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The liberal solution to the deer population.

the blur

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It appears that each municipality has to blow a fortune with these expensive experiments and has no way of learning from the experiences of others. My attitude is, let the majority rule. If they hate hunting more than expensive landscape damage, auto/deer collisions, and hazardous tick-borne diseases, then great. Let the idiots rot with the consequences of their own ignorance. It is exactly what they deserve. The DEC and hunters should simply back away from the situation and let nature take its course, providing yet another laboratory example to display the catastrophic results of these foolish people. 

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Why don't they try a deer abstinence program first??? It might be cheaper. If it doesn't work, then by all means the obvious answer is to perform surgery on every freaking doe in the area!!! Is that somehow sexist ???

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Dumb liberals.

Not to get off topic but...

Ever notice a deer will be eating your lawn. You cut the grass and dump a huge pile of fresh cut grass in the woods which should be like a buffett for a deer and yet they continue to eat your lawn instead?

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  • 5 weeks later...

Just got back from Ithaca where all the deer we saw around town had radio collars on them. Talked to the law while grabbing some breakfast. Said deer are a real problem there as most of Ithaca is granola like and opposed to hunting. But then he also mentioned the influx of wolves are helping to reduce them, lol. 

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I don't see as this is "The Liberals" fault, for one thing bleeding hearts and animal lovers run at both end of the political spectrum, for another there is no way the concentration of wealth found in the Hamptons was created by just liberals. I WORK in those homes installing automation systems and i can tell you they ain't liberal. Not with their politics or their tipping!

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Living near Ithaca I have seen some of this first hand, heard of it and just shake my head in disbelief. This is also similar to what happened at Binghamton University either last year or the year before. They were going to bring in sharp shooters to cull the herd, when the students were on Christmas break, The general public caught wind and had a fit over it and put in place all the injunctions and stuff and tied the hands of the School. Then they turned around and complained about the car collisions and their bushes being eaten.


I am surprised that when the shooters come in, they do not state that the meat will go to feed either the homeless or less fortunate, that normally helps take the sting out of it for a lot of these people. Just as long as they feel it is going to good and being wasted.


mr magoo

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You know there is a message to taken away from these kinds of stories. When you consider that each one of these kinds of community actions represents places where entire communities have passed judgment on killing as a method of population control. One of the main concepts that keep hunting acceptable in our society id the idea of it being the only viable population control. Now we have entire communities publicly stating that they are against the concept of hunting. It really makes you wonder just how secure our right to hunt really is or what the future holds for hunting. Do we still believe that we are winning the hearts and minds of the non-hunting public? Do we still believe that the anti-hunting forces are not making headway and inroads into the attitudes of society towards hunting? I find this stuff more scary than comical.

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Funny, did you tell them about the Cornell study on birth control which bucks seeking does in estrous dispersed from the experimental areas to the control areas? The deer populations actually increased and the research concluded birth control was not an optimum strategy to control deer populations..


What we are seeing in regards to non-lethal alternatives is just the tip of the iceberg...  Most wildlife biology students enrolled in college are females who do not hunt, do not have any experience with hunting, do not have any family members or acquaintances who are hunters. Within a generation, the persons TEACHING wildlife biology at colleges will fit the same profile. State and federal agencies abide strictly by equal opportunity laws in  doing their hiring, I believe females are one of the "protected groups" under EOL?


If everyone is so concerned about this, why so few have signed on our mute swan petition? Regarding mute swan management, the DEC is being forced to abandon Best Management Practices (BMPs) and instead implement more costly and less effective strategies.


As expected, the usual contingent of uninformed, yet outspoken sportsmen have bolstered doing nothing about mute swans. However, doing nothing is not an option. In addition to the DEC operating under 1) a general legal mandate to protect natural resources; 2) various policy agreements to qualify to receive federal funds; there is also a cooperative effort to remove mute swans among many states which includes NY. Furthermore, controlling mute swans does not cost, it pays. Mute swans are already costing money and as their populations grow and disperse the costs associated with doing nothing grows as well.


In case someone reading this has not seen the link to our petition and would like to sign it or know more about the issue, here is the link:     http://www.thepetitionsite.com/832/485/616/veto-s-065889-a-and-a-08790-a/


To watch a brief video that quickly summarizes the mute swan issue here is another link:






Edited by mike rossi
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I don't see as this is "The Liberals" fault, for one thing bleeding hearts and animal lovers run at both end of the political spectrum, for another there is no way the concentration of wealth found in the Hamptons was created by just liberals. I WORK in those homes installing automation systems and i can tell you they ain't liberal. Not with their politics or their tipping!


I agree . It has little to do with Liberals . I have Conservative friends who are anti hunters and would probably support a dumb thing like this . I would replace liberal solution with anti hunting solution .

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