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So what about Zimmerman?

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Saw this article today ...  "

ABC News says George Zimmerman, who has been in hiding since his acquittal of murder in the death of Trayvon Martin, emerged to help rescue someone who was trapped in an overturned truck.

Police told ABC News that Zimmerman "pulled an individual from a truck that had rolled over" at the intersection of a Florida highway last week.

Police said the crash occurred in Sanford, Fla., less than a mile from where the 17-year-old Martin was shot.

ABC News said it is the first known sighting of Zimmerman since he left the courtroom following his acquittal last week on murder charges for the Feb. 26, 2012 death of Martin. "

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Yeah but I bet the people he saved  were white , so it doesn't count !!!! Even if the people were black, I bet Zimmerman caused the accident, so that he could be the hero and  pretend that he is not a racist !!!........ White devil !!!!     LOL !!!!!!   Thats pretty much what it has come to in this country, thanks to the Sharptons, Jacksons and other small minded little self serving race whores on the world.

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I see one of the jurors came out and said that she feels Zimmerman got away with murder, but there wasn't enough evidence to convict him........thanks for fueling the fire.


Everyone is entitled to an opinion. (as on here) That does not make it so, and for all we know it was only 1 opinion

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I see one of the jurors came out and said that she feels Zimmerman got away with murder, but there wasn't enough evidence to convict him........thanks for fueling the fire.


I listed to what she said, and it amounted to she felt like she wanted to try and convict him of anything, but by the letter of the law, he was guilty of nothing. To me, that boils down to they made the right decision. Pointless interview drummed up by the media whores. Good Morning America isnt much more than a tabloid opinion show anymore.

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I listed to what she said, and it amounted to she felt like she wanted to try and convict him of anything, but by the letter of the law, he was guilty of nothing. To me, that boils down to they made the right decision. Pointless interview drummed up by the media whores. Good Morning America isnt much more than a tabloid opinion show anymore.


In other words, even a completely bias Trayvon supporter couldn't find a reason to find Zimmerman guilty.  Let it go.

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In other words, even a completely bias Trayvon supporter couldn't find a reason to find Zimmerman guilty.  Let it go.


EXACTLY !! Can you imagine what would be happening if Zimmerman was a black man and Martin was any other race???........ The Police and D.A. don't have enough to charge him, but because or politically correct racist B.S. the police chief is forced to step aside and a "Special Prosecutor" is assigned to the case. The "Special prosecutor " side steps the Grand Jury and indites him on her own on Murder 2nd, 44 days later. All of the physical evidence and eyewitness testimony supports Zimmerman's defense so he  is found Not Guilty. But still he is being persecuted and his life is made a living hell, by race whores and other self serving worms. Do you think that  the Reverend Al "BOZO" Sharpton or Jessie "Mush mouth" Jackson  would be OK with that, if the man was black ???   Really? ..........Racist Clowns motivated by $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

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The system worked perfectly in this case.... even a juror that was looking for some way to find him guilty of something couldn't do it because the system wouldn't let her... the evidence presented was not there to prove the already innocent man guilty... crazy how there are those Obama, Sharpton and Jackson types that would disrupt the system to have things their own way to further their ill founded careers.. regardless of the evidence.

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Do you think that filthy little race whores like the Reverend (LOL) Al sharpen and the Reverend (LOL) Jessie Jackson have any trouble paying their mortgage, rent or  car payment ..etc...etc.. every month? Do you think that Reverend (LOL) Jackson has any trouble finding money to pay off his mistress ??? I doubt it. ....Scum bags like them perpetuate "racisim. It keeps the pay checks rolling in. These guys are clowns but they have enough people fooled (mostly African Americans ) to keep the cash rolling in ....Fool$$$$$ don't realize they're being had by little S@#T stains.

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Bill O'reilly said it best about what the real problem is.

Earlier in this thread I stated I felt GZ should be punished, but not for murder. I was wrong. What changes my mind is that he wasn't on duty with the neighborhood watch, he passed 3 polygraphs, and he called the police before all of it. I was ill informed.

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