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Girl sniped by crossbow


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An 8-year-old girl on a field trip to a museum was mysteriously hit in the leg by an arrow.

According to SFgate.com, police reports stated that the third-grader from the Mary E. Silveira Elementary School in San Rafael, Calif., was playing on a replica of a whale outside the Lawrence Hall of Science in Berkeley when she was hit in the thigh by a crossbow arrow on Tuesday morning.

The injured girl was taken to Children’s Hospital & Research Center in Oakland with the arrow still lodged in her leg and treated for a non-life threatening injury. She was kept overnight for observation.

Geoff Vassallo, 51, of Mariposa, who was on a field trip with another school, happened to be standing by the girl when the incident occurred. He told SFgate.com, "She was pretty calm. She was crying a little bit. She said, 'Oh, it hurts.’” He added, "One of the adults was comforting her, waiting for the emergency personnel."

It's not yet known if the arrow was shot accidentally or on purpose. Police traced its possible trajectory and scoured the area. So far, a shooter has not been found.

UC Berkeley police Capt. Steve Roderick told the San Jose Mercury News, "We have no indication at all that this was intentional. The little girl was on a school trip. From all indications, it was either reckless or a random shot."

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Well that did not take as long as I expected


I'd have been telling ppl this would be next...The crazies that saw how ppl freaked at the school shootings and took gun rights away or impeded them....the same nut jobs that hate hunters would seize an opportunity....


Now you can say no way who'd do that to a kid?...the same type of person that would bomb an abortion clinic killing ppl....blowup/torch animal research facilities...snipe  DR.'s in their living rooms....The ones that think the ends justify the means to further their cause.....call me a conspiracist ...but just wait and see

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The scary thing is if it was intentional...  Hope she is OK (Most important!) and they find some real facts and the perp.  Unless it was from a vehicle it should be relatively easy to figure out, I mean its a cross bow bolt how far away could the shooter have been?  I agree Growalot, see what happens... 

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An accident?  No way!  I have been on campus at Cal-Berkeley.  There is no one shoowting crossbows there for target practice or hunting.  This had to be intentional.   This girl was not shot accidentally from 500+ yards away.  I agree with Growalot.  The perp is an insane anti-weapon idiot who feels the ends justify the means.  I hope they send him up the road to San Quentin.

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Fun "fuel for the fire"...If only crossbow hunters had their own season,(preferably at the expense of bow hunters) this would never have happened...damn you NYBOWHUNTERS! Lol...

Seriously, suck door that little grl...cant fix stupid or sick in the head.

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An accident?  No way!  I have been on campus at Cal-Berkeley.  There is no one shoowting crossbows there for target practice or hunting.  This had to be intentional.   This girl was not shot accidentally from 500+ yards away.  I agree with Growalot.  The perp is an insane anti-weapon idiot who feels the ends justify the means.  I hope they send him up the road to San Quentin.


Actually, if you look at the reports coming out now, they found multiple bolts in the woods nearby, suggesting hunting or target practice taking place nearby. Feel free to jump to baseless conclusions all you want though, apparently there are others jumping right along with you.


BTW, this happened in Wisconsin, not Berkley California.



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The video stated that another girl was hit in the back in Wisconsin so I am still not sure where the Berkeley Campus is .......

The video showed the bolt to have a practice head on it .

Rumor onthe street is that the bolt originated form an indoor archery range. You guys know those crossbows are capable of shooting right through concrete blocks and concrete.


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The video stated that another girl was hit in the back in Wisconsin so I am still not sure where the Berkeley Campus is .......

The video showed the bolt to have a practice head on it .


Yep, I got that mixed up. Regardless, they found other bolts/arrows in the woods nearby to this girl getting hit. Sounds like some ding dong not following general safe shooting guidelines. Of course it could have been an equipment malfunction as well. Who knows.

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It is not my intent to hijack this thread, but it brings to mind something that happened to me a few years back..


Along with a 3 of my friends, I was riding in a vehicle on the main drag in Medina, NY, heading south on a Sunday afternoon..We had spent a weekend fishing out of my buddy's camp at Oak Orchard.


As we were driving down the street, right in the middle of town, an arrow came sailing down and landed in the road in front of us...


We never stopped and never had the foggiest idea where it came from, other than it came flying in from a westerly direction..

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I have seen guys with releases that are shooting bows set to heavy for them. You know the ones, that strat theri draw witht he arrow pointed up at a 45 degree angle or higher. They get in that habit of drawing the bow with th efinger infront of the trigger and all it takes is one slip and that arrow is off to lands unknown.

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Not my business Belo, but shooting illegally next door to me is not something I would "leave well enough alone" with.


yeah my wife and i have debated this many times. I just moved in and that's no excuse. But I also like my guns. But I find it better to get a gun club membership and shoot. I think you're right that I shouldn't just sit back. I guess there's just so much antigun stuff that I hate to be that guy.

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drives me crazy reading guys practice in the back yard in a housing track...I have shot high on my 3-D, had it bounce off the back and travel 60 yrds to land in the trunk of a tree....once one traveled another 20yds and went through the steel tubing of the garden gate...the practice broad head is still in that gate...


Whether from being tired....finger slips ...release malfunction....accidental trigger touch...YOU JUST NEVER KNOW!!!


The person that may walk around with a loaded gun/crossbow COUNTING ON the safety to always work...needs to have the back of their head slapped ...and hard.



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