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If you can get a hold of this book, check it out.  "More Guns, Less Crime".  It's written by a professor from Harvard, who is not for or against guns.  He proved that the more guns are around, the less crime there is.  Seems simple to me.  When Bernard Getz shot the robber in NYC, the muggings dropped by 50%.

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That's a good book, and the author is John Lott.  You can google a lot of good info on gun control and hunting that will help you write a good essay.

Many teachers are fair and will grade you on the content of the essay, not their own beliefs.  I hope yours is one of them.

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If you can, try to acquire copies of the magazine America's First Freedom.  Every month, they have a column of stories from across the country of legal gun owners using their weapons to protect themselves and their families, many times without a shot even being fired.

I once took up an issue of similar controversy in my high school civics class.  Despite the fact that the class was supposed to provide an impartial view of American government (as most of the students were high school seniors getting ready to vote in their first election) the teacher, and most of the students were very far left-wing.  For my midterm presentation and my final presentation, I talked about homeland security and affirmative action, respectively.  The teacher told me that my views (secure the borders, get rid of affirmative action) were 'wrong and contrary to the beliefs of America', but I always had credible sources to back up my facts, and she never had any argument other than 'you are wrong' so I wound up with a good grade in the class anyway.

Good Luck.

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My son, in HS took the same road.  I was the Cop in the school, and the teachers named him a Super Patriot.  They had no knowledge of the real world, and I got into it with numerous teachers, as to why they are trying to force their views on my son, not just teaching him.  Several times, one particular teacher asked his opinion on hunting, gun issues, etc, and he apologized for saying what were the facts.  I gave him a Atta Boy for standing up for his rights.  Best part was, the fellow students told him he won the argument with the teacher, every time.   

Don't ever apologize for who you are, or what you believe in.  Just back it up with facts.

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Kid for you!!! Be sure you have all your facts straight. If confronted by a teacher, do not argue, show them you facts. I fit it's for English class, tell the teacher you are following in the footsteps of the great NY'er Theodore Roosevelt. That usually shut them up.

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sorry i ment how hunting ISNT wrong. and the reason im doing a controversal essay is because we have to do one so i chose hunting. and the teacher is really cool and wouldnt give bad grades because she is against something. I have to come up with a creative title though and i dont know what to title it lol

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I am most familiar with hunting as it relates to African wildlife;

Here is a good start;


A specific project to site as reference;


You can find more of these on the World Wildlife Fund web-site.

Here is a link to Conservation Force. This is a legal group based in Washington DC that uses its resources to promote sport hunting as a economic benefit and to fight for hunters rights on an international scale. There are some research papers here that will spell out the crash of game populations in Kenya after the close of hunting there.

Among these links and on their site you will find more info on the economic benefit to hunting;


and this page is all scientific based papers on the role of hunting as it helps save wildlife and as an economic engine;


This lists those benefits;


How about a title;

If it pays; it stays.

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