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Is orange a part of your gear


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Up here , I never do. I am lucky to see 6 people all gun season that are not part of my group(I trust them 110% not to shoot me). In the southern tier I wear orange everywhere. I can see 6 people before the sun rises. And that crazy boom.boom....boom...........boom attitude of some of the shotgun hunters is scarey.

Edited by ncountry
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Not trying to rain on any parades, but complacency can prove fatal. These are not pellet guns. While I'm sure there a few exceptions, but unless you're hunting behind a high fence you could very possibly be in the presence of tresspassers. Even when you're certain you're only in the company of buddies, if you look like every other tree/bush your buddy could take a shot.

I volunteered at a hunter safety course last summer and thought the instructors did a great job of emphasizing the importance of hunter orange. The station they set me up in was one where they placed 2 decoys out in the woods. 1 decoy had an orange hat hanging behind it and the other had me sitting in full camo 20ft. behind it. Every student said they would take a shot at my decoy and none said they'd shoot the one with orange behind it. As soon as each group of students would all agree upon taking the shot, the instructor would give me a signal to wave the orange hat that I had hidden in my coat. I would then hear them say, " oh I didn't even see him there".

Food for thought!

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If there is a firearms season for deer of any sort that is in progress, I where full length blaze orange or stay out of the woods (even my own woods).


There is no doubt in my mind about the effectiveness of blaze orange in situations where you can be shot at from distances longer than a bow (or crossbow). I have seen instances of being able to catch a flash of orange (not even the complete outline of a hunter) from amazingly long distances. The stuff works in reduced daylight conditions also. No, it is not a cure-all, but who knows how many times that stuff has stopped someone from pulling the trigger on me or shooting in my direction. It also helps me keep track of who has snuck in to a distance that I consider unsafe. There has been more than a few times where some guy decided to post way too close for my comfort, and I had to move.

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During gun season, I am head to toe in blaze orange camo! (OK, not my boots!) Even on my own property!! Never once had any indication that I was spotted by deer, because of the orange, and I've had them just a few feet away before!



Gotta say it again.  if deer do not see it as claimed, why would you not wear it during archery?  I know a person would need to be closer to shoot you etc.  I just want to know why not durign archery if deer do not see it?  What difference should it make.  Oh and another little tidbit.  More people are shot during turkey season than gun season, but a lot say total camo in turkey.  I realize turkeys can see you, and orange is not good for the hunt.  I would think if you were so worried about getting shot, why not some type of orange then too.  Just asking

Edited by bubba
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Bubba your right...I know that with cross bows in...just due to increase volume and newbees, to any bow hunting in woods nearby.... I will have orange on the way in and out and like in gun I will now tie orange in trees higher than the side walls of my ground blinds


.No they can not see it...I have had does with fawns walk right up to me ...doe 6 inches from the end of my barrel and the fawn poking my knee with it's nose...me head to toe in blaze camo suit  ...as I sat at the bottom of a tree...praying they did not spook...for I was watching  a huge 10 was down in the valley when they came in on me... They did not...but he never showed either....


All my camo blinds get strips of orange hung out the windows or over the deck walls even though they are elevated....hill country..you never know where a slug or and arrow could come from...


So to that ...Orange..be it on a human or NOT....... DO NOT SHOOT!




































































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So to that ...Orange..be it on a human or NOT....... DO NOT SHOOT!



See that can create problems too.  All the guys you worry about shooting you in camo become trained that orange no shoot anything else is safe.  So a guy in the deer woods turkey hunting in the fall is in camo and all the trained people get open shooting at anything not orange.  There is good and bad to it all.  Like I said I am glad I hunt in the north country where we pay attention and are not surrounded by idiots.

Edited by bubba
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There is never an excuse to shoot at anything you can not identify. I don't care if I wore a hat with antlers. A good hunter should be waiting for a good clean shot where he can clearly identify his target. Turkey, deer etc. it's a shame every year some guy shoots into the bushes at movement.

Dicks has this vest for a few bucks that zips up into a ball and fits great into a pocket or pack. I use this with a reversible hat.

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There is never an excuse to shoot at anything you can not identify. I don't care if I wore a hat with antlers. A good hunter should be waiting for a good clean shot where he can clearly identify his target. Turkey, deer etc. it's a shame every year some guy shoots into the bushes at movement.


Totally agree and that's what baffles me.  If you see movement in the bushes...as an ethical hunter, should you wait to see if it's board side and try to aim behind the shoulder?  If you don't see what looks like the board side of a deer's shoulder than you shouldn't be pulling the trigger.  Even if it's really a deer and not another hunter.

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More training on knowing your target and less on looking for a color.  Kind of reminds me of the time on the park a few years ago hunting up on top near wolf creek and a guy walks by me with a hat on that had very little orange and a pair of brown full length bids worn over top his coat. Not a good place to be wearing that outfit but he made it through i guess, never saw his name on the news!

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so every one who hunts in southern tier is an idiot Bubba. Even if your target is in the open and you know for a fact it's a deer what about the ridge 100 or 200 yards behind that deer. If there is someone over there and they are sitting still with camo you prob wont see them and if you miss or round goes through you could hit them. If they have orange on then you probably saw them or can see them in your scope and not shoot. Not every shooting is with a guy in the brush and another just shot at movement. Yes you should know your target and past it but if they are in good camo and a good distance away seeing them might be possable. As for your question of if orange cant be seen by deer then why use camo during bow season. The only reason for camo during bow is a mind set. I have had many deer walk up on me when in the woods with street clothes on and they never saw me as I am sure many others have. Only time I see camo as needed for hunting is turkey. As long as you do not move deer prob wont pay no mind to you but turkey run at any odd color. Turkey think every stump is a hunter deer think every hunter is a stump.

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