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this same mentality has been going on for years. I  had stands stolen right off private land 15 years ago.  It is a sense of entitlement.  It has nothing to do with the economy it has to to with you have I want.  If the economy were so bad, they would not be out buying licenses.  The idea is it isnt fair you have such a nice place to hunt and I dont.  It isnt fair you have a nice stand and I dont.  They arent sealing this stuff to sell.  it is stolen for two reasons  #1 they use it #2  you get frustraed and avoid an area and guess who is in there.  If you dont like the word insanity for reasons I wont go into, how about "hunter entitlement mindset".

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this same mentality has been going on for years. I  had stands stolen right off private land 15 years ago.  It is a sense of entitlement.  It has nothing to do with the economy it has to to with you have I want.  If the economy were so bad, they would not be out buying licenses.  The idea is it isnt fair you have such a nice place to hunt and I dont.  It isnt fair you have a nice stand and I dont.  They arent sealing this stuff to sell.  it is stolen for two reasons  #1 they use it #2  you get frustraed and avoid an area and guess who is in there.  If you dont like the word insanity for reasons I wont go into, how about "hunter entitlement mindset".

I definitely agree that this mentality has been around for years.  Some hunters get all offended when people call us low-life's, but hey I've seen enough hunter low-life's over the years to know that there is a lot of truth in the accusation.  I have participated in other outdoor activities over the years and absolutely NO other pastime has the amount of jealousy and greed that hunting has.  Yeah sure, there are the jealous and greedy type in ever pursuit in life, but I don't think any other pursuit has anywhere near as many as does hunting.  I don't know what it is, and why hunting seems to attract such people, but this mindset is alive and well and has been for a long time.  I am sorry if this will offend many here, but the truth can hurt sometimes.   

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It is going to sound pretty caveman and I know I will get hammered for this but think back....probably should have put this in the Good ole days thread. Remember when your Mom or Dad caught you screwing up and you got you a$$ kicked. you lipped off to your mother and you might as well lay on the floor right then...because it would save you the fall whn Dad got his hands on you. you would not sooner steal because of the shame and stigma that was associated with it.....and them apply the ass whoppin on top of it. You found someone stealing your stuff....you kicked their butt and it was done. no charges...no lawyers...they didn't do it again because they knew what was waiting. these low life scum of society have no consequences to their actions. They work the system in every aspect of their lives. Sure we have them in the hunting community but they are in every walk of life and until they are held accountable for their actions it will never stop. I think the punishment fitting the crime is crap. the punishment should exceed the crime to really be a deterant. Thinking we might need to adopt the ole wacking the hand off of a theif thing. think of the jobs we can create with a new industry  of just making left gloves :D;)

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My mom was the authority in our house and she could swing a mean arm ( if necessary ) . If dad had to discipline , you would get the belt . You didn't want to get in trouble , because your parents would handle the matter .

You respected authority and other's property . Now folks rob , steal , etc and they are right back out doing it again . A lot of that is due to the candy-ass judges who don't dole out any punishment !

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a few years back I hooked up with a neighbor of mine we hunted a few times one day he wanted to get a tree stand out of the garage when he opened it he had to have 35 to 40 tree stands there when i asked he told me when he saw one in the woods he went to the car got his bolt cutters out took the tree stand  needless to say i reported his A$$ to DEC after being released on baile he packed up and moved back to Florida sorry to say most don't put there name or any kind of Identification on there tree stands so most came the property of the sates to be auctioned off  PUT YOUR NAME OR YOUR BACK TAG NUMBERS ON ALL THINGS YOU LEAVE BEHIND


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Great tip! Someone once told me to make business cards up with my name & place them inside of stuff..

If there ever was a question of ownership, fishing a card with MY name out of the item in front of a LEO is pretty convincing..

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Man I hate to hear things like that.I would love to catch a low life stealing my stuff.I'm old school he would wish that police showed up.I would beat him senseless with a 2x4 and would not stop until the board broke or his head what ever came first.But I always have 2.Guys like this need their heads busted.Thats the only way to stop'em.

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a few years back I hooked up with a neighbor of mine we hunted a few times one day he wanted to get a tree stand out of the garage when he opened it he had to have 35 to 40 tree stands there when i asked he told me when he saw one in the woods he went to the car got his bolt cutters out took the tree stand  needless to say i reported his A$$ to DEC after being released on baile he packed up and moved back to Florida sorry to say most don't put there name or any kind of Identification on there tree stands so most came the property of the sates to be auctioned off  PUT YOUR NAME OR YOUR BACK TAG NUMBERS ON ALL THINGS YOU LEAVE BEHIND


We actually weld our name into our treestands, good thing to do if it ever disappears
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Just saw this thread.  I did have a blind I thought was stolen and found it well over a hundred yards away against a hedgerow.  With the winds we have had lately, it is possible, but theft is certainly a possibility as well.  (Oh, the chair I had in the blind was still in the original spot.)

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If you don't live on the land you hunt, people use it. You can post it, and keep well maintained but if you're home is not on the land -good luck. Respect, honor, loyalty, trust, and simple right from wrong are being removed from society.

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Just saw this thread.  I did have a blind I thought was stolen and found it well over a hundred yards away against a hedgerow.  With the winds we have had lately, it is possible, but theft is certainly a possibility as well.  (Oh, the chair I had in the blind was still in the original spot.)

That's funny because that is exactly what happened to me the other day when I went down to put away my pop-up blind. As I walked up to the site, I was amazed to see it missing from the spot where it was supposed to be tucked into the pines. I couldn't believe it. But when I finally got to the spot and stood there looking around in disbelief, I spotted it deeper into the pines. What a relief! How the heck it ever was able to work its way through those pines is something I will never understand. Those pines are super-thick. Anyway, it all came out with a happy ending.


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Well, if mine blew away, it must have gone a long long way. It was sitting about 300 to 400 yards off of the road, then there is a field thats another 500 to 600 yards long before the woods. It would have had to go through the hedgerow it was setup in as well. I guess its possible. Ill have to walk over to the other woods and look. Ill be over that way for coyote season anyhow.

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If it ever got out into an open field, there is no question it wouldn't stop until it hit the other side. Those things are like a big "sail". I couldn't believe that mine made it as deep into these pines as it did. We're talking firs planted 6' apart that have branches almost to the ground (you can hardly walk through all those branches), and the darn thing made it 3 rows in. I would have thought that was impossible. The good news is that there were no rips in it. That in itself is amazing.

Anyway, if there is any way that yours could have gotten into any open or "open-ish" fields, it might be worth a bit of a walk to check out the other side or the perimeter of the field.

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Ahhh...I've been hesitant to go see if one of my new ladder stands were taken....I did the Fasteddie trick of making the platform un-usable...but they could still reach the cable lock if they wanted...just don't want to push ...surviving deer down there and well ....just as soon not get all PO'd before Christmas..if gone...well it will still be gone after the holidays :(:D

Sorry to hear this ...but still a lasting memory that will have good results down the road for your daughter...There is always some other kid out there trying to talk another good kid into something we know is wrong...this will pop into her head when that peer pressure arrives ;)

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