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troll thread - can be deleted.


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most hunter's know more about conservation and the animals we hunt than the average non or anti-hunter......you can be assured that we've all seen cute baby, so don't kill yourself trying to post the photo's.

Reread OP. Proud of all the responses in the face of what you thought was an anti.

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Does any one else find it ironic that the opinion was the OP pic was of a tranny and now Belo's profile pic is up instead? LOL


confused by what this thread is about.


and if you think the "troll pic" was some pic I made, you need to explore the internet. I only used that photo for a while because i pissed some people off and didn't need my real mug out there.

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confused by what this thread is about.


and if you think the "troll pic" was some pic I made, you need to explore the internet. I only used that photo for a while because i pissed some people off and didn't need my real mug out there.


Ticked some people off? Sheesh. Nobody gets that fired up here that identifying a mug becomes a priority.


Me thinks you just ugly. LOL.

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confused by what this thread is about.


and if you think the "troll pic" was some pic I made, you need to explore the internet. I only used that photo for a while because i pissed some people off and didn't need my real mug out there.


I hope it wasn't Tony Soprano that you PO'd...

Actually, I can't imagine ANYONE getting PO'd at you...

You haven't been sniffing that GLUE again, have you ??...<<grin>>...

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