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What happened to the Xbow inclusion thread?

Steuben Jerry

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3 hours ago, wooly said:

Dude- I think you need a "time-out"

Take a break and catch your breath.

With every post you make here it's becoming clearer that your brain isn't getting enough oxygen.

It's pretty obvious at this point that having an intelligent conversation with you here is NOT going to happen. Quit chittin' up the threads you don't know the first thing about and go try to dream up another new silly topic to pretend to feel so strongly about.

You're bouncing off the walls here like a damn pre-schooler with a sugar buzz!

(What time out look) you and all the other guys who want xbow in all of archery unless your handicapped don't have the strength to draw  a bow for some reason .

Is only for 2 reasons either your not very good with your bow  . 

Or you just want a more efficient way to kill deer in archery  one that is  more like hunting with a gun . 

That's why everyone of you xbow guys will thro those xbows in the trash as soon as  they  legalize airbows in ny .

So simple.  I'm not  trying to insult anyone but it is what it is . Why be dishonest about it .

I would make a exemption in the law for older Hunters over 65 you can use a xbow all archery. 

Maybe one for kids to .

That's  it .




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45 minutes ago, LJC said:

(What time out look) you and all the other guys who want xbow in all of archery unless your handicapped don't have the strength to draw  a bow for some reason .

Is only for 2 reasons either your not very good with your bow  . 

Or you just want a more efficient way to kill deer in archery  one that is  more like hunting with a gun . 

That's why everyone of you xbow guys will thro those xbows in the trash as soon as  they  legalize airbows in ny .

So simple.  I'm not  trying to insult anyone but it is what it is . Why be dishonest about it .

I would make a exemption in the law for older Hunters over 65 you can use a xbow all archery. 

Maybe one for kids to .

That's  it .




I support full inclusion. I'm 65 and hunt with a recurve. The type of bow you are too lazy to learn to use - why be dishonest about it?

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9 minutes ago, SteveB said:

I support full inclusion. I'm 65 and hunt with a recurve. The type of bow you are too lazy to learn to use - why be dishonest about it?

I'm not I said that in a previous post I also said recurve should go even before compound bow in archery .

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3 hours ago, LJC said:

I'm not I said that in a previous post I also said recurve should go even before compound bow in archery .

Get rid of the bows that started the bow seasons. The ones that fed and protected man for 1000's of years. All because you are too lazy to learn to use one. Piece of work.

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Guys - why keep wasting time fighting it? It's gonna happen sooner or later. I believe 30+ other states already allow it. Get over it.

Compound is superior to Recurve. Inline ML is superior to flintlock.

Times change......either buy a xbow or don't. It shouldn't affect you. Hunt however you want. Some like treestands, some don't. Some like scents, some don't.

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I started archery with a 45# recurve I borrowed...took a 7pt buck a year later and needed to buy a new bow for I was hooked. The one I borrowed was 50 yrs old with a new string I bought, but the archery guy helping me suggested It could be too old to use any more. I went to a Hoyt compound and for 15 yrs I shot a lot of deer...still using fingers and no sights...The only advantage was speed. I say this because I could hold that 45# recurve a good long time..I practiced doing so. Going to the 50 # compound didn't change that. Then because  deer search suggested the Hoyt was too slow a bow and I lost a monster buck due to a uncertain shot, having to call them for tracking...It was picked up by a local I found out a year later. So I bought the bow I have now,  but I had to go to a release ,still no sights. The speed is great and shots are longer but 49#'s  I can still hold a long time. It's been a progression. 

