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New York offers so much


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tommyc50.. I hunted the Putnam County coop quite a bit...I THINK that I still have a map of it. I remember having the info on the Duchess Co. coop, but don't remember if I hunted there.  Did you hunt there too ?

The Long Island coop was just called "RIDGE" as I recall.

I coon hunted, on Long Island, in many areas that are now neighborhoods, but I'm pretty sure that there are some "hound" guys around still coon hunting on the Island.

I can drive 20 minutes north to  striper/bluefish/etc. fish in my kayak in very productive waters . I can drive 20 minutes south and fish, or hang out on the south shore beaches...

Waterfowling has more restrictions these days, but is available within 1/2 hr. of my home. (I've had law enforcement called about me waterfowling on more than one occasion )

Oh yeah, almost forgot.. I have  stocked trout streams and and lakes  close to my house, and found a Largemouth bass/pickerel lake in recent years that produces some really nice fish, and almost no one knows about it...

There are , of course,  MANY upstate areas to hunt/fish/ etc. which are too numerous to mention. Also, there is almost nothing as beautiful as our Adirondacks




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Ya I like it here , as most say about where they live ..., nice lakes ok mountains ( nothing like out West) the cost of living , taxes and politics suck big time, as does winters . I can't imagine old folks trying to live here in the winter where a slip on ice to the mail box can and is fatal .

My sister pays 20k a year in property taxes , her son in Tenn. who has a bigger house pays 2k , I tell her she would save 18k a year just by moving 800 miles .

The Mrs is retried and I'm done next May, she wants to move for good, with the kids here I plan on keeping some roots , but if one is going to winter in a free state might as well make it 6 months plus a day to make your residence in a state with no income tax and your property tax is like $800 a year .

oh and no snow is nice as well. If for some reason I felt the need to hunt NY I can come back for a week and kill 3 or 4 and call it a season , and head back to 75 degrees . I'll read about your hunting from my deck, in shorts and a tank top .  Cheers !

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Well I've lived in four states and visited most, fished all over, and stand by the idea that NY has the best variety of fishing around. Freshwater and saltwater you can fish for just about everything. There's certainly much better deer hunting out there but here isnt bad

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NY really does have such a wide range of habitat to hunt and fish in. We also have access to a lot of public land which is great for everyone. Sometimes i day dream about moving to states like Montana or Iowa, but a lot of those states don't have the diversity we do. The deer hunting is actually pretty good here...there are certainly many states that are worse. 

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NY is great for the overall diversity of the outdoors and so is New England.

But terrible for specific things.

Plus the taxes are insane and home prices are insane and the state govt simply makes it so hard to live here. If NY separated from NYC and their mindset then this would be the best place to live.

I'm retiring and moving to Ohio.

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Sethf11...   I have read a number of interesting articles regarding separation of NYC, or L.I. from upstate.  Some think that we should be 3 different States....There are groups on both sides of the issues... As I recall NYC reported that they spend  11 billion dollars more to the State than they get back. I believe that I had read that Wall Street contributes something like 19% to the State's budget..So upstate and Long Island would lose financially.

There are interesting articles on issues of separation. I can't verify which reports are accurate, but the reports do bring up some questions that would need to be answered.

My opinion is that upstate and downstate have a lot to offer each other and we are better off staying as one. Well, anyway, it'll NEVER happen...

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I like the state and have defended it both online and in person . But it's largely the physical state I like  , that is the land , and water . I grew up swimming and boating on Lake Ontairo , playing hockey on the bay, sucker spearing in the creeks , fishing ? A creek ran through my buddies yard and woods, in the '70's we built dams and a spring feed hachery  and caught trout in another creek, and stocked our own creek .

It's the cost of living , i.e. Taxes , the politics , the general unpleasantness of so ,many people . I smile , wave say hello to most folks I pass by and I'm lucky if I get a grunt back, I visit other states and everyone seems much more happy.

I truely feel NYC is perhaps the worlds greatest city, but I have little desire to ever go there again, truely feel sorry for my fellow FF's who ,have to,try to eek out a living there .

Leaving here in the winter and flying into FLA is like in the Wizzard Of Oz, when it goes from black and white to color . Dirty salt covered cars , brown and grey roads and yards to shiney bright cars ,green grass  and that bright thing up in the sky .....

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7 hours ago, gjs4 said:

Translated- I'm guessing many of the fine contributors to this thread are not in the know of what other areas may offer and that is why they're posting the positive sentiments they are.

Or it could be that we are just living a full, satisfying life right here in NYS and not always eyeballing the greener grass on the other side of the fence.

You can spend whole lifetimes dreaming about and chasing after utopia, but for me the right place to live is in the center of family and lifelong friends regardless of where that happens to be.

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I agree Doc...

I have traveled in as well as outside the U.S. In my travels I have worked with many people, and have friends who live in many of those areas. While I was working and in my 19 years of retirement I have even researched living in many places. My conclusion is that many places are great to visit, but New York is where I want to be.

I know MANY people who have left New York and are very happy and that's good for them, but not for me.


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Being Retired Military, I have lived and Hunted in California, South Carolina, Texas, Missouri, Indiana, Maine, and New York. If I had my choice I would Probably Retire in Missouri, ( 4 seasons, Lower Cost of living, nice Deer Hunting and Fishing), However I do love NY for its beauty and the wildlife, and like you all its the Cost of Living and the Taxes that really suck, however I can hunt Deer from Oct 1st to Jan 31st, I can fish the Finger lakes and catch just about anything my heart desires, and yes the winters are bad, but they are much easier to deal with then the winters from the 60's and 70's that I remember as a kid.

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I have lived in 5 states, hunted in 8 and I now live 150yds from the house I grew up in. New Yorks deer hunting sucks but other hunting is very good, fishing is very good. The taxes are terrible and the cost of living is even worse but what it boils down to for me is none of the other states are "home."

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One gets a whole different perspective when you are on vacation and a pocket full of freshly withdrawn money in your wallet. I don't place much stock in those kinds of assessments. Some of the most magnificent looking places happen to also have high unemployment rates, or low wages. Yes when you are on vacation, every place looks better than home....lol.

Those that have actually lived in different places have a better base of comparison. But even at that what may have been a great place to live when you were younger may not meet your needs when you get older. So it is very hard to make a complete comparison, don't you think?


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