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How many treestand is enough?


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Between 2 properties I think my group (6 guys) has somewhere around 40 stands. Its a mix of hang ons, single man ladders, double stands. We add to the number every year. This coming year may be an exception though, we are looking to switch or hang ons to mostly, if not all, ladder sticks instead of screw in steps.


Not sure about having so many climbers, Id probably choose my favorite, sell the other two and buy hang ons and sticks with the money.

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It depends on how much time you have to set them up, move them, maintain shooting lanes ect. It also depends on how far off the paved road you will be setting up the stands and how much land you plan to hunt.  I'm spread out over a large area for the most part, some are far off the road, so I am managing 8 stands.



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Like many have said it depends on the acreage but my thoughts are this. If you have a couple of good runs through your property, on each run should be a stand for prevailing winds and should have a stand on each end of the property. In addition - for the days when winds are different there should be a stand that could be used. 

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The more land the more stands. I really don't see having more then 2 climbers though. Not like you leave em in the tree.

Next season I will actually have 1 hang on, but a lot lighter then the one I am selling, and 3 or 4 ground blinds. The only reason for even the one hanger is a specific spot I need to be off the ground. 

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