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my time after i get a deer down is pretty busy. gutting, dragging, hanging and a trip to the butcher or getting out the butchering equipment. Football, beers and stories with friends. Hopefully that's the case with him and he'll post soon.


even with a shot i know was true i still get nervous until i find the deer.

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I rather people just come out and admit it.


"I thought I had it.  Turned out to be a bad shot.  I twitched or miscalculated.  I messed up.  I'll be more careful next time."


You know what?  S#!t happens.  As long as you own up to it, it's cool.  But if you're going to go off and act like it never happened, I'm inclined to believe you're going to do it again without a care and that's what worries me.


I'll admit myself.  I took a 42 yard shot this year.  Clean miss thankfully.  Heart was pumping.  Right before she was about to reach my shooting lane another hunter spooked her.  She ran right pass me and stopped just out of my shooting lane.  I had to lean to the side a little to avoid a branch.  I ended up squeezing my left hand on the shot and pulled left.  Hit a tree about 6 inches from my intended target.  Lesson learned.  I messed up; it was a bad decision on my part.  Good thing nothing bad came out of it.  Next time I'll let it go if they're not in my comfortable shooting lane/angle.


We all make mistakes.  Its part of being human.  Just own up to it.  Then it'll be a question on error rather than a question of ethics.

Edited by Elmo
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Or maybe he read the negative comments and decided not to post pics of his deer?  Just a thought.


I doubt it lol. Would be nice to see a pic of the deer pop up but im not thinking its going to happen. Hope so.


Its hard not to post something when the tittle says got it done.. And it was far from done. Kinda asked for it.


Not trying to be too negative but the story speaks for itself.

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Maybe its just me, but the last thing on my mind would be to pull my phone out and post something like this into a hunting forum. Glad you enjoy the site man but focus on being a hunter not a "status updater". Plenty of time for the bragging rights once you recover the animal and get it home. Hope you found him.

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Maybe its just me, but the last thing on my mind would be to pull my phone out and post something like this into a hunting forum. Glad you enjoy the site man but focus on being a hunter not a "status updater". Plenty of time for the bragging rights once you recover the animal and get it home. Hope you found him.


Sadly, a lot of people both young and old  are addicted to their "smart" phones.  Interpersonal skills are in the toilet, but people can sure type fast with their thumbs.   Don't own one, don't intend to.

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Maybe its just me, but the last thing on my mind would be to pull my phone out and post something like this into a hunting forum. Glad you enjoy the site man but focus on being a hunter not a "status updater". Plenty of time for the bragging rights once you recover the animal and get it home. Hope you found him.

Not just you. The two times I lost deer in all my years of bow hunting, nobody knew but the guys who helped look , till now I guess. The times I had to go back in the AM and found it my wife was the only one to know.

The last thing I'd do is announce on the World Wide Web. I can understand a new hunter with nobody to turn to asking what he should do , although a PM to experienced hunters might be the way to go in that case. For sure its generational younger guys post about their whole life all day.

The antis make a big deal about bows wounding loss rate. Sure it's outdated data,slanted, and out right lies, but lets not give them up to date stats if we don't have to.

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Not just you. The two times I lost deer in all my years of bow hunting, nobody knew but the guys who helped look , till now I guess. The times I had to go back in the AM and found it my wife was the only one to know.

The last thing I'd do is announce on the World Wide Web. I can understand a new hunter with nobody to turn to asking what he should do , although a PM to experienced hunters might be the way to go in that case. For sure its generational younger guys post about their whole life all day.

The antis make a big deal about bows wounding loss rate. Sure it's outdated data,slanted, and out right lies, but lets not give them up to date stats if we don't have to.

As stated before, nothing wrong with being excited and wanting to announce to the world that you shot at a nice deer. Problem comes in when said person titles it the way this thread, and many others, stating "doe down", "deer down", "got it done" etc, when in fact, its FAR from done. Not even close. Sometimes the hunt only starts the moment you pull that trigger, or release that arrow.

Its the mentality of these folks that give this sport a bad name, not the honest ones that are humble and have some humility. Taking a bad shot isn't the end of the world, and shouldn't be shamed to no end. But taking a bad shot and thinking you done nothing wrong and show no remorse should be discouraged amongst hunters.

There's just way too many of these overconfident hunters on here, and its dangerous because this IS the World Wide Web, for all to see.

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