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3,000 deer on LI in federal sharpshooters' sights this winter

the blur

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Growalot, on long island there is no need to worry about tags for does.  Theres basically an unlimited amount of antlerless deer that you can take. Just keep checking the heads in to prove they were antlerless and they will issue you a new one.

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I hunted state land in Montauk last year.........saw no deer, when I spoke with DEC at the check station, they said the problem is that the deer are living in peoples yards where the food is, not in the woods where food is limited.......I honestly don't think there is another feasible option, kinda hard to swallow as a hunter, but it is what it is.

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Oh, what drama!! So why the hell didn't you help the cause on LI, and kill that 4 point and doe that you told us you passed up in a couple of your recent posts?? I am all ears. You are so full of it, just like most of these bow hunters on LI who pass deer after deer waiting for that big buck to come by. They could care less about helping control the population, all they care about is the bragging rights they would have with that big buck. You guys failed, thus something more drastic needs to be done. The general populace out there thinks the sharpshooters could get the job done better than you can, and I would say they are correct. The sharpshooters surely won't be passing deer up like you do! LOL

You stupidity amazes me.  First off the DEC do not make the rules so you can cry to them all you want they do not make the changes, politicians do.  Second, there is not problem with the population on LI, they just want you to think that way so they can do these stupid culls.  Keep on believing their stupid ploy to tell you their are too many deer.  This is a politically motivated ploy to allow snipers in so the general public does not have to see the harmless deer hurt, pathetic.  Third, you and your shallow opinions will not change the way I hunt.  I don't need to kill a fawn to prove to you I can, or help out some politically motivated cull by killing another buck or doe.  If they want us to kill more deer allow more access otherwise they are the cause not bow hunters. 


I see you have the same attitude towards deer, that they are just rats, good for you.  Funny from a guy who says he is a doe killer, does not need to post any pictures of his bucks then posts a picture of his trophy room.  Can you say hypocrite, lmao.  Go whack another doe with your buddy the whacker.  I will not entertain another dispute with you and your twisted views.  I can only hope once this is a success that they come to your hunting area and take out 3000 doe.  Then you will have nothing to shoot.  Coming to a town near you, WMU in proposal of snipers, regions 1,2,3,4,5,7,8.  This is just a start. 


Reality check, the people on the east end do not like LI people.  Anything west of the canal are all citiot's.  They do not want us low life people coming into their towns.  This is something else your are probably not familiar with.  Do you even live on LI Steve?  Don't answer I am sure I know as you are so knowledgeable on our herd and what is needed to keep it in check.  Guess I should go whack a doe to make you happy and any unfortunate buck I see should be killed too, NOT.  Funny how with you its hunt my way or the wrong way.


LI has plenty of hunters who are willing to kill any deer, just give us access to do it.  I can get about 200 plus bow hunters who are brown and down deer for any town on LI give me access and I will get it done.  Open up the area to residents other than JUST Suffolk county and any town has a large group of hunters to choose from.   We not only have the people willing and able to do it, they will actually pay for this privilege.  But yea sure go encourage culling?  Not me sorry I see this as a politically motivated tool to spend tax payers money.  Pathetic use of tax payers money when it can be done with bow hunters.  Sorry but I will never agree will THIS type of culling when the proper tools are at the towns disposal.  Again some of you seem to like GOV control over your lives, I think they have done enough damage, I would hate to see NY deer suffer at their hands.  They are not deer biologist and probably never consult one for proper balance so there views are twisted by the few uneducated in there deer management program which probably does not exist. 


Bow hunters killed over 6000 deer on LI, what is the goal?  9,000, 20,000?  Make more room for more houses, no deer in those woods, OK to cut them down and put up a house?  Now if we see a deer it should be culled.  How about a small farm, with a 10 foot fence.  How about we make it a park for deer, NO HUNTING.  Again bow hunters are not the issue, we kill many deer, want more remove, give us access to those area's where you are having issues!


Let me know where you hunt Steve and I will promise to talk to the sniper advocates and get them over to your area next.  Sure you will encourage this where you hunt to keep the population in control because you are just not doing enough no matter how many you kill and you understand how important it is.   Only reply I need is your WMU area's, thanks.

