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Seeing spotter Fawns


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When a fawn walks directly beneath your tree stand during archery season you can often still see the feint spots beneath their newly formed coat.  So I am guessing that means the old hair has not fallen out at that point.  I don't know when they actually lose this hair but I suppose two coats of hair is warmer than one.  This is probably an advantage for deer of smaller body mass.  This is just speculation on my part, guess we would need a deer biologist to chime in.


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33 minutes ago, chrisw said:

I see 1.5yr old deer each season with a faint row of white spots running along their spine also.

I think it was 3 years ago I kept seeing a buck with spots down his spine all through October.

I finally killed him on opening day of regular season but his spots were gone... or maybe I just forgot to look for them.

I never made the connection that it was the same deer until later in the season looking back on my pictures.

My guess was he was 2.5 yo. You can see the spots down his spine in the live photos

SPOTS1.pngSPOTS3.pngSPOTS 2.png


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