fire.

I've also worked on a couple hundred folks who have been shot, most low life drug dealers and the like again doesn't matter who you are I'll do my best.

gotta go swing the kettle bells with my daughter at the gym now.

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Yes, EVERY life is precious. Too bad you fellas don't give a damn about life. All you guys care about is that your lives are protected with those pistols strapped to your belts, while you could care less what happens to people who don't feel we should live in a society where everyone needs to be armed at all times, including teachers and school children. Screwed up world we live in, that's for damned sure.

Your little rant here is just a broad ass assumption on your part. And who is in favor of arming school children?

I care enough about life and other people that I carry a gun "stepped to my belt" so I can protect both.

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