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Thanks for clearing that up...Oh and Lawd. I know 2 can be signed over in my case but Mr B goes strictly for camp tags....and our son owns his own land and bow hunts like I do in 8N...but with all the hunters there SEEMS to be on LI ...I would assume they ..many of them own homes...know their neighbors...are there ppl out there working to get their neighbors on board with killing does in the neighbor hoods or...does the area have local ordinances prohibiting it that over ride the NYS DEC 500ft rule?..Allowing baiting and setting up special days and times...just seems that we haven't heard where alternatives have been tried ...other than more doe tags...The post has brought up different issues many may not have know...like limited park access

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You stupidity amazes me. First off the DEC do not make the rules so you can cry to them all you want they do not make the changes, politicians do. Second, there is not problem with the population on LI, they just want you to think that way so they can do these stupid culls. Keep on believing their stupid ploy to tell you their are too many deer. This is a politically motivated ploy to allow snipers in so the general public does not have to see the harmless deer hurt, pathetic. Third, you and your shallow opinions will not change the way I hunt. I don't need to kill a fawn to prove to you I can, or help out some politically motivated cull by killing another buck or doe. If they want us to kill more deer allow more access otherwise they are the cause not bow hunters.

I see you have the same attitude towards deer, that they are just rats, good for you. Funny from a guy who says he is a doe killer, does not need to post any pictures of his bucks then posts a picture of his trophy room. Can you say hypocrite, lmao. Go whack another doe with your buddy the whacker. I will not entertain another dispute with you and your twisted views. I can only hope once this is a success that they come to your hunting area and take out 3000 doe. Then you will have nothing to shoot. Coming to a town near you, WMU in proposal of snipers, regions 1,2,3,4,5,7,8. This is just a start.

Reality check, the people on the east end do not like LI people. Anything west of the canal are all citiot's. They do not want us low life people coming into their towns. This is something else your are probably not familiar with. Do you even live on LI Steve? Don't answer I am sure I know as you are so knowledgeable on our herd and what is needed to keep it in check. Guess I should go whack a doe to make you happy and any unfortunate buck I see should be killed too, NOT. Funny how with you its hunt my way or the wrong way.

LI has plenty of hunters who are willing to kill any deer, just give us access to do it. I can get about 200 plus bow hunters who are brown and down deer for any town on LI give me access and I will get it done. Open up the area to residents other than JUST Suffolk county and any town has a large group of hunters to choose from. We not only have the people willing and able to do it, they will actually pay for this privilege. But yea sure go encourage culling? Not me sorry I see this as a politically motivated tool to spend tax payers money. Pathetic use of tax payers money when it can be done with bow hunters. Sorry but I will never agree will THIS type of culling when the proper tools are at the towns disposal. Again some of you seem to like GOV control over your lives, I think they have done enough damage, I would hate to see NY deer suffer at their hands. They are not deer biologist and probably never consult one for proper balance so there views are twisted by the few uneducated in there deer management program which probably does not exist.

Bow hunters killed over 6000 deer on LI, what is the goal? 9,000, 20,000? Make more room for more houses, no deer in those woods, OK to cut them down and put up a house? Now if we see a deer it should be culled. How about a small farm, with a 10 foot fence. How about we make it a park for deer, NO HUNTING. Again bow hunters are not the issue, we kill many deer, want more remove, give us access to those area's where you are having issues!

Let me know where you hunt Steve and I will promise to talk to the sniper advocates and get them over to your area next. Sure you will encourage this where you hunt to keep the population in control because you are just not doing enough no matter how many you kill and you understand how important it is. Only reply I need is your WMU area's, thanks.

Just wow!!! You need to take your medication now, that's for darned sure. 1000 word essay of pure BS.

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Typical response from you, if its not my way your doing it the wrong way...  Expected...  NO WMU unit?  No need they will be working all over the state from what I understand, just keep encouraging this so you can keep you doe population in control...  LI is just a test area, your politicians have all ready contacted these guys.  They have 15 more towns to "test" this in NY not on LI.  Good luck.

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LMAO, nice contribution.  Typical of you two.  Wonder how happy you both will be when this is done in you area to "Control" the population.  Guess you will encourage it because it is the proper way to handle overpopulation according to you two experts.  LOL

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LMAO, nice contribution. Typical of you two. Wonder how happy you both will be when this is done in you area to "Control" the population. Guess you will encourage it because it is the proper way to handle overpopulation according to you two experts. LOL

Lol lmao rotflmao

Won't happen in any of my areas, and I'm no expert.

