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Robbed again


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Does anyone use any type of surveillance at camps. Our hunting cabin was robbed again. Absolute animals. They know we aren't up there for months at a time and they take advantage. I went up last week to set up a food plot and found the copper pipes of our plumbing ripped out and missing!!! Along with a tv and some ammo. I don't know if its worth it or even possible to try and leave a camera running year round. Either that or just keep praying they try something when I'm there.

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Place a trailcam along the driveway such that you get the license plate number as they drive by. Do a careful job of concealing the camera or you'll have that missing too.


Another possible solution is to put a gate at the entrance with plenty of signs indicating that there is no trespassing allowed and then lay down (and camo) some nail-strips across the driveway. I think that is legal as long as they are knowingly trespassing (might want to check that out). Maybe with 4 flat tires they will be stuck there long enough for someone to spot them.

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Solar lights to create the illusion that someone is home. Then some cardboard silhouettes in the windows.

Beware of dog signs.

A loud door alarm will probably scare them off.

A bunch of fake cameras placed where they will see them.

Board it up. Use heavy screws and purposely strip the screw heads. Just bring a battery powered sawzall with you to gain entry.

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A trail cam that sends pictures would be worth triple the cost just to catch these pieces of crap . We had kids getting Into our trailor when we had land in franklinville, turns out they just wanted somewhere to party, we started leaving the door unlocked so they didn't rip it open anymore, they never stole anything and even picked up their emptys, sucks to hear what is going on for you. You work your butt off for something just to have someone take it.

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do you have a cable across driveway? if so take it down..big advertisement your not there.. lights on timers as well as a radio even during daylight. if you have neighbors have them leave tire tracks in and out. the cable is worse idea ever.. ask any local..if cables are up owner isnt there, free hunting.!! believe me they know if its down they dont know if you left for 5 min or hrs..and find a clunker and leave it in driveway put old plate on it .

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All good suggestions...We have to figure something out. Its just annoying because I would love to buy a 4wheeler and some other stuff and leave it up there but I cant leave anything.  We have neighbors that are there year round. We even have someone that lives in town go up and check on it every once in a while.  Im going to look into the trail cams with the live feeds or that I can DL the pictures from home.  It has to be dumb kids messing around... they did alot of work for about $30 worth of pipes.. I wish they would have gotten in touch, I would have gave them more to take a hike and not leave me with this headache of having to worry about redoing the plumbing instead of hunting.



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I guess I can put one to see if people are driving in. I doubt I'd be able to hide one near the house.


One?  Put in 6.


Batteries last for a year in most of them now.  After the bastards are caught, have the judge give THEM the bill for all damages, cameras and batteries.


My advice is gratis.............

Edited by Lawdwaz
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Sounds like a remote place. I think I would just not leave anything for them to steal. I know its a pain, but I would cart things like TV's, radios, ammo etc. back and forth and replace the pipes with the cheap flex pipe.

I hate these little maggots....Good luck

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Sounds like a remote place. I think I would just not leave anything for them to steal. I know its a pain, but I would cart things like TV's, radios, ammo etc. back and forth and replace the pipes with the cheap flex pipe.

I hate these little maggots....Good luck

I hate 'em too..I hate a thief and think it should be a capital offense..

If it didn't mean I'd spend the rest of MY life behind bars, I'd gladly take the thieving bastards out behind the barn and put one behind thier ear without a TINGE of regret...

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Place a trailcam along the driveway such that you get the license plate number as they drive by. Do a careful job of concealing the camera or you'll have that missing too.


Another possible solution is to put a gate at the entrance with plenty of signs indicating that there is no trespassing allowed and then lay down (and camo) some nail-strips across the driveway. I think that is legal as long as they are knowingly trespassing (might want to check that out). Maybe with 4 flat tires they will be stuck there long enough for someone to spot them.

 doc show me anywhere where its legal to set any kinda of trap like a nail board, cause if that's legal why stop with nail boards, how about punji pits, maybe a few doors covered by a shotgun that fires when the door opens


Edited by waterweasle
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