Now as many know, I wasn't thrilled in the least about crossbows when this whole thing started years ago...My main thing was inclusion would be screwed up and dang! sure enough the DEC stepped in it. But I was in Gander with a lot of points and happened to pick one up just to see what everyone was really talking about. I had given my opinion ,lets say blindly, for I'd never even held one. I went into Gander to buy a 10.00 card reader and walked out with a 400.0 crossbow setup. The first hunt I hated it. missed a doe  but it was bulky and heavy. I now have gotten use to it and taken a couple of deer. It is crazy fast and powerful . That said, it doesn't leave me with the satisfaction my compound does. I would love to go back to a recurve and have thought hard on it, but a bad shoulder will keep me from putting out the funds..and age. Though I'm thinking that River and I will be working on him starting out with a recurve. Honing the skills needed to get to becoming a good archer.  Then he can start his own progression.

Lets hope he has any seasons to do so.


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2 hours ago, SteveB said:

Get rid of the bows that started the bow seasons. The ones that fed and protected man for 1000's of years. All because you are too lazy to learn to use one. Piece of work.

I have a recurve xbow 

How do you feel about this 

I also have a recurve 

But I still like different seasons. 

Anyway anything that makes state more money is what the state will do .


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3 hours ago, SteveB said:

Get rid of the bows that started the bow seasons. The ones that fed and protected man for 1000's of years. All because you are too lazy to learn to use one. Piece of work.

We used a spear first if you want to really go back in time some states have a spear season  should we ? 


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On 10/28/2016 at 5:03 PM, wolc123 said:

The last I saw, it was running in favor of full inclusion vs leaving it the way it is now by about a 2:1 margin.  I can only assume that did not fit someone's agenda so they made it go away.   The truth is a difficult thing to hide but the loosing side is so desperate to hold the line they will try just about anything at this point.  


Well this is a pretty,biased base. Most people,on this site are pretty dedicated hunters

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23 hours ago, stoneam2006 said:



Lol no one here is saying rifles should be in bow season we are saying crossBOW should be in bow season

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Exclusion is exclusion whether you are trying to keep crossbows out of the season or shotguns or rifles or pistols or spears or whatever. As each new weapon is tossed into the bowhunting catch-all, and the success rates continue to climb, the question has to be occurring to more than just me, "Is there really a valid reason that those using these bundles of new weapons in bow seasons really needing all the disruptive and antagonistic opportunities of special privilege with special seasons and special relaxation of regulations". Every time you create special seasons, you get special envy. Every time this special envy rears it's ugly head, those that are excluded trying to cram their way in. And you start hearing charges of selfishness and elitism. It just seems to be human nature. And it has already been suggested and in some cases accepted, that muzzleloaders should also be included in the same timeframe as bow season. So, why are we being so selfish against shotguns and rifles. You see every time you select one weapon as being eligible, you automatically have to exclude others. And regardless of what weapon you personally favor, you are automatically being selfish with your exclusion of others. And so I repeat if you are so completely sold on not being selfish and exclusionary, when are you going to begin advocating allowing the rifle hunters into "your" new bow season when full inclusion starts?

The crossbow advocates are so fond of predicting the future of crossbow inclusion, let me do a bit of predicting of my own. It is just a matter of time before the majority of hunters decide that this special season no longer has any valid reason for remaining separate, and the ultimate in being unselfish will occur. It will be funny listening to those crossbow advocates railing about the intrusions of muzzleloaders and shotguns and rifles.

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23 hours ago, brownclown said:

Really? Deer respond and act completely different come orange army time. After having a few rounds fired at them they change behavior drastically from my experience. What is wrong with having a short period of time for those who like to experience deer in a more natural state. What I don't get is why all the demand to be included? No one is excluding you from bow season. Simply get a bow and join in . After all as your fellow gun Hunters will say it easy. Anyone could do it. Hardly any skill or practice needed.

Why have you decided that the rifle shooters do not deserve to have "a short period of time for those who like to experience deer in a more natural state". Maybe they would enjoy hunting in the warmer fall conditions.With a tongue-in-cheek delivery, I am sarcastically suggesting that with all these selfish and elite charges being leveled against bowhunters, how are all the crossbow advocates being any less selfish and elite by keeping firearms people out of "their" season. Drop the special season stuff, and return peace and harmony and the spirit of sharing to the hunting community. Isn't that what the crossbow advocates were saying to bowhunters? "Let us in or you're selfish, exclusionary and elitist" ..... I'm pretty sure that is what I have been hearing from the crossbow advocates. What is going to be the attitude from the crossbow crowd when the muzzleloaders and other firearms people begin that same mantra. I think I already know.

