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Trail cam...Has this ever happened to you?


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Wife and I purchased a home almost 3yrs ago. Home sits on alittle over 3 acres. Back part of property is an overgrown field that backs up to some woods. Only real disadvantage it that my strip of land is only 172ft wide and can be a challenge. Any ways on Vets day 2011 I was sitting in my stand when just off to my left a nice buck was walking down my mowed path right towards my little food plot. I noticed as he walked in front of me he had 5 on this right side. I let him walk at that point because I was still slowly getting my bow off the hook. He mills around the plot, I get full draw on him at less than 15yrds, release arrow and I see it sticking out of his shoulder kinda high. Tracked him for close to 300 yrds with decent blood (never found arrow) then it stopped. Searched and searched with no luck. Then 9days later I found out via my t cam he was still alive. Finding this buck on my t cam 9 days later and seeing exactly were I shot was just crazy. I would have guesses he would have been 2 countys away after that. Has anyone else had this happen to them??


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Neat picture, bittersweet. You have love trail cameras! It sure looks like a high hit to me. Bone stopped the arrow from doing it's job. The height of the stand and the angle of the projectile along with how well the bow is tuned and how straight (or wobbly) the arrow was flying at time of impact are all factors to consider.

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I don't think so Phade...he said he saw the arrow sticking out of the deer and that wound looks too low...sounds like there wasn't much penetration by the broad head.....

That mark is over the spine. The spine dips at the front shoulder quite a bit, and the shoulder seats higher than the spine. It may have even been plausible he hit offside shoulder paddle. Arrows penetrate paddles pretty well, it's the knuckle that kills arrow performance, and his shot is WAY higher than the knuckle. The offside blade may have been able to stop the arrow after cutting through some backstrap and narrowly missing the spinal system.

How much arrow penetration? Big difference between 6 and 12. (That's what she said?).


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Then 9days later I found out via my t cam he was still alive. Finding this buck on my t cam 9 days later and seeing exactly were I shot was just crazy. I would have guesses he would have been 2 countys away after that. Has anyone else had this happen to them??

Yup, had the same thing happen.

Few years ago I had put a bad hit on a spiker durring archery. Shot passed through him very high and too far back from my ground blind. I got this pic of him a week later clearly showing the point of impact high on his back. He appeared to be getting along just fine..... that is untill he showed up on opening day of gun season at the same scrape. I figured if he was worthy enough to poke an arrow into, I wasn't gonna pass an oppertunity to hammer him with the smokepole.



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Wooly I thought id be alone on this, glad ur with me!! phade I like were your going here.(thats what she said) Off hand id have to say almost half the arrow. I'll never forget the sound on impact. Previous 4 deer taken with my bow were all clean pass thru shots with muzzys broadheads.

Edited by zag
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Same exact thing happened to me once. I had just set a new stand and was only in it for maybe 10 min. A nice buck came walking down a run and right into my shooting lane. Hit him high in the shoulder and watched him run off with most of the arrow hanging out of him. It looked like only the broad head went in. It was about a 15yrd. shot and I was using 125gr. Thunderheads. Not only did I only find a drop or two of blood but it began to snow as soon as my feet hit the ground. Never found him. Three or four days later my buddy had the same buck by his stand but couldn't get a shot. He told me that the wound didn't seem to be too bad. Our stands were about 100 yards apart.

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Poor Phade...having a flash back to what the better half said?....just before "but that's OK Dear".... ;) snap!

True story. I've dated two professional cheerleaders. One was a "rhinos" girl, the second was a Tampa Bay Lightning Cheerleader, who later stalked me for quite some time and gave way to my fraternity brother name. Oh the memories.

That's about the peak of my ladies chasing days. The one that tolerates me now is a God-send.

Did I ever tell you about my best diet? Cost me $17k, but with the stroke of a pen, I lost 105lbs of the deadest weight I ever had. I call it...the Ex-Wife Diet.

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I made an almost identical shot on an almost identical buck this yr. 70# draw with muzzy 100's. Arrow stopped dead right at the broadhead and broke off. Can still see the arrow cartwheeling through the air after the shot. Buck ran about 60 yrds and stopped then proceeded to walk off nose back on the trail he was following. Never found a drop of blood or ever saw him again.

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I hit a doe high this past bow season. Saw her later on during a gun season drive. I couldnt get a shot at her, but another guy did during that drive, and added her to his freezer. He had to cut a section of backstrap out and give it to his dog lol.

Lucky dog.......

I can't say I've seen it all but I have absolutely seen deer hit like this and skate. I don't have the answer and many say that that "no man's" land doesn't exist but I'll stick to my beliefs on it that it many of them do survive.

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I agree, I posted this just for the fact the odds of shooting this deer and getting a picture of him and the shot placement 9day later is amazing. I call it hitting the lottery. I was so releaved when I got a pic of him. Stupid me for blowing a chip shot.

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I shot a buck wheni was first starting bow hunting, shot it facing me off ground. but entire 2013 27in arrow in the deer betwwen neck and shoulder. got the same deer a year later with the arrow in in along the spine covered in a kind of sack rack was all messed up ... Buddy shot a 10 point high during bow this year and got it on camera again 5 days later showing the slice across top of back. it happens more than you think.. and as for no man's land right where you hit is it.. spine drops low(although most people insist its above the lungs below the spine). ananatomy. learn it?!

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