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Seeing any deer?


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All over the place here as usual. They have retreated to the thicker cover and browsing on shrubs, not quite as visible in the fields as they were a few weeks ago.  I've been snowshoeing after work and seeing lots of fresh tracks and the areas where they are pawing up greens. Sure glad we had a bumper crop of acorns to fatten them up for this stretch of winter.

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Yesterday I took a road trip with a buddy to do a welfare check on his cabin in Canisteo.  We traveled from Clarence via Rt's 5-77-20-63-390-36 and 248 (I hope I got all those right!).  We saw quite a few deer after we got on the 390 and then the other routes heading south then west.  At the cabin we jumped a couple that were browsing on pine needles, it looked like.  IIRC that isn't a good sign?


After we left his cabin we head over to Addison.  We had to do a welfare check on a member here, Pygmy.  He and the Mermaid were in EXCELLENT shape and even offered up a cold beer, which we graciously excepted.


We had had one other quick stop before heading back via the 390 and retracing our tracks home.


It was great to see some deer and I'd guess we saw over 100 total for the day.

Edited by Lawdwaz
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New borns? :scratchhead:


I was referring to a young doe most likely born this past summer.  it's head was pretty round on the top with no nubs.  didn't appear to be a button buck.  probably the same one parents were seeing during the warmer months around behind the house.

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Took a drive by about a 1/2 hour ago. close to 20 out there about 100yds. A doe and a smaller one were just heading out of the woods towards the others. They were around 60-70 yards from the road. They all seem pretty healthy. The little one looked good. Had that full puffy look.

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Up until the last week or so we have seen a few does with their fawns from last year, in the field behind the house. Even scarfed the few remaining crabapples that were still hanging on. But haven't seen them in the open lately. With this wind and bitter cold and deep snow, on my snowshoe walks, I see some tracks coming from the thick pines and hemlocks. The deer I do see look nice and healthy so far. Amazing animals for sure!

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Finally see some tracks in the snow leading to a path I am making threw the snow with my compact tractor to get to some fire wood.There leading to a spot where I have a cam. set up. We will see how many there were.

Two years ago we had a few new born and there mothers eating every day behind the house , One did have bumps on it's head and would try to chase any other deer that would come to feed.

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Hey Law, How much snow do they have down in Addison? I have a place between Jasper and Addison, I haven't been down there since we started getting all this snow. Don't feel like driving 2 hours to get down there and not be able to get off the road.


I'd say 12"+ in general but there was a pretty hard crust that was a bummer.


We were on Slate Creek Rd, is that near you?

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I'd say 12"+ in general but there was a pretty hard crust that was a bummer.


We were on Slate Creek Rd, is that near you?


Thanks Law.... Not sure where Slate Creek Road is, I'm close to the Woodhull Racetrack. Guess I will wait a few more weeks to check on the place and maybe try to shoot a few crows,Thanks again..

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