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What time do you get into the turkey woods


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Just curious what time everyone usually is in there spot before the sun comes up. I try to get in shortly before first light but I hear some people being seated as early as 4am. I feel like that's a lot of sitting in the dark for no reason.

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I do like to get in early. Especially if I know where they are. You can get right in tight in total darkness. All those days when after you hear them gobble and fly down it's a tough hunt all morning. My best chance is when the sky gets light I can see some on roost. You can see them fly down, a couple soft calls can do the trick. This weekend I was in at about 4:30. Good luck

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Yes I have been in as early as 4:15 nice slow walk in I bring thermos of coffee and get set up decoys if being used that day and then sit back have coffee and enjoy the woods come alive with the birds singing and just get a feel for where the birds will come thru that day. No earlier than 4 tho unless hunting public land.

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I aim for 4:30 to 5 depending on the spot and if they were roosted the night before. The more I know about where the birds are the earlier I am out. Like everyone said, hearing the woods come alive and the birds waking up is a great morning.

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It depends on my setup. If I know or suspect that birds are roosted close to where I'm hunting, I go in in full darkness. You can  get away with a lot under cover of darkness, as long as you're not crashing through the woods like a moose or shining lights around.


If I'm just going into an area trying to hear a bird on the roost and then go to him, I get to my listening point about 45 minutes before sunrise.  Year in and year out, I have found that turkeys USUALLY start gobbling on the roost about half an hour before sunrise.  I like to be sitting on a stump listening when I hear that first gobble.



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On opening day we will set up in the dark.  After that....whenever we get there.  Funny thing, I've called in just as many (if not more) birds at 9-10am as I have at first light.  If you know where your birds will be at any moment during the day or where they are going to, you can set-up ahead of them.  All you have to do is wait for them to pass by.

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