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Chris Christie

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first met me say I am no fan of his, but apparently the libs think he is a guy to get out of the way for 2016.  They are hammering him today.  Funny part is he said I did not know it was going on and took responsibility.  Obama denies knowing anything about anything and he gets a pass.  Gotta love how the media carries the water

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Let it unravel. There has to be a fall girl and she was fired. He knew about it and did nothing because he called Port Authority on the NY side and asked why they opened the lanes. Like I said time will tell and this one smells a bit too fishy for me. 

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I for one would take Christie over Cuomo any day of the week.  At least he tells you what he thinks and doesn't pull new laws on people under the cover of darkness like Cuomo.  


The media is all over Christie because every liberal minded person knows that if he were to be the republican nominee for president, he would sweep the floor with any democrat that they might put up against him.  Plenty of democrats who don't want another Obama in office next time that would vote for a guy like Christie, and who would staunch conservatives who love to bitch about Christie vote for if Christie was up against any democrat??  Surely not the democrat.  He would win by a landslide for sure.  Don't know how this scandal will end up hurting him, but the democrats and liberal media surely won't let up on him because if they put him down for the count, they have put their biggest(no pun intended) challenger out of the picture.

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I for one would take Christie over Cuomo any day of the week.  At least he tells you what he thinks and doesn't pull new laws on people under the cover of darkness like Cuomo.  


The media is all over Christie because every liberal minded person knows that if he were to be the republican nominee for president, he would sweep the floor with any democrat that they might put up against him.  Plenty of democrats who don't want another Obama in office next time that would vote for a guy like Christie, and who would staunch conservatives who love to bitch about Christie vote for if Christie was up against any democrat??  Surely not the democrat.  He would win by a landslide for sure.  Don't know how this scandal will end up hurting him, but the democrats and liberal media surely won't let up on him because if they put him down for the count, they have put their biggest(no pun intended) challenger out of the picture.


I agree. Up until this issue, he was in my opinion the only right side person to win the white house. I don't think there's another person who can - esp if Hillary gets the nod.

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No matter the outcome, their will always be questions in people minds. That is where the well informed voter will have to make a decision. Vote for the party that is destroying the health care system, as we know it in this country. Plan, implement, and allow the transfer of guns over our boarder. Allow the attack on the embassy in Benghazi while we sit, watch, and do nothing. I don't know about anyone else, but Christie shines over the liberals, aside of a few traffic jams.

Edited by landtracdeerhunter
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ASSUMING that they don't dig up any proof that Christy knew anything about it, I think it will help him in the long run. 


Grow hit the nail square on the head with a freekin' 20 pound sledge though:  ask yourself why the Feds IMMEDIATELY launched a major investigation into this but the IRS Scandal has been shoved into the bottom drawer hoping people will forget about it, which apparently most have. :(

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