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Does anyone else like coyotes?


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perhaps the question is why do you like coyotes?


Most of us are deer and turkey hunters and regardless of what you believe, most of us believe coyotes hurt the populations of both deer and turkey. Plus if you've ever been in a stand and had a small pack of them kill something in the dark less than 100 yards from you, you might not be too excited to get down.

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I don't like them, but I don't have the hate for them that a lot of guys do. I've killed one in my lifetime, probably could have shot a dozen more. Just reminds me of killing my family dog (and yes, I do realize they are far-removed), I have a hard time pulling the trigger on foxes as well.

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One landowner who used to give me permission to hunt likes them because they are very effcient at hunting woodchucks in hayfields. He no longer has any chuck holes to deal with.


There are still woodchucks around, but the only places they can survive is road ditches and around peoples houses.


Farmers and landowners in general hate them. On private land that I hunt on in Ontario, one condition of recieving permission to hunt is to agree to shoot every coyote you see.


I personally don't really hate them, but I have no qualms about shooting them for thier fur value or to stay on good terms with the landowners who allow me to hunt thier properties.

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He-man has nothing to do with it. I have seen coyotes put a serious hurting on deer and turkey populations in two different areas. One spot the farmer had a guy trap them and after a couple years the game populations came back. In the  other spot, the farmer didn't hunt and didn't give a $ht!. I won't even deer hunt there anymore. Last time I did the snow was covered in nothing but coyote tracks.

When coyote populations explode, like they have been doing lately, I hate their deer/turkey eating guts. When coyote populations are under control, I just don't like them.

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I totally enjoy them!

Found a den of 8 coyote pups a few years ago and enjoyed a few hours photographing them.

Watched two yotes work together this spring to chase down and kill a fawn right before my eyes. When you see something like that, it makes you realize there's no place for human intervention when nature runs its course as it sees fit.

IMO they are a necessary critter to have around, especially when hunters alone can't keep deer numbers in check in some areas. By targeting the weak, diseased, and the young, I think they make for a healthier heard.


It's likely if you have a good coyote population in an area, you also have an abundance, and variety of other critters that keep them fed.

They're anything but the easiest creature to get close to so encounters are cherished from my point of view.

Yep, I like 'em!

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 I heard from a reliable source that his breath smells and he doesn't love Jesus !!


Maybe that rotting carcass stench is what draws them in for me.

Don't worry Pygmy, I pray for you every night, but I don't think anyone is listening!

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if we lived out west , would we also be discussing wolves? both natural predators that survive on animals we love to hunt


they hunt yotes out west. In fact if i remember right, the eastern coyote is not native, but is a yote/wolf hybrid. That right there should tell you what you need to know about them being here in the first place, and why they should be gone.


Wolves were very much hunted and killed back in the day for what they did to livestock. It's really no different than killing yotes for what they do to deer and small game today.


That said, the wolf is endangered and not really needed to be killed.

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I joined the Orko club instead.

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Ok, Elmo...I know I'm an old fart and am not exactly in tune with a lot of the more RECENT things going on..

But I gotta ask..

What the heck is the ORKO club..?..

Sounds like an organization dedicated to studying some extinct flightless bird !

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Ok, Elmo...I know I'm an old fart and am not exactly in tune with a lot of the more RECENT things going on..

But I gotta ask..

What the heck is the ORKO club..?..

Sounds like an organization dedicated to studying some extinct flightless bird !


Ha!  Figure most people won't get it...unless you're a 70's baby.  OP stated he felt like he joined the He-Man Coyote Haters Club.  Orko was the name of the wizard/comic relief side-kick to He-Man in the cartoon series.

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Can't say I hate coyote's. Not their biggest fan either. They took out two fawns two summers ago on my buddies parents land while he and I were camping. Was pretty unnerving as the only weapons we had were air rifles for plinking cans, our pocket knives and a machete. Last summer we heard a small pack about 100 yds away from our tent camp. First night we heard 'em around 8 PM. 2nd night it was about 1 AM. I know they don't kill or attack humans as a rule of nature, but nature seems to be changing.

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Ha!  Figure most people won't get it...unless you're a 70's baby.  OP stated he felt like he joined the He-Man Coyote Haters Club.  Orko was the name of the wizard/comic relief side-kick to He-Man in the cartoon series.


Our age differences make for different cultural references. At least one person didn't get the He-Man Coyote Haters Club reference. Here is a you tube link for a 1937 meeting of the He Man Woman Haters Club - http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCAQtwIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DwBIC8JTQMMQ&ei=AxFQVKrBM5CcygSazoDgDg&usg=AFQjCNFCw6-QsfDT5ug5KKCLPRyqMedTsg&sig2=cXcbkdLqqx20-E9sLbebEw&bvm=bv.78597519,d.aWw

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I used to despise them for killing a family dog back when I was a youngster. Now I can honestly say they're one of my favorite animals. I'm a die hard predator hunter and shoot every one I can, but they have earned my respect as a huntable species. I'm a hunter. I love venison, turkey, rabbit, etc. as much as anyone, but the hunt is what thrills me. I never have a problem working hard to bag an old gobbler or a nice fat deer and I ALWAYS take my fair share. Some of these guys get downright perturbed at the thought of having to hunt hard. I'm not trying to force my views, but as hunters we should be thankful for every moment we spend afield whether or not we "score" or "harvest".

I hunt yotes for a personal challenge, often in the most inclement weather and by darkness. If hunters stop challenging themselves, they often get stuck in the past when animals were abundant. Those times come and go, that's when the complainers start to blame everything else and not their apparent lack of prowess.

The good news is that coyote populations naturally level off and prey species aren't gonna vanish due to depradation by yotes. :)

Edited by PREDATE
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I love coyotes.. beautiful animal and interesting how family units operate... I like coyote hunting, but not because I'm afraid they are a huge threat to the whitetail population... I don't believe any animal is more important than another... controlling the coyote population is important, but no more important than controlling the whitetail population.

Edited by nyantler
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