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Your failure to respond his statement only confirms his argument. Your inane comment about drugs only proves you don't have a valid response.

There is nothing of any importance in any part of his 1000 word dribble essay to respond too. Based in his pictures of himself he posted recently I would say he dabbles in a hobby besides just hunting ie drugs.

If he doesn't understand carrying capacity's and the need to kill 3000 deer then he is hopeless. Hunting is not getting the job done and won't. You can not force people to open up their lands to hunting and DEC has no say in town ordinances like residents only hunting. None of this matters as the snipers are going to do their job. If you don't like it, do something to change it.

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Paying snipers to cull deer is a horrible idea, the deer will not all be processed.  This would be a burden on the tax payers for something that can be done for free and is not a good long term solution.  Bow hunting in rural area's has been proven effective, cost efficient and economically profitable for the community.  Bow hunting is the best solution.   


Deer are not the only animals with ticks, mice are a huge factor.  HUGE!  Wonder how the snipers will do with them.  Next is fox, turkey, geese, squirrels, cats and dogs.  Sounds like the overpopulation is on the human side.  Funny how when more people move out east the more deer they want killed.  Killing 3000 deer will not fix the lyme disease problems.  They don't want them culled they want them removed thinking no lyme ticks will survive.  You think those snipers are going to pick up 3000 deer, yea right.  They will not donate the meat, great fix.   


So much for encouraging hunting, better to encourage poaching at night with bait, spotlights and snipers with silencers.  All the stuff no one is allowed to do on LI.  But wait we need to kill some deer so lets just allow it?  Wonder what the charges would be:  Baiting, spotlighting, shooting from the back of a truck, lol OMG, shooting at night, night vision goggles, silencer and a 30 round clip and it looks like life.  Where is the judge I need a ruling! 


Opening up more area's to bow hunters and the general public would allow for more deer to be taken and the best economically viable long term solution.  Deer taken would help, taxidermy, dinners, deli, gas stations etc. all helping the economy and utilizing the animal.  


Snipers baiting is horrible and I am shocked so many here see this as a viable solution.  How would you like it if this was your hunting area and 3000 extra doe where slaughtered?  To compare this majestic beast with a rat is unimaginable to me.  But I see deer in a much brighter light than many, shame they can not see the survivors that whitetail deer are.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, shame so many see so little value in the life of this majestic beast.  Shame on any town that treats this animal with such distain.   

You hit the nail right on the head. It's funny how they describe the DEC as sharpshooters. Makes me feel so much better that I am paying the government to do the citizens job. If there are too many deer then adjust the rules for hunting them in that area to increase the hunters take.


Whitetail are now extending their territory as far west as Mill Neck (Nassau County), but nothing is being talked about to counter the supposed "whitetail" menace. Why not? If they are such a scourge, shouldn't they be eradicated now before we need to pay more of may taxes to do a job that is ours.

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Typical response from you, if its not my way your doing it the wrong way... Expected... NO WMU unit? No need they will be working all over the state from what I understand, just keep encouraging this so you can keep you doe population in control... LI is just a test area, your politicians have all ready contacted these guys. They have 15 more towns to "test" this in NY not on LI. Good luck.

What the hell else do you want me to tell you? Did I call in the freakin sharpshooters?? Did you do your part in culling the herd out there?? Some of us are trying to give you the reality of things out there, and you take it as a personal insult, because you think you are right and everyone else is wrong. That's your problem and not mine. Think whatever the hell you want and you can continue to go bonkers over this until the cows come home. We shall see shortly whose opinions will come to fruition here.

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The problem I have is that this is not a viable solution and you two seem to support it out of spite just because it will not affect you, yet.  You think Suffolk county is the only area this will happen?  Yes?  Then you both are kidding yourselves.  Albany and Ithaca will be next with Nassau soon to follow, will you object when they finally get to your town?  It that what it will take?  You both seem to think we are overrun with deer, WE ARE NOT.   They just want more eliminated thinking this will stop lyme.  Wake up and stop believing the media, they are lying, we have no population issues except on the human side...  Do you really think that we need to cull 3000 more doe, if so again you are just believing the media.  Please don't be so gullible!  We do not have an overabundance of deer, they just want you to think that way to allow this cull to happen.  Be realistic.  We don't have a population issue with deer.