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50 minutes ago, wolc123 said:

Well at least that poll showed (for the brief time we had it) that the selfish elitists are going to have a tough time preventing full inclusion.   Even the bowhunters who frequent this site support it by a 2:1 margin.    

Nobody is being elitists if you want to hunt bow season just get a bow and learn how to use it like everyone else .very simple . I have a bow and crossbow  and guns . I don't mind waiting  to us then in the difference seasons  . Because I learned how to use them both . But I will definitely use the crossbow for that season . And I definitely will switch to gun in that season.  The way it should be . I don't understand what the argument is all about really.  Only reason archery gets  a longer season in the first places is because it's harder to hunt with one then anything else studies show bows have  little  impact on the deer populations in new york state  from what I have read .

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Well at least that poll showed (for the brief time we had it) that the selfish elitists are going to have a tough time preventing full inclusion.   Even the bowhunters who frequent this site support it by a 2:1 margin.    

If you were one half of the godly man that you claim to be you certainly wouldn't be calling names and judging others the way you do.

For you to call other that have different ideas than you selfish is ridiculous.

By the way I think you are lazy and a fake.

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31 minutes ago, Doc said:

Why have you decided that the rifle shooters do not deserve to have "a short period of time for those who like to experience deer in a more natural state". Maybe they would enjoy hunting in the warmer fall conditions.With a tongue-in-cheek delivery, I am sarcastically suggesting that with all these selfish and elite charges being leveled against bowhunters, how are all the crossbow advocates being any less selfish and elite by keeping firearms people out of "their" season. Drop the special season stuff, and return peace and harmony and the spirit of sharing to the hunting community. Isn't that what the crossbow advocates were saying to bowhunters? "Let us in or you're selfish, exclusionary and elitist" ..... I'm pretty sure that is what I have been hearing from the crossbow advocates. What is going to be the attitude from the crossbow crowd when the muzzleloaders and other firearms people begin that same mantra. I think I already


What about us shotgun hunter s 


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11 minutes ago, LJC said:

......studies show bows have  little  impact on the deer populations in new york state  from what I have read .

Try telling that to the DEC who wanted bowhunters to balance the doe population single-handedly in a few of the over populated WMUs (or else!). They even threatened to turn the muzzleloaders loose on us if we failed.

Sorry, I know that comment was totally off-topic, but I couldn't help myself.......lol.

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Actually the studies show that it is most of the NY bow hunters who have little impact on the deer population. Theh seem to do a good job in other states.

             It is not just the gun  hunters who want full inclusion of crossbow. More then one bow hunter on here has stated they wanted it. And I haven't  seen a crossbow advocate say bring in crossbow but keep gun out. Guns are not even the topic here.

                 Some old guy saying that letting compound bow in to archery will pave the way for other things 60 years ago means nothing. If it happened within a couple years of them saying that then sure they were right. Crossbows being added 60 years later is not them predicting. That is like the cable company saying they will have a guy at your house between 9 and 5 tomorrow. Sure he is going to show up but giving him all day to do it doesn't make him on time.

                 I wonder how the hunters in other states dealt with the ending of there hunting when crossbows were introduced in there states. Oh wait it didn't  end the hunting in fact those states seem to being well. Just hold your breath things will be OK the world will not come to an end just yet.

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38 minutes ago, Doc said:

Try telling that to the DEC who wanted bowhunters to balance the doe population single-handedly in a few of the over populated WMUs (or else!). They even threatened to turn the muzzleloaders loose on us if we failed.

Sorry, I know that comment was totally off-topic, but I couldn't help myself.......lol.

