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food plots/baiting

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Why is it that baiting, salt licks are illegal, but food plots are not in New York. You can hunt over a food plot, isn't that sorta like baiting. Or am I reading the law wrong. I am all for food plots, don't get me wrong, it's good QDM, but it seems like baiting to me. What's everyone's thoughts?

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My thoughts are that this subject is in the same category as x-bows...AR's....posted land...whawhawhaaaa


There is an obvious difference in the two and if your standing on the side of no land ownership than your never going to see the difference and that could still be said of the guys that can't  see it, yet hunt over a farm field, apple tree or acorn dropping oak.... :rolleyes:

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It is pretty simple.  The question leads me to think of stirring the pot the answer is so obvious.


Baiting Tends to place a pile of bait in one location, near your stand.


Plots are 1/4 acre to 10 acres or bigger.


My 4 acre plot is a challenge to hunt


My 1/2 acre plot is also a challenge.


The state made baiting illegal because of the risk of disease transmission.  Disease is thought to spread much easier from a bait pile than an ag field or food plot.

Edited by WesternNY
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I know in Vermont you can have food plots, but if you get caught hunting one, it's the same as hunting a bait pile. I don't own land unfortunately, so I will never get to manage land for QDM. I wish I could, but I have the children's's college funds to pay for. I don't need to hunt bait piles or food plots, I just thought the topic would get people talking...which it did. The disease issue is a big point...we don't need CWD infecting or herds.

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My thoughts are that this subject is in the same category as x-bows...AR's....posted land...whawhawhaaaa

Well said and I agree.



DontMiss- My thoughts are that baiting is illegal. Cultivating a crop that deer may or may not eat is not.

Yes it is good QDM to afford the herd with a year round supply of nutritious food.

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I do think a bait pile has similar points as a food plot. The food plot has more support for permanence of support for the herd and quality of deer. I can see how someone could argue either way. Lets try to keep the debate not so hostile, then again I might as well grab some popcorn and enjoy the show.

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It really is as simple as one practice is legal and the other is not. That's the one major difference that counts. personally, I have no interest or need for doing either, but I do think that the DEC would play hell trying to sort out what fields are being done for hunting and what are simply habitat improvements or ag activities. I can see a law that would take volumes to define.....lol. They already are having difficulties getting legal support for their feeding and baiting laws (see Sullivan County). That law has been deemed vague and too general. Can you imagine them trying to word a law that defined exactly what constitutes a food plot .... lol.

As far as the "right or wrong of it all, I have to figure that the state biologists probably have a little knowledge about what promotes disease propagation. From that standpoint, I see baiting as being a practice that not only concentrates deer in an "area" but further concentrates them to the exact same "spot" where urine feces and saliva are exchanged directly. Food plots generally don't do that.

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WesternNY...You are an idiot! Most likely you rely on food plots aka bait piles to shoot a deer. Yep....YOU are the stupid one!



WesternNy....I'm one up on you...


Early has called me a JERK  twice in one post...


He only called you an IDIOT once...


I'm not sure...Does one IDIOT equal two JERKS...??..


I think it's time for my NAP.... I'm so confused....

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Food plots are not bait piles ONLY when no one hunts over them. Those who cultivate "food plots", only to hunt over them later on....are baiting, plain and simple! They are the sorryest of hunters!!

So are bait piles not really bait piles if no one hunts over them? Tell a DEC officer that and see what he says.

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