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Best Place to Retire Away From Snow in East Coast???


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I have been to almost all of the lower 48 and I would put NY well above all of them. No other state has the beautiful places that we have. I cant stand desert and all them shots of the grand canyon during last nights Super-bowl kept me turning away from the screen. Anywhere South of upper PA is just too damn hot in the summer for me.

I look forward to all seasons in upstate NY, spring, summer, fall, and winter. California is a nice place to visit but I would never choose to live there. I certainly would not want to live in a Southern State where it was almost always uncomfortably hot outside in the summer. I also wouldn't want to live and hunt in a state that was inundated with wild hogs. Smallmouth bass rate right up there with whitetail deer with me and no other state can touch the fishing we have here for those.

If winter gets to you, then before shipping out to "greener pastures", try taking up some winter sports. Skiing, Snowmobiling, Snow-shoeing, Ice-skating, Ice fishing, etc.. A wood-stove in the house helps a lot also. Making firewood in the winter can be fun. I even enjoy clearing snow out of the driveways. Having good equipment is a necessity for those two jobs however. When my job or family has me travel to those other states, I always look forward to coming home, and I take pity on those poor folks who have to live outside of upstate NY.


Snow generally gets to people more than 90*.

Not saying your opinion is wrong but i live in Mississippi and it's hot but it's not unbearable. Comparing it to nightmare snow storms, rusty cars and cold as hell wind chill it's easy to see why hot wins out for most people.

I will move back some day, but you have to do more than visit to make a valid opinion I think. You do get use to the heat. Something you can't acclimate to in just a visit.

Just my .02

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for me its already decided, back on the family farm in pa.  the only thing upstate offers better than where I grew up is fishing on Lake Ontario, at some point  I will be driving up here to fish like I did 30 years ago.


deer hunting is just as good if not better, turkey and small game no comparison waterfowl may be a little better here. Pa has millions of acres of state and federal lands open to hunting also.


as far as the other benefits, the biggest is much lower taxes, lower food prices, lower fuel prices, lower vehicle costs, dmv rates, insurances, lower utility rates, and the list goes on.


one of the biggest benefits is there is no UNSAFE act and likely if they ever tried to do something like that in Pa. there would probably be a revolution, firearm and hunting heritage is probably one of the deepest seated in Pa of any state in this country.



on the downside, although we don't get as much snow as up here the temps are not that much different, spring green up comes a little earlier but on average i would say it may average about 5 degrees warmer there compared to here.

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for me its already decided, back on the family farm in pa.  the only thing upstate offers better than where I grew up is fishing on Lake Ontario, at some point  I will be driving up here to fish like I did 30 years ago.


deer hunting is just as good if not better, turkey and small game no comparison waterfowl may be a little better here. Pa has millions of acres of state and federal lands open to hunting also.


as far as the other benefits, the biggest is much lower taxes, lower food prices, lower fuel prices, lower vehicle costs, dmv rates, insurances, lower utility rates, and the list goes on.


one of the biggest benefits is there is no UNSAFE act and likely if they ever tried to do something like that in Pa. there would probably be a revolution, firearm and hunting heritage is probably one of the deepest seated in Pa of any state in this country.



on the downside, although we don't get as much snow as up here the temps are not that much different, spring green up comes a little earlier but on average i would say it may average about 5 degrees warmer there compared to here.


Good heavens why do so many stay here and not move to PA?


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Well that is a question we are asking ourselves daily it seems. Just back from Fla. Where we have a ton of friends and relatives , some snowbirds some year round. We checked out a few places .

So many variables , do we want two places or just move for good. Having two is ok but to avoid nys taxes we' d have to be gone over 6 months .

Where will or kids end up? One is a RN here but her boyfriend is in Med school and they could live anywhere, other one has to work two years for one of the big four acct. firms and then could go anywhere to work.

The big 3 for retires are health care, weather and overall cost of living .

Bankrate has a top ten list, as do many others.

My nephew has done very well in Tenn. and is picking up one million dollars worth of hunting land by his house( he's killed some. VERY nice bucks there).so that's in the picture as well. Hunting for me though is not a big factor if we move, one can fly or drive anywhere to hunt a couple weeks.

We flew to fla in 2 1/4 hours.....$250 round trip. It was like the Wizzad of Oz. We went from brown, grey , cold to warmth ,bright blue sky, green grass and trees and shiney cars!

I'm ok with snow, run my dog daily, x country ski, then there is this ,warm up car, clean off car , snowblow driveway , slip and fall on ice( what killed my Dad at 89 he stayed up north that year due to health reasons) . I'll trade that for sun, sand waves, ocean fishing,Diving .

I only wish Tenn. was on the ocean it would be an easier choice .

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Ha friend just sent us a link to a house they know of for sale in South Carolina , on a river.

Checked their hunting regs . Hunt one HOUR before and after sun set / rise, one doe a day for the entire season and no limit on antlered bucks .

Downside is you have to follow nascar.....

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South Carolina deer near the ocean can be so small its amazing. Further inland they get bigger, but wow, I've never seen such small adult deer as I have in the eastern VA/NC/SC/GA strains.


Good chance for a velvet buck. Gun hunting is king.

