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I don't have a prob with gay marriage ...

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... but I think this is a bit much. This shouldn't be read in a public school like it has been in a few instances. Would you be ok with a story of 2 kings getting married being read to your kids? This came up in another group I'm in and figured I'd see what your thoughts were.


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I wouldn't be ok with it being read unless it was toward the very end of elementary school.  i get homosexuality is a thing.  if it must be then so be it, but i don't agree with or truly understand it.  kid's are just figuring out things in the world and pushing something like that will just confuse them.  later on if it's meant to be they and maybe others will figure it out.  regardless of how you look at it religious or physical characteristics a man is meant to be with a woman.  some are happy being different but that doesn't mean we have to push it onto others.  i know some that were confused and finally ended up straight, because they wanted a traditional family and that's what they finally decided made them happy.  unlike what some say as a cowardly excuse, it's not something you're born with or programmed to be.  it's a choice that you and only you chose.  it just so happens that's the choice that apparently makes you the happiest.  let a kid/individual choose when they're ready without confusing things.

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There is a definite drive on to corrupt youth and innocence. Kids as young as 3 and up, are being exposed to these propaganda pieces. Such young children don't need to know about sexuality in any form, let alone the homo kind. This is a very disturbing social trend.

It speaks to the terminal sickness of our society today.

Edited by Papist
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I would say save it for middle school health class at the earliest, that is when most kids start going through puberty and really begin to learn about their bodies.  I would be really upset if one of my kids told me that is what they read in school.  They should at least send home a permission slip so parents have the choice to opt their child out.  

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Simply because its now recognized as legal does not mean it is an appropriate subject to teach in schools.  I suppose there should be a children's book that demonstrates the woman's right to abort a baby since its legal too.  Ridiculous.  No need to discuss marriage at all.  Its a parent's job to do so.


While I shouldn't have to, this is exactly why I pay to send my kids to a school that shares my beliefs, in addition to my public school taxes.

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If the book explains all about same sex marriage or relationship then why not. Are you going to be comfortable answering question if your child ask?

Homosexualality is a thing? What do you mean?

I believe either you are or you are not and most know at an early age.

Some are curious and like to diddle. Some are bi. No biggie. Gays, lesbians and bisexuals are everywhere and shouldn't have to hide who they are or what they like.

When I say explain all about same sex relations I only mean that it is natural for some to like same sex

Edited by Paula
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IMO - the subject of sexual relations is best left to be discussed between parent and child.  Many parents fail in this regard and perhaps that is why schools felt it necessary to educate children in this area.  I don't really object to a basic health class that explains the reproductive process, but pushing beyond that to suggest some things are completely acceptable should be beyond the reach of schools.  What might be acceptable to some people is not acceptable to others.  This is true in heterosexual relationships also.  Do I want a school teacher explaining that certain acts, fetishes, etc are ok because people like them.  Nope.  Has little to do with heterosexual vs. homosexual.  It has everything to do with allowing a parent to parent on appropriate subject matters without interference from schools.  I can't tell you how many times I hear my son tell me, "but Dad, my teacher says to do it like this, not your way."  They are inclined to listen to these figures of authority.  I will accept that on how to solve math problems to some extent (even if I disagree), but this is not a subject where a school agenda should interfere.

Edited by moog5050
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"Gays, lesbians and bisexuals are everywhere and shouldn't have to hide who they are or what they like"


They are not hiding now days! Every time I watch TV,I see them. Every time I turn on the radio,I hear them. Every time I go to a mall, I walk among them. Every time I eat at a nice restaurant, I eat with them. Every time I drive down a busy city street, I see them. Every time I go to work, I work with them. They are no longer hiding! 


I get it, people are who they are. No problem,really! But at least let kids get out of grade school before they have to read about them. By then they will be old enough to decide for themselves, and not have it pushed on to them at the earliest ages.

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How can only 3.6% of the US population be everywhere?




I believe the amount of propaganda pushing the lifestyle is way out of proportion to it's percentage of the general population.


Gun owners are a much higher percentage of the population and they are discriminated against, hated and politically attacked all the time.



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Homosexuality is a thing?      Yes.

When I say explain all about same sex relations I only mean that it is natural for some to like same sex.                                                                                                   ??????????







Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and served and worshiped the creature more than the Creator who is blessed for ever more. Amen.


For this cause God gave them up for vile affections: for even their women did change their natural use into that which is against nature:


And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.


And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things that where not convenient.


Romans 1:25-28

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I am all for teaching kids the concept of acceptance of peoples difference.


I am not ok with teaching non traditional relationships to kids.


if a kid goes to sunday school and learns its against their religion, then they go to school and learn that its perfectly ok and happens all the time. I am not ok with that.


social engineering.


all I it will do is further confuse people. and im sorry I don't buy the "they knew since they were young" line.  plenty of people get confused about their sexuality in life, ive know females who dabble on both sides in high school and then I see them now they are happily married with kids.


acceptance is all schools should teach, I would like to have grandkids and would rather not have schools social engineering my boys to screw me out of taking my grandkids hunting

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I remember when my kids were in public school, they were always coming home with some crazy ideas that a teacher at school had told them, I made it a point to let them know my point of view on things I didn't agree with; as they get older, they are finding out that their old man had a pretty good insight into how the world works, same as I realized how right my father was about most things.

I don't agree with teaching the subject of gay marriage in school, especially to elementary age children. If being a homosexual is the path they choose, I can't stop it, but I'm not for having the schools influence their feelings on the matter.

I must have been sleeping, how did the LBGT community gain so much power in this country? They are less than 5% of the total population.

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There is a difference between tolerance and promotion. Apparently the people who run our schools are having problems distinguishing between the two.


Our school system should not be involved in promotion of any style of sexual activity, homosexual or hetero sexual or any other kind of sexual. My gosh when did our school system become some kind of sex forum for adolescents? This must be another one of those "progressive" changes that have occurred over the decades.

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