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Putin's letter to the American people

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That was really a great message

They should take Obama's Nobel peace prize & hand it to Putin


Haha I agree fully. At first, I thought America might need to head over to Syria and give them a good slap in the mouth. But that was out of anger by what the media broadcasts and tries to get the American public to believe. And the more it is talked about, the more I think that Putin is right. Not doing anything and letting the security council do what it was made for, could be a world changing motion. I think that Obama disregarding the council will be a slap in the face to the nations that are a part of the group. I'm no expert, just stating my opinion. 

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I too had a knee-jerk reaction that we had to do something. Well, I still believe that somebody has to answer for that atrocity, and if we are going to have rules of war, they do require enforcement. The question is whether it is the responsibility of the U.S. to be the world's police force when our national security is not directly threatened. The answer is obvious. We not only do not have the resources to run all over the globe making sure everyone is playing nice, but we don't have the moral right to do that either.

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I'm with this guy (see below)





"A good friend of mine and fellow Soldier posted this as his status this morning, I believe it is a well stated and current Soldiers need to read and see how you can properly state an opinion.

Some people are asking me what I think about Syria, so here it is.

I’m tired. I’m tired of people watching their children grow up via Facebook and Skype. I’m tired of hearing a man tell his wife ‘I love you’ followed by ‘I miss you’ for an entire year. I’m tired of watching the military divorce rate shoot sky-high. I’m tired of overhearing some teenager tell his mom over the phone, “I’m going over there” and hearing her cry from 20 feet away. I’m tired of Veterans waiting years to get the help they deserve and need. I’m tired of empty seats at Christmas dinner every other year and anniversary presents in the mail flying overseas. I’m tired of new men and women walking around with invisible wounds that don’t heal. Our flag is a beautiful thing- but I’m tired of seeing it draped over a casket. I’m tired of men and women missing pieces of their bodies, minds, and souls.

I want peace in Syria. I want people to stop killing each other in Syria, as well as anywhere else in the world. I want to look back on wars, not anticipate them. I want to make plans for the next year, and the year after that don’t revolve around being in a foreign country. I want proof that the people we’re helping aren't the people who have been trying to kill us for more than a decade. I want to know that the people we’re attacking are the ones who used the Chemical Weapons. I want to know how Syria’s problem is a threat to America, our Freedom, and our people. I want to know why we’re doing this alone, when the use of Chemical Weapons should get an international response. 

I can’t protest in uniform or speak against the leaders of our country. But I can address people.

Stop worrying about Miley Cyrus rubbing her ass on Beetlejuice. The next season of The Walking Dead will be available on DVD and Netflix and I promise, it won’t change from what they've shown on television. Unless you play football, and your income depends on that next game, stop obsessing over a sport for a bit. The clubs, bars, honky-tonks, and juke joints will be there all year. Ben Affleck isn’t a real hero, so it doesn’t matter what he does in a Batman costume at this point. You might want to turn your attention to this for just a minute, and maybe say how you feel about it- one way or another.

Because a whole lot of people are going to die real soon, no matter what. It’s just a matter of who they are."--- REPOSTED
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Since when do we trust Putin. He's ex KGB, a politician and foreigner, and the part the bothers me most is the politician part? And Russia has a lot of interest in Syria. I don't know the whole thing sounds so phony and orchestrated. Its just like whatever is going to happen is already planned. Sorry my government has just made me so freakin paranoid.

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Since when do we trust Putin. He's ex KGB, a politician and foreigner, and the part the bothers me most is the politician part? And Russia has a lot of interest in Syria. I don't know the whole thing sounds so phony and orchestrated. Its just like whatever is going to happen is already planned. Sorry my government has just made me so freakin paranoid.


It is extremely confusing. Who can you trust? Is it all just about a political goal? More than likely.. I say we stay away from Syria. So much could go wrong. As soon as they try stepping on our turf, then we can act with force. But we should not be wasting money on trying to correct a doomed country. Look at Iraq and Afghanistan. We changed little... As for Obama, he should not be going out of his way to strike Syria. Just because if he doesn't he would be "bowing down" to Russia? It's international law. That is what it was made for. To cast a vote on the best path. It was put in place for a reason. 

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I don't trust the Russians or the Syrians. I'm proud of our exceptionalism in America, it what makes us great! You may not like Obama but I know you love your country. Putin can go to hell, talking down to us on 9/11 he dissed this country on a day of mourning. Like I said the ball is in his court now, what will the play be???????????

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