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holy friggen kidney stone/new appreciation for my wife


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I didn't measure the stone I "passed" (to be honest, I didn't pass it, it got stuck half in/half out of the "baby maker" and my wife had to fish it out!) but I say this......picture a hunk of Captain Crunch cereal.  No kidding!

Had lithotripsy a couple times and that was a walk in the park. :)

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16 minutes ago, Jeremy K said:

How does one build a kidney stone ? Did any of you that had them have the doctor tell you to do X or Y to reduce the chances of it happening again ? 

Chances are good if you had one you'll have another.

I think coffee, soda and lack of water are contributors??  My poor 19 year old daughter has had a half dozen or so, it's a bummer watching her in so much pain.........

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I've had 2 , about a year apart.
The worst part was going to the emergency room and the doctor saying, "I think you have a kidney stone". I said no shit, he ordered me some drugs, then left. Then sends me a bill in the mail for $700.

Sent from my SM-G900T3 using Tapatalk

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I feel for you pal. I've had too many experiences with kidney stones to count. Had all the different procedures, lithotripsy, lasers & stents. I'm breaking out in cold sweats writing this reply!

I did 2 mountain goat hunts in BC with kidney stones. Drink lots of water with lemon juice, the acid in the juice helps to counteract the calcium build up of the stone. Hope you pass the fragments without too much discomfort.



Edited by catskillkid
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This stuff is scaring the crap out of me. I have a 4mm stone that showed on my recent lung, abdominal ct scan and wonder if this will pass. My oncologist just made mention of the stone to me as a secondary result on the ct scan, as i was there for cancer recurance check. Is a 4mm stone considered small, and can I pass it out if I drink a lot of fluids? I don't have any pain from this, and I don't want any from what I am reading here!

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10 hours ago, greg54 said:

This stuff is scaring the crap out of me. I have a 4mm stone that showed on my recent lung, abdominal ct scan and wonder if this will pass. My oncologist just made mention of the stone to me as a secondary result on the ct scan, as i was there for cancer recurance check. Is a 4mm stone considered small, and can I pass it out if I drink a lot of fluids? I don't have any pain from this, and I don't want any from what I am reading here!

                  I have had almost 50. Only procedure ever needed was having a few blasted. The rest passed on there own. Once that baby starts to move you will think the Lord hates you. With experience I am able to tell I have one getting ready to move through the ureter tube about 3 days before it starts to hurt. That is the tube from kidney to bladder. Once that happens you are in for a world of hurt. If you are lucky it will never get bigger and stay where it is. But odds are it will move. Good luck

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14 hours ago, Jeremy K said:

How does one build a kidney stone ? Did any of you that had them have the doctor tell you to do X or Y to reduce the chances of it happening again ? 


lots of factors , google it you will get tons of info. I think mine is I switched to a higher protien diet    ( that I have lost 30 lbs on) but it may have caused it. Damed if you do damned if you don't . Thing that gets me is I drink lots of water,water is all I drink beside a beer every now and again ,plus I do a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before every meal and that's supposed to help with stones . but I still got one. 

Edited by rob-c
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Look up low oxalate diets is what I was told. Unfortunately, everything has oxalate in it, it seems but some foods have lower amounts which help prevent stones from forming. Coffee, soda, teas, nuts are all contributing factors but not the main ones. Diet change and water with lemon as mentioned above are suppose to help keep you flushed so to speak.

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1 hour ago, Zem18 said:

Look up low oxalate diets is what I was told. Unfortunately, everything has oxalate in it, it seems but some foods have lower amounts which help prevent stones from forming. Coffee, soda, teas, nuts are all contributing factors but not the main ones. Diet change and water with lemon as mentioned above are suppose to help keep you flushed so to speak.

I was eating lots of nuts , I think this was the major contributing factor. 

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21 hours ago, Jeremy K said:

How does one build a kidney stone ? Did any of you that had them have the doctor tell you to do X or Y to reduce the chances of it happening again ? 

I get mine because my body absorbed most of th err liquid I put in in. For me not enough flow through the kidneys lets things build. Kind of like a river with low water. It deposites things then water goes up it flushes them out. I have to drink about 2.5 to 3 gallons of fluid a day and still do my get normal amount of urin flow. Everyone is different though.

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  • 9 months later...

yeah i took my brother inlaw to pass his.They put him in a tub of some kind of gel and knocked him out and hit him with sound waves. when he got up the nurse hands him a screen and say when you go do it into the screen. he goes in the bathroom and SCREAMED  i mean like loud and the nurse say yep it worked he passed his stone. When he came out it looked like sand and little pebbles in the screen. sorry paula i know too much info 

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I was never a "water drinker" . After 3 procedures in several years I started keeping track of water and drinking less coffee . My wife bought a FITBIT for me last fall . I have it synced with my phone and keep track of the water intake . I havn't felt any pain in the kidney area in a while and trying to keep the kidneys flushed out so I don't get any more of the kidney pain . Dilly Dilly !

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On 4/27/2017 at 8:55 AM, letinmfly said:

7mm you sissy!!  Lol  I had one that was 2cm!!!  Just busting your chops Rob cause no matter how small they are they hurt like an SOB!!!!!!!   They had to shatter mine and BTW there's no way in HECK anyone is going in through my baby maker. 

Why didn't they offer to do a Lithotripsy?  That's how they shattered mine. 

I didn't put the tape to the stone my wife retrieved as it got stuck at the exit point (yes, just where you're thinking) but it looked like it came from a box of Cap'n Crunch cereal.  It went into a bag for show & tell at the doctors office the next day. 

An noted by others, it IS a special kind of pain. Hope things get squared away rob-c.

Oh yea, I had lithotripsy a couple times and it seemed to work ok.  Easy as pie for the patient too. 

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