In so far as how I hunt, it is what it is.  I will not change my hunting ways to cull the population, being familiar with hunters on LI I know we have enough to keep the population under control if allowed.  (This is only my second year hunting LI so in reality I have NOTHING to do with population control...)  You seem to want to blame the population control on me and how I hunt.  Well just so you know we have thousands of hunters on LI and most of them do not hunt like me and would be happy to take any deer. 


PS: If they want the population controlled they will allow more bow hunters access and allow more than just local hunters.  Open the public parks, lower the shooting limit to 150ft and get homeowners to sign up for a volunteer bow hunting program that allows us access and we will get it done. 


Frankly, as you two seem to like killing doe, I am so shocked that you approve of this plan.  I would bet my house if your town suddenly said they need population control and the herd was too large you would not be so willing to have your herd culled.  Think about it!  One day your town says we have an extra 30,000 dollar grant and want to use it to control the deer herd.  Because we think more need to be killed. 


Again, you see this as herd control because bow hunters and not doing their job?  I see this as a ploy to allow a grant to be spent and try to prevent lyme from spreading.  Don't believe everything the newspapers and media want you to believe.  Bow hunters can and have controlled the population just like in your area's we can do much more if allowed.  I understand you two do not like me or the way I hunt, don't let this cloud your judgment on what is right.  Bow hunting is the best way to control population in urban environments. 



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The problem I have is that this is not a viable solution and you two seem to support it out of spite just because it will not affect you, yet.  You think Suffolk county is the only area this will happen?  Yes?  Then you both are kidding yourselves.  Albany and Ithaca will be next with Nassau soon to follow, will you object when they finally get to your town?  It that what it will take?  You both seem to think we are overrun with deer, WE ARE NOT.   They just want more eliminated thinking this will stop lyme.  Wake up and stop believing the media, they are lying, we have no population issues except on the human side...  Do you really think that we need to cull 3000 more doe, if so again you are just believing the media.  Please don't be so gullible!  We do not have an overabundance of deer, they just want you to think that way to allow this cull to happen.  Be realistic.  We don't have a population issue with deer.



In so far as how I hunt, it is what it is.  I will not change my hunting ways to cull the population, being familiar with hunters on LI I know we have enough to keep the population under control if allowed.  (This is only my second year hunting LI so in reality I have NOTHING to do with population control...)  You seem to want to blame the population control on me and how I hunt.  Well just so you know we have thousands of hunters on LI and most of them do not hunt like me and would be happy to take any deer. 


PS: If they want the population controlled they will allow more bow hunters access and allow more than just local hunters.  Open the public parks, lower the shooting limit to 150ft and get homeowners to sign up for a volunteer bow hunting program that allows us access and we will get it done. 


Frankly, as you two seem to like killing doe, I am so shocked that you approve of this plan.  I would bet my house if your town suddenly said they need population control and the herd was too large you would not be so willing to have your herd culled.  Think about it!  One day your town says we have an extra 30,000 dollar grant and want to use it to control the deer herd.  Because we think more need to be killed. 


Again, you see this as herd control because bow hunters and not doing their job?  I see this as a ploy to allow a grant to be spent and try to prevent lyme from spreading.  Don't believe everything the newspapers and media want you to believe.  Bow hunters can and have controlled the population just like in your area's we can do much more if allowed.  I understand you two do not like me or the way I hunt, don't let this cloud your judgment on what is right.  Bow hunting is the best way to control population in urban environments. 

how do you suggest they select the people to hunt these neighborhoods? I've met a lot of hunters in my life, and I certainly wouldn't want some of them within a mile of my house.

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NFA, do you think the sharpshooter or bait and shoot program is new? Its not at all. LI is no "test bed" for it, its been used, with success in many areas for many years. Yes, right here in NY, and even in my general area of the state.


For example, In Irondequoit, NY they ran a 9 year sharpshooting program in one specific park. They ended up taking 876 deer out of there in that span. They then enacted a special permit bow season in the areas around the park, and that has been successful to keep the numbers to a controllable level. In the first decade of that program, 449 deer were taken. Last year they didnt do the bow hunt, but this year they did.


From the looks of things, without that first cull, bowhunters in that area would not have dropped the numbers to a level that they needed to to get the herd under control.

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