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I need a break...


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This weather pattern has to change....I'm not a heavy wind hunter...I do...but I really don't like it....but a south wind is just a stand /open blind killer for me here....a enclosed blind I can get away with......the winds are suppose to drop some tomorrow but then 80%chance of rain.... and that is suppose to be around for 4 days at least.......Oh well it's given me a chance to open up a few more trails to stands I haven't used due to the noise factor...and will give me time to re open a few others...the leaves are falling fast now

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Here is a stupid question . Well not so stupid because I'm looking for an answer. When I hear a west wind,  is the wind going west or coming from the west? On the local weather they say the wind is west at x mph. Actually ,the wind is going east at x mph , Did I just answer my own question?

I was wondering the same thing but didn't want to be the one to ask LOL. I read south wind and i'm scratching my head thinking "It sure as hell looks like a norht wind to me" haha. 

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OK ......so you go to the weather station...I use weather underground...it shows that we are suppose to be having a 12mph west...that's how it's written...as I sit here the winds are blowing from the west north west 13mph ..gusting 17mph....causing the leafs  on the trees to fly past the window headed east south east... ;)


Edited by growalot
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Winds were stiff and gusty last evening, then dropped off just before closing.SW to SE to North. Doe poured onto the field with several bucks, one shooter. Their I sat, after hours being teased watching sparing go on for several minutes before winner buck breeds a doe. Did manage to snap some low light pics but not of the breeding. The third pic is 3 sparing at once.





Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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OK ......so you go to the weather station...I use weather underground...it shows that we are suppose to be having a 12mph west...that's how it's written...as I sit here the winds are blowing from the west north west 13mph ..gusting 17mph....causing the leafs  on the trees to fly past the window headed east south east... ;)

I use a $100 weather station right at the house. Far more accurate.

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