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Eastern Sportsman Show


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I highly doubt this show will take place. The rate of dropping out per day will eventually force the show to shutter or change position. I doubt a sale will take place before hand, but next year, it'll probably have attendance records set once it gets in the hands of a pro-hunting, pro gun owner.

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some info has been posted on another site from (I think the SHOT group?) seems they have been negotiating with REED for over a month on this issue and finally walked away from the table when it became apperant that REED was not going to change their stance.

This opens a whole new can of worms, there is info about sending letters to the govenor, the ag dept., and the list goes on.... they are actually trying to get the license of reeds revoked because of fraud, and asking that the government freeze their bank accounts.

this is going to be very ugly before its all said and done, there will likely be a lengthy list of lawsuits both personal and class actions.

its a real shame that they have completely ruined a show in a weeks time that has taken decades to build up.

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Due to the NRA's decision to boycott the show I have changed my position as a life member and will not be attending the show as well. Also after seeing Reed's reluctance to change their position taking into account the opinions and concerns by an overwhelming portion of attendees and vendors I also have reservation about whether or not this was really just a business decision by Reed for the good of the show. I now believe that my original remarks and opinions were wrong... and understand that Reed's position is a blatant disregard for the 2nd Amendment.

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Thanks Steve.. I was really wrong on this one... think I was posting faster than thinking.

Happens to everyone from time to time.

One thing I think we can all agree on, is that the little guy is going to be negatively affected, and that's an unfortunate and unavoidable byproduct of this whole ordeal. Nobody wants to see that happen, but there's a point where tough decisions are made and I think those small companies may in turn have limited damage because most people know that those are ones they need to send their business to.

I was on the fence for going this year way before this ordeal, as I have a new kiddo. Obviuosly not going now regardless, but I was looking forward to a few vendors - Kinseys...they always seem to have a smoking deal on a particular game cam for a cheap price, the one vendor that sells the high-end reflective dog collars, as I get two of them each year...and I always look forward to buying some stuff I don't really need at the Sportsman Liquidators. The good news is SL is going to be at the show this weekend, and I need some new storage bags; their Team Whitetail bags are cheap but good. I'll be ordering the dog collars this spring over the internet from the vendor as I still have their catalog. Don't know about Kinsey running the cam sale online.

Edited by phade
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Reed Exhibitions has decided to postpone, for now, the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show given the controversy surrounding its decision to limit the sale or display of modern sporting rifles (also called ARs) at the event. The show was scheduled to take place February 2-10 in Harrisburg, PA.

“Our original decision not to include certain products in the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show this year was made in order to preserve the event’s historical focus on the hunting and fishing traditions enjoyed by American families,” said Chet Burchett, Reed Exhibitions President for the Americas. “In the current climate, we felt that the presence of MSRs would distract from the theme of hunting and fishing, disrupting the broader experience of our guests. This was intended simply as a product decision, of the type event organizers need to make every day.

“It has become very clear to us after speaking with our customers that the event could not be held because the atmosphere of this year’s show would not be conducive to an event that is designed to provide family enjoyment. It is unfortunate that in the current emotionally charged atmosphere this celebratory event has become overshadowed by a decision that directly affected a small percentage of more than 1,000 exhibits showcasing products and services for those interested in hunting and fishing.

“ESS has long been proud to participate in the preservation and promotion of hunting and fishing traditions, and we hope that as the national debate clarifies, we will have an opportunity to consider rescheduling the event when the time is right to focus on the themes it celebrates.”

What a crock of $hit.

Edited by Culvercreek hunt club
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nice! thats exactly what the vendors wanted to happen... either change rules or go out of buisness... i gotta tell ya those celebs that were gonna be there and big companys (ralph an vicki, weishun, cabelas ect ect) have earned my respect in a HUGE way!!!! i didnt think they had the guts to say no but they do!!! cabelas has earned my buisness even more than before!!!

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What about the small guys though? Don't forget them. They probably need it more than Cabelas, although the bigger companies took the stand because they held clout.

The question is...NOW what? Someone needs to step up and hold a show - it ain't easy, but it can be done.
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Competition is great. If some local groups there formed a loose union. they could put together an event just as good. A different name, with probably most of the same sponsors. It may not be as big but the power of boycott worked immediately and a plan could be put in place to fill the vacuum.

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Rumor is that Progressive is the company behind the push for Reed to drop ARs.

Reed stated it was one sponsor - all of the other sponsors had pulled out, except Progressive, before the cancellation. It was also reflected on the ESOS site - Progressive was the lone sponsor remaining. There's your answer.

Progressive has a history of such things.

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Man I would love to know if that could be confirmed. That would make for an interesting press release given the attention the show cancelation has gotten.

People screenshotted the sponsor list with Progressive being the lone remaining sponsor listed. All other sponsors pulled out. Reed said the cause was one sponsor. Not much of a leap there. Especially considering Progressive and it's creators are known supporters of HSUS, etc.

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