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Gun is certainly king. Late ruts mean tough bow seasons without plots, or in some cases baiting. And yes depending on the part of the state the deer size will certainly vary. Southern Mississippi is small but they're much bigger in the hills of the north.


It's an interesting concept because the eastern seaboard states go against the Bergmann rule...rather lattitude, it's longitude that often dictates body mass.


I've seen deer in western parts of those states be on average much larger than  their eastern counterparts. I shot a full size grown doe in Virginia Beach (within eyesight of the Atlantic) that was just under 60 lbs. The tooth aging (take it for what you will) put her at 4.5. I was super young and wouldn't have weighed or aged her at that time, but it was on a military base where the program had all deer checked. That was pretty much the norm there, though. 60-65lb does.

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Food sources are important too. Similar longitudes and latitudes in Mississippi but when you get near the rich fertile soils of the Delta the deer racks and bodies rival NY. A few miles east and they're dramatically smaller.


Indeed, but the lattitude rule is separate from food source - look at deer in Canada; they eat really really low quality food, yet have bigger body mass.


Soil quality comes into play, but as far as a rule goes, the east/west distinction goes against the grain for the lattitude rule.

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Cabin fever!!!  What place would you retire to get away from snow south of Jersey?  Looking to deer hunt, clay target shoot, pay low taxes, low cost of living, and no tornadoes.  I know ... only in Heaven!!!  I'm thinking Delaware ,  What ya think???  Anybody from Delaware?    



I have been thinking the same thing, south!


Want to stay east coast. Not too far that you do not get seasons. No Florida bull....too hot!! Somewhere in that range of KY, TN VA and NC. I gotta think of good school district as well. Need good deer hunting. Bonus would be able to drive to Ocean within 6 hours less better. Not on coast due to expense and hurricanes. Reasonable to cheap land prices. Realistic gun/pistol laws.......



East coast or east of Mississippi? Big difference. Kentucky and Tennessee are not east coast.


Isn't the frost line in Florida? If Florida is out, you are not escaping the snow. 


Don't like Florida because of the heat? Ever been in Georgia or South Carolina in the middle of the summer? Can feel just as hot as Florida.


Temps are generally milder along the coast and have greater swings as you move inland. Of course, being on the coast puts you right in the path of hurricanes. :)


Delaware, Maryland and Washington area... about the same as NY/Nj weather. Maryland has as bad, if not worse, gun laws than NY/NJ.



The best compromise, IMO is North Carolina. Summer is hotter than NY, but not as bad as Florida. Winter warmer than NY, but not as good as Florida.


Second choice to NC would be southern Virginia - Norfolk-WIlliamsburgh-Richmond area.


There's always going to be a tradeoff. It will either be too hot, too cold, too rainy, or have hurricanes/tornadoes.




Unless you want to go to San Diego (definitely not east coast), then the weather is great year round. Of course, that means you have to live in California - southern California. 


If west coast works and you are not in a rush, buy land in western Arizona/Nevada. The desert land is real cheap and when the big earthquake takes California into the sea, you will have prime oceanfront property. :)

Edited by jrm
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I will have to say that were I stay in the winter for 3 months is a great area, and that is Myrtle Beach SC at Sandy beach resort, we rent by the month and go back on April 1 to most years to brown ground and the hint that warm weather and green is coming.


The staff here is great, you look out your window at the Ocean, have all kids of food place and shopping for the wife. At the hotel they have bingo 2 nights and card playing for 3 nights, so there is something to do, they also have fresh coffee free from 7 am to 10 am in the lobby area.


I love to shoot my bow so I joined Sand dune archers of MB for $35 year membership, they have a great practice area that is from 10 yards to 80 yards. They hold monthly 3D shoots of 34 targets that is set in the pine woods on flat ground. Cost is $10 to members and $15 to non members. We have 3 guys from here that bring our bows and shoot 3 to 4 times a week. The bow club is 20 minute drive from the hotel on the average based on traffic.


Now some would say I just want to buy a place, well that fine, I purchased a place here and had it rented out asa yearly rental, got time to retire fom Big Blue, and my wife said , please write, as I will be staying here with the kids and grand kids. So I sold the condo and here we are now for the 10 year....

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It's a struggle everyday we change our minds on locations time frames and so on. She wants to move for good, I'd be happy with just going for the winter . My folks went to fla for 30 winters made all kinds of friends did all kinds of things.

One thing I don't like is being the youngest person in the bar, restaurant and gym. I'm 55 and where ever we went I thought I was visiting my Mom at "the home" . I went days without seeing young attractive women......

One gum I went to in a retirement community had a bunch of folks walking on treadmills in street clothes and 6 or 8 machines, ok I need chin up bars, Kettlebells , tractor tires to hit and flip.......

Some friends have a condo in Fort Myers , same age and in tip top shape , the people at the pool call the the "kids".

I work with people in their 20's 30's 40's I go out with them, train with and talk to those ages at the gym.

I need a retirement community of young folks .........

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I do not mind some cold and some snow. Just not 4 months of it. lol


I should say eastern. I think Virginia would be a area worth more consideration.


Then again I think the best idea is stay here. Retire and head south after deer season and come back when walleye opens!!

Edited by Fletch
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