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Opening Day Weather


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Holy cow, I just checked my app and NOW it has an 80% chance of rain instead of 100% chance!!

I reckon I'll bring some Coppertone, just in case. :)


I've already heard several people calling the day off due to rain. I just agree with them and keep my mouth shut...the less hunters in the woods tomorrow the more unpressured birds to play with!!!

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I'm sitting in a blind thankfully but it's pouring rain. Had 6 gobblers going at it on the roost. Silent on fly down. Heard shots from the neighboring farm about a half mile over. Hoping that wasn't where my birds went! Haha. They gobbled like crazy this morning while roosted but I didn't get much of a response to my calls. O well. Here I sit until noon and tomorrow is another day

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I got a wet azz but had a little action. I booted two out of the trees as I walked in. That pissed me right off. Later I had Jake follow a hen right by me. I don't even know where they came from. No gobbles until about 730. I had one answer me from way across a plowed field. He finally popped out of the hedgerow with two hens. They all eventually made their way down along the wood line and out of sight. 

The rain really stared to pick up at around 830 so I punched out. Back at it tomorrow 

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Well about 30 mins after my last post of sitting in the blind listening to the wind and rain I had some excitement! I started throwing out a few yelps every couple mins out of boredom and all of sudden I think I'm hearing gobbles. Sure enough a few more yelps later and there's 3 of them coming towards me. This went on for another 20 mins. Gobbling to every noise I made on my slate call. 2 of the 3 stayed about 50 yards out on the other side of some thick stuff and couldn't make eye contact. The third one came within 15 yards of my shooting lane but hung up. He was coming down a mowed path that runs into the little field I was setup in. He wouldn't come to the edge of the field though and I don't think he could see my decoys that were off to the left a bit. My blind is almost in line with the mowed path so I could just see him through some brush, he just needed to walk a little farther out and I could of taken a shot with my bow. He stood there gobbling his head off in and out of full strut for 15 mins before finally wandering off with the other 2 who gobbled in the background the whole time. Such a frustrating moment but it sure got the blood pumping!! This all happened around 11am. I'm glad I decided to stick it out and stay in the blind till 12!

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