Yea but in a lot of those places there is less forest almost 0 farmland more houses  per sq mile only in those areas does it have a impact like westchester. And even there they had to make the season longer lol  

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Try telling that to the DEC who wanted bowhunters to balance the doe population single-handedly in a few of the over populated WMUs (or else!). They even threatened to turn the muzzleloaders loose on us if we failed.
Sorry, I know that comment was totally off-topic, but I couldn't help myself.......lol.

That being said xbow would no doubt increase kills. So are we as a group wiling to risk muzzle season before bow instead of allowing zbow their shot at helping the cause

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6 minutes ago, stoneam2006 said:


That being said xbow would no doubt increase kills. So are we as a group wiling to risk muzzle season before bow instead of allowing zbow their shot at helping the cause

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I think you xbow guys are shooting yourself in the foot .  I can guarantee you that will make it that much harder for you to hunt in gun season if this happens the deer will be spooked that much more . And every crossbow guy gun hunts so it will effect you negatively

Anyway . At least that's the way I look at it . Which would you rather have a longer xbow season that is still not going to give you a great chance to shoot a big buck as a gun or a harder gun season .

My point is you will make it harder to hunt in either season really because a xbow does not have nearly the effective range or kill power of any gun not even close . 

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I think you xbow guys are shooting yourself in the foot .  I can guarantee you that will make it that much harder for you to hunt in gun season if this happens the deer will be spooked that much more . And every crossbow guy gun hunts so it will effect you negatively
Anyway . At least that's the way I look at it . Which would you rather have a longer xbow season that is still not going to give you a great chance to shoot a big buck as a gun or a harder gun season .
My point is you will make it harder to hunt in either season really because a xbow does not have nearly the effective range or kill power of any gun not even close . 

My point is you will make it harder to hunt in either season really because a xbow does not have nearly the effective range or kill power of any gun not even close . 

This right here is why xbows belong in bow season thanks for agreeing. Not the same.

And deer hunting is not hard especially with a gun if you do your part are patient and scout deer are everywhere. I know some places are better than others trust me I hunt one of the lowest dmp sections in the so tier. But even if I go all season without seeing a buck come late muzzle I can kill a doe. I'm not worried about making it harder I'm worried about hunting dieing as a tradition and I'm worried about some of the people who can't bow hunt for one reason or another I'm not selfish I'm not elitist I'm a hunter I'm a bowhunter. And I'd love to see more people enjoy the season that me and so many others enjoy. I do not want guns in bow season I do not want an early muzzle loader season I do not want to see the state cull deer with snipers I want xbows to have thier chance at helping and have their time in the woods with the rest of us.

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57 minutes ago, stoneam2006 said:


My point is you will make it harder to hunt in either season really because a xbow does not have nearly the effective range or kill power of any gun not even close . 

This right here is why xbows belong in bow season thanks for agreeing. Not the same.

And deer hunting is not hard especially with a gun if you do your part are patient and scout deer are everywhere. I know some places are better than others trust me I hunt one of the lowest dmp sections in the so tier. But even if I go all season without seeing a buck come late muzzle I can kill a doe. I'm not worried about making it harder I'm worried about hunting dieing as a tradition and I'm worried about some of the people who can't bow hunt for one reason or another I'm not selfish I'm not elitist I'm a hunter I'm a bowhunter. And I'd love to see more people enjoy the season that me and so many others enjoy. I do not want guns in bow season I do not want an early muzzle loader season I do not want to see the state cull deer with snipers I want xbows to have thier chance at helping and have their time in the woods with the rest of us.

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If you thought a xbow  was as hard to learn as a  bow then you would just use a bow .

To  hunt all archery  season .

My point of it not being as easy as a gun is a different argument all together. 

Like comparing apples  to  oranges .

I believe alot of new hunters will get a surprise when they  actually  try to  hunt a deer with one just saying . But it is  definitely much easier then learning to shoot a bow . 



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