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How many veterans do we have on the forum and where and when did you serve..??...

I served in the USNR from 1970 to 1976...

I served 2 years active duty ( 1971-73) on The Destroyer Uss Moale ( DD-693)....

At that time we were home ported in Brooklyn, and then moved to the Destroyer piers at Fort Schuyler near the Throgs Neck Bridge...The Vietnam War was active at that time, but I never served in a combat zone ( unless you consider the neighborhood right outside the Brooklyn Naval Yard... :) ..)..

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My baby sister is in the USAF.

Lt. Col at McDill in Tampa, Fl.

My nephews are in the Army in Iraq, The USMC in Afghanistan, The Navy on a sub out of Pearl and my uncles were mostly Navy but one is USMC Lt.Col (ret) fighter pilot, WWII, Korea, Nam. 

My son wanted USMC but an ear problem DQ'd him.

I did my time in DC at Naval Research Labs & Naval Surface Weapons Lab.

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USAF 1964 - 1968  (Served 3 yrs, 11 mos, 26 days... but who's counting?).  Got lucky and did not serve in Nam... but felt 'guilty' for not doing so for many years - not any more.  10% Service-Connected Disability - Hearing Loss & Tinnitus

Stationed at: PEASE AFB - Portsmouth, NH

                  RAMEY AFB - Puerto Rico

                  CHARLESTON AFB - South Carolina

My Father was at Pearl Harbor on the morning of 12/7/1941 - US Army - Scoffield Barracks

My Brother served 4 years in the USAF

My Son-in-law is a MSgt (First Shirt) in the USAF - 21 years

My Grandson is an A1C in the USAF


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USMC 1982-83 Commisioned as 2nd Leu. in fall of '82.. move on to Navy flight school in Pennsicola, Fla in early '83.. was disqualified after 2 weeks for having a missing left pectoral muscle... I hid it during my entry physical and managed to keep it hidden throughout boot camp in Quantico... but a doctor finally noticed it during a routine physical at flight school and disqualified me on the spot... I was on a bus home the following morning. I spenta year trying to get a waiver through my local congressman, but to no avail. gave up after I got married in 1984

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Got drafted in 1966, enlisted in USAF to learn a skill.

Normal recruiter BS promises, got to basic and only available jobs were in Munitions (bomb dump).

Lucked out! Amid all the orders to Viet Nam, went to Germany for 3 years.

Served from '66 to '70, got out!

Lost 3 very close high school buddies who fought in Viet Nam!! Heart goes out to their memory!

Deepest respect to all that serve(d) and especially those that made the ultimate sacrifice!!!!!!

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Check this out


The guy was 110.

Very interesting read...

God bless the old gent...

When I was growing up in the 50s and 60s, there were still a few WWI vets around.. They were old THEN... ;D ...One old fellow who lived down the road from my Dad's farm served in Europe and was part of the occupation forces in Germany immediately after the surrender..  I used to love to hear his stories..He was a farm boy and going overseas was the biggest thing that ever happened to him..

My paternal Grandfather served in WWI as a 2nd Lieutenant in the infantry... He was a rather colorful old fart ... He claimed that he killed several Huns with his bayonet...

He was a retread in WWII... He served stateside as a Captain in the MPs...

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USAR 1982-88

Served in Troop C 9th Cav as a 4 deuce mortar gunner (From Wiki) On 1 February 1964, Troop C, 9th Cavalry was activated as an armored cavalry troop assigned to the US Army Reserve, assigned to the 157th Infantry Brigade (Mechanized). Initially activated in Bristol, PA, on 31 January 1966, it was later moved to Wilkes-Barre, PA. The troop continued to serve with the 157th Infantry Brigade (Mech) until deactivation on 20 August 1995.[3]

Also served in the 814th Supply/repair parts in Hazleton,not sure if it is there anymore.

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