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It hurts to laugh


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Just got back from Rochester General after having an Umbilical Hernia repaired . It hurts to laugh , sneeze , cough and move around . Apparently I didn't wait too long to have the procedure done but it would have been better to have it done at an earlier age . I am struggling to get around like a 100 year old man . The surgeon explained what could have happened if I had left it untreated . Got a lot of restrictions . Can't shoot the bow in the basement for at least 4 weeks .

I wanted a large lipoma on my stomach but the surgeon advised against it . He said doing so could create several complications and advised that I persisted in having the lipoma removed it would be better to have it done by a plastic surgeon . At 74 I figure I could live without it . 


So , for anyone that has any type of Hernia , don't procrastinate , get it taken care of .

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Hope you recover quick but it takes a while.  A month after I had one repaired I shot a 200 lbs buck, lucky for me I had 4 guys to help drag it out.  Even at 30 the recover was long and notable that it was done.  Good luck feel better and take it very slow at first and work your way up gradually.   


Feel better FastEddie!

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Will they send you to rehab in order to keep you moving and getting surrounding muscle to support the surgical area?


No rehab Growie . Just suck it up and follow doctor's instructions . Don't lift anything 10 pounds or more for 4 weeks so that there is no strain on the stomach muscles . I made sure I had my operations / procedures scheduled for after Deer season and Christmas . 

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My uncle waited too, and it took him several weeks to gain his strength in abilities back. Best thing, he said, was to feel the limit, and then back off a bit. His work keeps him on his feet all day.

Rest up, and hope you get back to sending arrows down range soon...

I'm all thumbs when using Tapatalk

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Hope you recover fast Eddie. I had my umbilical surgery in Dec 2014, and same restrictions. I remember a week before the surgery ,while asleep, my cat jumped up on me and landed on my belly. To say the least, it hurt like hell and my cat used up one of her 9 lives with that move...lol. 

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