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An interesting thing happened to me today!!


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just to lay the ground work...I was in New York City working this morning and happend to walk through Grand Central Terminal. On my way out of it, I saw an interesting person protesting....

She had a picture of a calf in a box with a chain around its neck, since I had some time to kill I figured I would see what she was all about. The conversation between her, myself and a collegue started out OK. She was protesting the slaughter of animals (she was a vegan)..as we progressed I innocently asked if the killing of wild animals was OK? Abruptly she responded with "Hunters are the worst, they have no balls". With that I looked down and said I have 2 balls right down there....yet she did not pick up that I was a hunter. My collegue was playing along as well and then decided enough was enough and told her that I was a hunter.....the whole conversation changed after that.

She began to tell me about the "reserach she did", on the internet...my question to her was if she believe everything she resd on the internet or if she is talking from experience in the field.......i was rebutted with, "I studied this at Ohio State, and did a Thesis on it!". I couldn't hold it back when I tolde her that she wasted a ton of money if protesting was all she got out of it. She proceeded to "educate" me on the fact that hunters are the ones that are increaseing the deer population.....the food plots that "all" of us put in are makeing the deer healthier and more fertile, therefore having more offspring....since the majority of hunter's shoot bucks and deer are not manogomus the other males impregnate all of the other does and the population keeps growing.....When I asked, "In your research, have you determined the % of land food plots take up compared to the overall/statewide land" No response except that hunter are to blame........She was from Ohio and her father was a big hunter; when I asked her what her father thought of his tree hugging daughter I think that is when she got mad! She began to insult me personally with the your fat and can never get a girl (talk about out of nowhere)....I showed her my ring and said yes I am a little overweight and i don't need to get a girl..as well as.. it takes a lot of money to fill this up (grabbing my gut).

After that, I was a little pissed off then and told her that she mustin have gottin laid in a long time or she was a dyke (no offense to anyone)..She told me that her Husband was right over there...! He was looked like a terrorist and was heavier the I am..talk about the "pot calling the kettle black"......

Sorry for this long rant.....I just needed to get it out...to people who know how I feel....I wanted to slug this asshole! Her arguement's were fact less and quit frankly ignorant....i am surprised the anti's even have an arguement with people like her on there side!!! I gave her the opportunity to speak her mind and sharre her opinion...the minute I spoke mine and "poked holes" in her theory.........the conversation went to shit.

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In my experiences with people that cannot have a debate about any topic, as soon as "facts" are questioned or disagreed with,the insults fly or the topic is changed in order to run away from ignorance.I have experienced this no matter how cordial I behaved.Remember you can't teach a pig to sing.(aside from Miss Piggy of course).

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I bet your right....

WNY, the only reason I stopped was that I had some time to kill....and figured at least I would be amused. By the end of it though I was getting aggrevate. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, but when you rudely try and force your's upon me (as she did) that began to chap my ass....so I made sure to set her straight.

The best part of it was that after I call her a dyke (again no offense to anyone), she ran up to her husband and screamed that guy just call me a dyke.....there was probably about 50 people within ear shot who heard her and the majority laughed...I guess they felt the same way I did...haha

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Valid point! However at that point in the conversation it wasn't anti vs hunter...it was person to person..I made all my points in a very educated and polite manner...she was the one that started insulting me personally. Even when I threw out my one comment I did it in a polite manner and said thanks for her time and walked away. I am not the type of person to go after someone, unless provoked. And the insults she was spewing deserved much more then my one comment.

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Have you ever been so aggrevated at someone that something slipped out? It took a lot on my part to not to say anything, my one little "mean" comment to her was said so that only she could hear it..it was one of those things where you are thinking something and it comes out of your month. I probably could have said something different but that is waht I was thinking becasue of the insults she was throwing at me. When I stop and think about it now (after writing this and things don't always translate the same in writing as in person) I probably did more for hunters buy only making one comment of a mean nature and walking away....I showed that we have self control even when faced with people like this.

The guy I was with told me afterwards that he was suprised at how much self control I had not to go off on her...that if anyone could listen to that converstation "we" just got a leg up...and he is very liberal.

If you would have met this person at a bar or a super market and she insulted you the way she did me, I'd bet you would have hit her..(if she was a man that is)

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Sure I have, who hasnt? Im just saying my opinion on what the best course of action would have been. Now by insult, do you mean her being there was an insult to you that prompted you to go over there in the first place?

I guess what I am getting at is that the best course of action (unless she started insulting you or provoked you in another way first) would have been to just not bother with her and therefore never have to stoop to her level. Or, you could have made a sign of your own expressing your love of hunting and meat and stood next to her with it.  ;)

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That would have been funny! Me with my own sign. 8) I wasn't at all insulted in her being there, everyone is entitled to there own opinions and beliefs in my mind. Nomal I don;t give those people the time of day but I just had some time to kill....and figured I would just hear waht she had to say. I wasn't even going to bring up that I was a hunter until my buddy did....then she just jumped all over me.

I have actually thought about bringing my mount into the city with me and walking down Park Ave petting it to see if anyone would even give me a second look. hahah I have seen some strange things happen and people don;t bat an eye.

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My dad does a Farmers Market in NYC every weekend. You have people protesting Fracking and everything else in NYC all the time. Most of these people have never even left the city and have no idea what upstate NY even looks like. Now you have their crazy mayor Bloomberg wanting to Grow all there food in NYC sounds good but not practial. They have bee hives all over the city (but nothing for the bees to eat so they are starving), also growing there food on old building lots (I wonder how much pollution is in the ground they are growing and eating from the food), also heard he wants to  bring cows in to the city somehow (Imagion the smell on a hot summer day).  I wonder if he wants to have roof top pastures LOL.

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I always ask them what they eat. They in turn say veggies. I say and how much forest land and wild areas are wiped out to grow all there veggies and what happened to all the wild critters that lived there? Then look at their clothes and usually see a leather belt or shoes or leather seats in their volvo. They have no idea what their choices in clothes, food, house site and house materials did to the "environment as well."

Sometimes they are fun to mess with! A few years back we actually had a couple adults bring a dozen or so kids aged I would say 8 to 12 onto state land opening day to walk them around to mess up the hunting! I wonder if those kids parents new where they had their field trip that day! And none in orange. These people tend towards the not so sane.

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